How do I mend my heart?

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How do you heal a broken heart? How do you just stop loving someone you desperately want to love but can’t because they are dangerous to you. Dangerous to your heart, your mind, your future. How do you move on from all of the lies? How do stop replaying them in your head, discovering and investigating new ones again and again. Was every thing just a lie? Did you just use me? Was that all I ever was or is that just what I became? Why? Why addiction? Why has is ripped us apart and ripped out my heart? Why has it left me feeling scared of the overwhelming feelings inside my chest? Scared to love you because loving you hurts. Guilt of letting you go. How could I turn my back when you need me most? You're sick your sick but you’ve made me ill. My mind has no peace and I’m scared to feel. Switch it off and carry on. They say hate you , move on, be strong. That's enough about him the thief the P***k, he never will love you, he never did. Did you ever love me? I wondered this? Where our happiest moments just a trick. Walcing in the kitchen to our future wedding songs. Counting the kids we planned to come along. Cuddling on the sofa after I cooked us stew, watching films till late, having political and ethical debates , you singing in the car out of tune. Were these lies too? Did you mean what you promised did this just overtake you? Or did you promise to take because you knew how high I put you. Is it cus I cared too much? Is it because you know I did? Somehow without knowing did I make you more sick? How do I let go when all I want to do is call? I miss your voice . I mourn our dreams. How will you ever repay me? I gave you so much. So so so so much. All of it and more love. I thought you were stressed but not from this. Everything you lost you hid. Now when we talk it's all about you. How you don’t want to go on and threats that kill. You know you did wrong, lied to steal, but still can’t tap into how I feel? Its all about you the shame the guilt. I could go to the police but I won’t . They can’t protect me , its far too late. No justice will ever compensate. And you’ll loose job, do a couple of weeks, I’ll fear my safety because I know your anger speaks. I went to church Sunday to forgive. To try to understand what the devil did. I thought he was you for a moment. I was angry I gave you thousands and you’d blown it. Premeditated lies, days, months, hours, you were consistent. My mind is now wounded and I must be distance. Yet I want to run to you, I want you to kiss me and hold me and say you can fix this. You can’t. You’ve done it. My heart how do I mend my heart?

Posted : 26th March 2019 9:47 pm
Posts: 0

Crikey, that’s a lot of drama.

Possibly when you’ve had enough of drama and abuse, you might become ready to learn a better and healthier way to live? As ever, I would recommend GamAnon and CoDA meetings to learn how to take care of yourself, how to take responsibility for yourself and your choices, how to know yourself so that you can understand what you stand for, what’s good for you and what’s bad for you and on that basis, what you need and deserve. His recovery is his business but handing over money and endless emotional support to a practicing addict only allows the using to continue.


Posted : 26th March 2019 10:37 pm
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Yes a whole lot of drama I was never expecting . I never knew my ex was an addict . I had no idea. We had the perfect relationship I thought he was charming , fun , kind never shouted never abusive . I did not know the addict . During our relationship he made up various very convincing crisis that I and my family financially helped with . None of these it turned out to be true . I discovered he’d made up whole people with whole lives that never existed. None of us could of fathomed they were lies as they went on for months . I just thought I was helping the person I loved . I had no idea I was funding an addiction . I had no idea I was being munipulated . My ramberlings were the mixed up feelings I feel after discovering I have just been collateral damage . Realising I loved an addict I didn’t even know was in this person . Is that a good and healthy way to live no , that’s why it’s been so hard to digest and let go . I take responsibility for being way to trusting but none of this was a choice . Maybe I should of made that clear .

Posted : 27th March 2019 5:48 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi Wonder Woman at first you think like this, o*g my life's a lie. But that's not true, those happy times were real. Addicts aren't bad people. They 'use' to cope. They need help but not money, not bailouts. Compulsive gambling is an emotional illness with financial consequences. We are attracted to needy, exciting or we are fix it. We are just as much involved because we accept their behaviour. I've been married 20 years, it doesn't have to be the end. He's ill. Now you have to learn how to deal with that. Gamanon meetings are where you learn how to live your life alongside a compulsive gambler. Set your boundaries.

Posted : 27th March 2019 8:11 am
Posts: 0

Wow wonder woman that was a powerful and heart tugging comment it drove home to me how my wife must be feeling and what a fool I have been but when we get in our little bubble all thoughts go out the window and when I came out of the bookies all the guilt would hit me not a very nice feeling

Posted : 27th March 2019 1:30 pm
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Thanks for your replies . I’ve really been struggerling . Thanks Merry Go Round as much as I’d like to believe the happy times were not lies I’m not sure that’s true . I Think yes he’s an addict but I also think he might be mentally ill . He made up a lot of stories to blackmail me and I think he was planning sextortion next as I found he’d been watching videos on it . Also watching YouTube things on marrying with out prenups and then taking as much as possible through divorce . He faked deaths of people who never existed , I thought I’d contributed to flowers to an overseas funeral . He cried in my house after this made up death, in his ‘sleep’ or pretended sleep shouted out she’s dead she’s dead . Said he couldn’t get over the death . She never existed she never died . He said she wrote him a letter at Christmas , must of sent it just before she died and he couldn’t bare to open it . The final straw was a fake kidnapping of himself and a blackmailing of me for 50,000 a day after I’d just given him 10,000 to pay off someone who broke his ribs with a hammer Cus he owed them money . This never happened there was no broken ribs no kipnap . We were long distance but we saw each other regularly . I wasn’t to kno this wasn’t true . I sent him money for a taxi back from the ducking hospital . He was texting me do you love your boyfriend I will kill him ... ect for a 8hr stretch while he was in the bookings . I was absolutely distraught thinking I would be responsible for his death and torture as I didn’t have the money . It’s so crazy you couldn’t write it , it’s heartbreaking , disgusting , I feel totally violated . I have a years worth of lies n stories mapped out in texts , drip drip of stories , people and scenarios to emotionally and psychologically condition me over time . Every lie was premeditated. I mapped them out I’ve looked at them . This was not the man I knew tho not the man I met . But this is the man I loved . It’s terrifing . I feel sick and tearful everytime I think about it . I feel confused . I keep shaking . It’s been 3 weeks and I’m still shaking . I’m waiting for a Counciller . I have so much healing to do . Heart and mind . Surely this can’t just be gamberling behaviour ?

Posted : 30th March 2019 10:14 pm
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He’s since shown me one online account . This doesn’t include the casinos and other online accounts but tells me He blew 41k in two months , 13k in a week , 6k in half an hour. He is really ill and guilt tripping me now saying he has a disease and is sucidal and was not in his right mind . Where did my love go? (Just changed over night ) what happened to Christian unconditional love ? Everyone’s deserted him apparently (I actually think he hasn’t told anyone !) he says I’m an amazing women he can’t believe he’s lost me .He’s heartbroken I’m heartbroken . It just feels like manipulation . It hurts mind and heart . You want to believe , help but then have to remind yourself this man will harm you , this man has harmed you . I had no idea he was a gamberler . I had no idea he was a liar . I had no idea he would harm me , now I can’t be sure , I’m not sure I can ever be sure .

Posted : 30th March 2019 10:29 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6167

Hello Wonderwoman1.

This is aheartbreaking story. You've been through so much. It sounds like he has been emotionally and financially abusing you, and your comment that it looks like he was planning sextortion next is particularly worrying. Here is some government advice about what to do if you're the victim of this form of extortion:

Women's Aid can provide support and advice on coping with financial and emotional abuse. You might want to contact them at .

GamCare can also provide 1:1 support for you as the partner of a gambler. Please do give us a call on the HelpLine 0808 8020 133 or chat to us on the NetLine. We can help you Wonderwoman1.

Take care,

Forum Admin

Posted : 30th March 2019 11:56 pm
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Thanks forum admin. Thankfully to my knowledge he has never filmed us , but we were suppose to go on holiday and he kept talking about taking a camera, then I found he’d been watching Those things. I spoke to women’s aid about keeping myself safe and they were really good . I am waiting for one of your recommended councillors to ring me to arrange a time slot . I spoke to someone on your one to one support phone line for almost an hour and she was lovely . It’s just so much to process , picking an emotion is hard because there are so many . It’s not something you can explain to people either as it’s mindblowing. I don’t want to be that gossip story. I just know I need to heal and learn to process this trauma some way as hard as it is to feel it .

Posted : 31st March 2019 7:52 am
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Posted : 31st March 2019 8:12 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi Wonder Woman I can't imagine what you are feeling, that is a traumatic experience. A good place to start regarding debts and contracts etc is stepchange. Try them. I think you've been incredibly brave and I hope the counselling starts soon. I have no idea whether all his behaviour is down to gambling. He certainly sounds like a con man. Compulsive gamblers are compulsive liars, any story to manipulate you into handing over money. Personality disorder? Who knows. The important thing is to look after yourself and keep strong.

Posted : 31st March 2019 10:27 am
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Thanks Merry Go Round I will look at step change x

Posted : 31st March 2019 10:33 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6167

Morning Wonderwoman1

You may wish to try the Citizen's Advice Bureau for some free legal advice. Please do stay in touch with us on the Helpline and the netline as suggested by the previous forum admin.

Warm regards

Leigh, Forum Admin

Posted : 31st March 2019 10:48 am
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We have talked and he started treatment. I think all the lies were driven by the addiction. I do believe he is sorry . We are not together but I have said I can support from afar. A chat here and there if it doesn’t effect my own healing . My councilling starts Tomo. I miss him greatly as crazy as it sounds . No one really understands that. It’s a relief when we communicate but then I feel upset after Cus I can’t be with him . I know he’s harmed me so how I’m feeling doesn’t make sense . I want him to get better . I wished he would of just told me before it all got out of hand Cus some things u can’t un do . Feeling confused I guess . Still struggerling to process

Posted : 7th April 2019 5:01 pm
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi your counsellor will help you unravel your conflicted emotions. Detaching is the best way. Look after you and try not to get drawn back into the drama.

Posted : 8th April 2019 7:30 am
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