1year GF it can be done!

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Good evening everyone:)

I cannot believe how quickly this last year gone and how many changes I experienced when completely Gamble Free:)

First of all when I go to do basic food shopping I do not need to worry if £10will be enough or if my card will be rejected as not sufficient money on my account.I feel like human again not some beggar or looser.

I found a job and my confidence had grown.

I started my driving licence lessons eventhough I'm 41-but I was always reluctant and too busy with everyday gambling for the last 11years:(

What is the most important is the fact that I don't runaway from my problems anymore.I face them.

I'm not I'm some freaking trance,illusion-I'm present in my life,my thinking is clearer,decisions made with attention.I used to be a zombie-and I cannot believe it lasted over 11years-such a waste of life.

As I mentioned in the beginning during this 1year of abstinence from gambling so many good thing happened.

How had I've done it?

I just simply had enough-I was exhausted from living from 1game to another,from creating the lies,from borrowing money from friends,from eating and wearing cheap items and list goes on...

It can be done and trust me after the first 2-3weeks the urges will lessen.Now I hardly think about my favourite slot-which used to have a priority over the time with my family etc.

I wish you all the best.If you have more specific question I'm happy to reply to help you to regain your life back.

Posted : 16th October 2021 5:40 pm
Posts: 328

Hi, great post and welcome to the one year club. Like you say, it's amazing how different we feel without this millstone around our necks. Onwards and upwards 🙂

Posted : 16th October 2021 7:16 pm
Posts: 33
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@Bladesman Congratulations for your amazing score over 400GF✨??

Hopefully our testimonials can inspire someone that there is a light in the end of the tunnel and life can be good again)

Best wishes?


Posted : 16th October 2021 8:07 pm
Posts: 328

Thanks, totally agree, 1 week away from 500 days. This forum really keeps me grounded reading the stories everyday of people just starting their journeys reminding me I never want to go back there. Like you say, hopefully our successes can help people through knowing with hard work and support they too can move forward with their lives. No complacency, I will always be a recovering compulsive gambler but am determined to never gamble again

All the best

Posted : 16th October 2021 8:14 pm
Posts: 13

Congratulations on one year gamble free that's a massive achievement you should definitely be proud of yourself.

I'm 10 months gf today will meet you in the 1 year club December 17th.

For anyone that's wondering what life after gambling is like I'm currently sat in a beach front bar in La Barceloneta (Barcelona) enjoying a cold pint of Estrella  and am going to watch fc Barcelona play Valencia tonight at the Camp Nou.

I wouldn't of been able to afford for the plane ticket to get here one year ago, The point of this message is to serve as inspiration to anyone that reads this and reassure you it's worth it and life does get better in recovery.

I know that I'm a work in progress and this is a going to be a lifetime battle but anyone that's struggling keep at it, I spent nearly every penny I made from 18 to 31 on gambling and instead of beating myself up about that I try to use it as motivation that I can go through anything and come out the other side, if I can do it anybody can because there was a time when I felt defeated and now I'm genuinely enjoying recovery, good luck. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by CT_Reewired
Posted : 17th October 2021 12:08 pm
Posts: 33
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Thank you for being another  inspirational person who is the living proof that quality of life can be amazing-when we decided to give up gambling.

Enjoy your trip-a bit jealous ?

I'm looking forward to celebrate 1year of GF with you soon✨

Best wishes


This post was modified 3 years ago by Miafortuna
Posted : 17th October 2021 12:34 pm
Posts: 13


Thanks and not a problem.

Congratulations again on your year GF, I'll remember to report back when I get there ??

Posted : 17th October 2021 4:22 pm

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