I am a non religious person yet I was able to find a much healthy productive life with out causing my self less and less pains.
I like many people had given up all fath in my self, I thought that I was worthless.
I was even jealous and angry at people who finding much healthier lives.
I use to go to 3 or 4 meetings just to abstain from gambling.
The time the chair was open to any one and I would not volunteer to talk, then when meeting closed because I had not spoken I was angry
In time I found a meeting in North London that was very honest, some times to honest, I use to go from Kent to go to that meetings.
Why was that meeting so important to my recovery, it was very much abaout giving therapies talking about when we were emotionally vulnerable and then procesing it in a much healthier way.
As I got more honest my pains came out, my fears came out, my frustrations came out,
my procrastinating came out, as I got in to more therapies I got to understand how emotionally vulnerable I was.
I decided to arrive at meeting half an hour early, I was more relxed, I helped set up room, I cahtted lots more before meetings.
In time I Handed over all finances to my wife, that one healthy thing to do.
Money use to be a control issue for me.
Now I only carry small amounts of money on my person.
Money was never going to make me feel succesful in my self.
Money was never going to heal my pains.
Anger rage indicated that the hurt inner child nad not healed his pains.
Fear indicated that I had not faced or reduced my fears.
Living in my fears caused me to stress out over simple things.
Living in my high lelevs of fears caused me to go in to Panick where I was unable to make cear healthy decisions.
Each time I went back to my unhealthy reactions to people life and situations.
In time I would exchange my unhealthy reactions to people life and situations to a more stable way of thinking.
It takes time to not get angry.
It takes time to not get filled with hatred and resentments.
As I started to heal my deep seated pains I would became a much healthier person.
The addictions the obsessions just indicated how emotionally vulnerable I use to be.
Just for today I do not want or need to gamble.
It took lots of time to heal the hurt inner child in me.
Love healing and peace to every one.
Dave L
AKA Dave of Beckenham
Good evening Dave
You have movingly described the process of recovery from gambling. As well as the many vulnerabilities of people facing stopping gambling.
Everyone's journey is different. There are numerous forms of practical support available including support groups, peer support and one-to-one support from one of your specialist gambling practitioners.
Our helpline is open 24/7 so if you feel you need more support to stop gambling please don't hesitate to contact us and one of our fully trained advisors would be more than willing to take your call
Thank you
Thank you.
In the meetings we get to hear our self in other peoples therapies.
We get to understand our unhealthy reactions to life people and situations and get to exchange our unhealthy reactions.
Each time we go back to our addiction or swap over to another addiction or to Obsessions we get to understand we have not yet healed from the pains of our past.
I have lost count of the number of people who say their child hood was fine.
In time peeling back the onion my inner child was abale to cry and heal his pains.
Dave L
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