Day 4 as a gamblers wife

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Posts: 17
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Hey there me again, I think we're now on day 4. So far husbands been sticking to his promises, not that he really has much choice between the blocking software and under £1 in his account. I think now the shock has worse off the reality has finally hit me. I've been living on fight or flight for the past 4 days.

Today I've woke up full of anxiety. I don't know why I'm in the middle of sorting the mortgage arrears out and at the minute it all sounds like it's going well, however I just can't seem to shake it. I find myself shaking every time there's a knock at the door or a letter in the post. I'm really fighting to get out of bed and face the world today.

Is this normal? Is this my life now? I don't feel settled. 


Posted : 4th May 2024 10:49 am
Posts: 15

hi there I’m not really sure if this will help you but contact your local citizens advice for help they are fantastic I’m an ex gambler and got into a lot of debt and I came clean and contacted citizens advice they were fantastic no judgement helped me sort out a payment plan with all my debts I know it’s hard asking for help and having to say my partner is a gambler and this is the reason we are in this mess but there is help I’ve read stories from bank forums about people who have had this problem and they can help don’t suffer in silence I wish you well

Posted : 6th May 2024 9:52 am
Posts: 17
Topic starter

@oisecwz19j  hi there, thank you so much for your advice and it's definitely something I'll look into if it comes to it. The bank is currently working with me thankfully and I've an appointment with a mortgage advisor tomorrow once I've that in place I can then discuss the arrears repayments. I was honest with them and just explained the situation. Thankfully they've been understanding so I'm hopeful it'll all be sorted within 2 weeks.

It's the waiting for me that's the worst. More so because it's the house. I'm hoping once that's sorted I can feel a sense of normality again and my anxiety will settle down.

So sorry to hear you have suffered with this illness also and well done on asking for and receiving help. I'm sure it wasn't easy. It's so nice to hear recovery stories and that everything can be rebuilt 1 day at a time.

I wish you well on your journey.



Posted : 6th May 2024 1:32 pm
Posts: 15

It’s never easy with uncertainty I know full well the extent of addiction as I have also been on the other side myself but I got through it and ended up being addicted to gambling to block it out not realising the Damage it can cause until I got help I wish you well 

Posted : 6th May 2024 3:17 pm
Peer Supporter Patsy
Posts: 87

Hi Bumblebee  @oapwniz1f2

Just seen your post and completely understand your massive anxiety. I remember the feeling when you uncover the extent of financial damage and you do go into auto pilot. You will have put your feelings aside and not digested them initially as you get going to sort then immediate problem of mortgage arrears.

Listen to your emotions and go with them and seek help.

Keep talking to Gamcare and seek advice as others have suggested. You need not do this journey alone.






Posted : 14th May 2024 8:23 pm
Posts: 4

It's totally normal to feel anxious and unsettled given everything you're dealing with right now. Managing mortgage arrears and other stresses can trigger a lot of anxiety, especially when you're already on edge. Take things one step at a time, reach out for support when you need it, and remember that it won't always feel this overwhelming.

Posted : 17th June 2024 12:51 pm

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