Self exclusion

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Good morning all,

Hope youre all well.

I'm now 9 hours into day 3 and I'm still getting used to this whole attempt at a new me.

Just a brief chat about self exclusion with *** operators who own more than one casino or betting website. Excluding most of my accounts with these companies has been relatively straight forward, once you exclude one they give you the option to close all others.

However one that I've come accross is , they own / run a huge amount of casinos. Until I went onto there corporate page I realised I excluded an account with them at least 6 months ago, however since then I've had opened and spent money on at least 4 of their other sites.

I've sent an email to their CEO asking why this is the case as to me it seems extremely irresponsible if you'd already self excluded from one of their so called services.

Is this something others have come up against in the past? I'm not hiding from the fact it's my fault I sought to open the account, but really? It's that easy?


Posted : 20th April 2017 8:10 am
Posts: 0

Hi, I had the same issue with sites operated by *** they finally decided to email me months after I had opened another account operated by them and spent a large amount of money. It was a long process but they eventually refund for my deposits as they only picked up on me opening other accounts with them after winning a substantial amount of money. I agree it's my fault for not double checking but lots of other casinos use tight rules and precautions once you have self excluded with one of their sites.

Posted : 20th April 2017 6:51 pm
Posts: 0
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It's not great practice. *** tended to send me an email within 24 hours (which is still too late) but yeah.

This FSB is a new one to me, just assumed they were all independent.

I'll update when / if I've had an email back from them. I'll send the same email on a daily basis until there is a response. As I said not seeking money back, but if they can change there policy to stop already excluded people it can only help that person.

Posted : 20th April 2017 6:56 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6175

Hi Saj and Hopeful,

Thank you for your contribution here. While we would like to encourage your exchange of experience regarding the self exclusion process, we deem it against our Forum rules to name individual companies or providers here on this platform. I have therefore edited these out and hope that you understand.

You can find our Forum rules here

If you require further help with the self exclusion process or wish to bring this to the attention of regulators, you can always contact the RGA, Remote Gambling Association and the Gambling Commission:

Kind wishes


Posted : 21st April 2017 3:43 pm
Posts: 0
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Apologies Gabriele.

Had an email back from the customer services director today stating that they excluce account that they are licensed for not neccasarily the casinos etc they offer interfaces too.

Think I'll drop an email back to them and the gambling commission to clarify this, as it appears to be yet another loophole that people can then get sucked back in to.

Don't get me wrong myself and others need to take responsibly of our actions, but if you self exclude that should be it as far as I'm concerned.


Posted : 21st April 2017 11:26 pm
Posts: 2148

Hi saj1989.

Yes you will find that some operators arent exactly rushing around making sure the blocks are solid. Obviously it isnt their number one priority on a site that makes money from gamblers.

You couldn't have fully relied on them to do that. They have certain duties but wont extend blocks without you making it clear what you want them to do. After all they just wanted your money. They will only argue that you logged in.

Self exclusions do work and the onus is with us to make sure we are not welcome anymore. I found they drew a line under it for me but I was monitored and did have a back up plan if I felt any urges to try and skirt around them in any way.

Its probably easier doing local town blocks as they have to get the forms out whether they want to or not. Online requires even more strength to ensure you have blocking software as a solid backup.

Its best for now if you properly block and heal. taking on the CEO and the gambling commision is for later when you are calm and gamble free for a long while.

All this should just focus you on the reality. These gambling dens are far from your friends as you well know. Youve been paying their yacht insurance and I hope you see the light that your future is gamble free.

Im just saying that the confusion in the early stages can make you angry and want to take it all on at once. Block from everywhere you can think of in a calm way and install blocking software. Telling people close and monitoring of gadgets is also a good idea.

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

Posted : 29th April 2017 3:06 pm

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