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Hi all,

I’m 10 days GF after 10 years of compulsive gambling. I was fine up to today and hadn’t had any urges or felt any irritation t not gambling. It’s***t me today like a tonne of bricks though. I feel low and irritable. If I didn’t have all the blocks in place I know I would have placed a bet today.

I’m wondering if this sudden change in mood and sudden urges are the start of a withdrawal process? Can anyone that has been GF longer than me tell me if they experienced this? Does it last long? Do you get these feelings frequently etc?

I’ve struggled today and I feel I need to prepare myself mentally if this is going to be common.

Thanks! X

Posted : 7th January 2021 10:37 pm
Posts: 167

Good evening,

I am into my 82nd day of being GF & the feelings you are experiencing are the same that I got & I am sure all of us get.
The headaches, anxiety, cold sweats & sleepless nights.

The first few weeks are the hardest, our body is going through a withdrawal, a loss of something that has been a massive part of our lives for a long period of time.
It does get better, but you must replace that loss with a new positive mindset, a different activity or thought. Or a thought of whats important in your life....your family maybe.

Keep fighting  

Posted : 7th January 2021 10:54 pm
Posts: 54


Congratulations on 10 days gf!!

I would just like to add to the above reply which hit me like a tonne of bricks, nearly made me cry and ashamed and luckily only happened twice but felt so real, you may experience dreams (nightmares when in recovery).

I am unsure of your gambling addiction but mine was football bets and blackjack!

My first dream was of a slot machine (I hardly played slots) I woke, felt ashamed, felt as if I may have been weird or not mentally stable. As soon as the group chat opened I went on, built the courage and asked "is dreams normal" all 4 people that was on at that time said they had exactly the same!!

So just be prepared for that but hopefully it don't happen for ya and most importantly stay strong. 

You can do this and everyone here will support you!!


All the best in your recovery 



Posted : 8th January 2021 12:54 am
Posts: 8
Topic starter

Thank you for the replies. It means a lot to me, and I’m sure all of us, that this active forum exists for support and advice.

It is reassuring to hear that others have experienced the same and gotten through it.

I know I need to replace the gambling with something positive, but at the moment everything just feels a bit pointless and hopeless. Hopefully that fog lifts soon though.


Posted : 8th January 2021 8:54 am
Posts: 55

Hello mate

I’m now 10 months gamble free and gambled over the course of 10 years. You will feel strange, gambling becomes part of you and it’s like a drug and you will think about it, and you will think about that buzz and how you can fill that void.

I know with covid we are truly limited from being able to do a lot of things, but try to keep busy, go for a walk/cycle to burn some energy, it works wonders for your mind and I’m far from that spiritual kinda person haha. As the weeks pass you will feel better.

Stay strong buddy and keep in touch on here.

Posted : 8th January 2021 11:30 am
Posts: 147

Afternoon all,

Rewards for quitting gambling 

Thankyou for sharing your story. If you get lost in the world of gambling, please read this again, again and again. 

1. The first benefit you notice is that you sleep better at night.

Generally, people gamble at nights- ridiculous hour in the morning to get that dopamine hit. The burden of how much they losr in session of gambling etc. 

2. Time

You get plenty of time to do other things. It could be work, business or pleasure. Or spend it with families, friends etc. 

3. That lossing feeling

That feeling as if someone has punched you in the stomach is no longer revisited.  

4. Stability- financially and emotionally 

You know that there is enough money to pay for bills, food, entertainment etc. In term of emotion, you'll become more open and honest with closed ones, other half etc.

5. Life is incredibly dull

Life is, generally, boring- which is a good thing. In contrast, the dopamine hits that gambling gives you- going on the roller-coaster ride. Try to embrace and enjoy the smaller highs that life has to offer; simpler and slower of entertainment such as read a novel, taking a walk, gym, are not as exciting as gambling. However, you know where you stand emotionally and financially. 

I hope this helps.

Stay sane, safe, calm and take one step at a time

Ps a thousand mile begins with one step 

Posted : 8th January 2021 1:59 pm
Posts: 2148

Hi Tigercub.

Our moods do tend to ebb and flow and a gambling addiction is quite complex in how it works on us. It was a drug we became addicted to and a lot of people start gambling for an escape or high away from the anxiety or depression they feel about life.

I am totally clear now in understanding that gambling was a shot in the arm for me to initially try and soothe away my anxiety and money worries.. I was soon in a trance in that world and for a while it would bury other thoughts about lonliness and perceived failure

Only I was a delusional addict for the chemical rush which just added another mental health issue and the process of gambling was destroying me...just like any highly dangerous class A drug.

It also works on the dangerous level that the mind plays on the expectation that its got to come right.. the the hurt will be over.......that its my day based on nothing but fantasies about lady luck, lucky clover and false notions that I am due some money back after giving them so much.

It doesnt work like that though as you well know...same cold odds... same scam..same mugs game...just a tax on the poor and a tax on hopeless desperation

A recovery process is about doing the cold turkey to face life without the drug of gambling.

When you heal it becomes clearer and then crystal clear that gambling was never the answer.

Look the truth us I still get days when bills arrive all at once and I feel insecure about my job and life itelf. I Dont run from it now though and I have to live my life with the dont worry be happy outlook...quite hard for somebody that has a glass half empty personality but I work on it...lol

I have found a serenity in facing the truth and enjoying the simple pleasures in life. We build false notions about what we think we deserve from life. I channel my energy into something I can do with my life...not on seeking drugs and false idols.

So you will get mood swings but talk things through and dont even be afraid to get a health checkup and counselling.  There is no shame in talking though and thinking about your core feelings

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

This post was modified 4 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 8th January 2021 3:44 pm
Posts: 120

Tiger thanks for the this post I've been having same and it's great to hear some of the feed back joydivider that was some cracking feedback pal

Posted : 8th January 2021 8:20 pm

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