12 days free then boom out of nowhere a chance to get my hands on a card... and now down another amount we cant afford..
i finally got hubby to use the online chat and he is doing now which means i can't as same IP address so if anyone has any words of wisdom please help.. I accessed on works laptop and unsure if i can add gamban on it.. it's on all other devices
I'm sorry for your relapse Jill
But glad to see your back on here. It's horrible when you lose money you can't afford as I only know to well. Would your work be ok with you installing the soft ware as I'm sure you can put it on any system. It's so easy to slip up we all do it in one way or the other but just get yourself back on the gamble free train and yet again take it one day at a time but no matter what you do please don't try and Chase your loses as we all know where that ends up.I wish you all the best with keeping this evil vice out of your life
Have just downloaded blocking softwsre on my works device....noone should find out unless they try tobgamble on my laptop.only i have access so thats good.now even if i have access to money i cannot gamble
How long ago did you last post on here checking in before this new thread? Maybe I'm wrong but if it's been over a week maybe you should try keeping a diary going on a regular basis, every day or couple of days to remind yourself of why you came here in the first place.
Secondly, have you sat with your husband and told him how you would find money if you were going to gamble, and make sure all those avenues are closed now. How did you manage to get your hands on a card?
hi Jill.
Really hope it sorts out. Like us all we are trying to get this horrible evil habit away. Wham gambling blocking software do yiu use on your phone. I have signed up to Gamstop so hoping this will work. But more things to hell that temptation should it arise i can only praise
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