Hi all,
So this has been on my mind for the last week or so.
I saw the trailer for "Trainspotting 2" last week. I was a big fan of the original, it was pretty much about drug addiction as some of you will know.
Anyway a line in the trailer from the choose life monologue goes like this..
"You're an addict, so be addicted. Just be addicted to something else. Choose the ones you love, choose your future, choose life".
I heard this and thought how true is this. But is it right to replace one addiction with another addiction? Even if that addiction is spending time with and looking after your loved ones?
I think that's quite an interesting question.
Looked after loved one obviously instinctively doesn't feel like it falls into the addiction category.
Excessive sugar consumption, video game playing definitely does. Going OTT on running for the endorphen buzz yes too.
I think it's helpful to consider whether what you are doing is in pursuit of your values/the person you want to be. Being with loved ones for most people fits squarely with their values (whether they've defined their values explicitly or not).
Running can be in line with the value of good health. But running can also be a pretty simple metaphor for running away from our struggles.
Me playing my guitar fits with my creativity, but if I'm playing my guitar to avoid pitching in with caring for my baby, that's very different.
Watching lots of TV or playing lots of FIFA is probably not really in line with any value.
So I think it in part comes down to what purpose any kind of behaviour serves. As with running, it could go either of two ways - it depends why you're doing it.
I suppose I'm thinking more about general unhealthy behaviour rather than addiciton. Addictive behaviour is linked to avoiding difficult emotions. So anything which is avoidance could be addictive (and avoidance comes in very sneaky, hidden forms).
I don't see any form of addiction to be good even if it's what I suppose you would call a healthy addiction.
What I understand addiction to mean is that it is behaviour which progresses so it unmanageable and becomes compulsive which then takes time away from your day to life like families, relationships and work.
That's my take a balanced life is the key I suppose.
I don't think we can just switch addiction off & someone way further along the recovery road than I said that finding something less harmful is deemed a transient addiction! I know I played crush games until my eyes wanted to bleed & read every single post new & old that I could get my hands on for a while!
Finding something healthier to occupy your mind can never be a bad thing in my mind.
I think what you mean is a positive addiction . Positive addiction enhances your standard of life. Where as a negative consumes your standard of life.
A positive addiction stays in a certain time frame ie one hour a day. Where as a negative would take control of your life
I believe that certain personality traits enhance addiction. I believe that by stopping gambling I will probably addict myself to something else. I believe it's a weakness in my make up and lack of learned coping skills
Affected by gambling?
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