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Partner left me due to my behaviour, admitted gambling 

Posted : 11th June 2024 9:44 am
Posts: 4

Hello hello ))

Posted : 11th June 2024 10:47 am
Posts: 361

Happened to me just over 2 months ago. Wife couldn't cope with the deceit. The big question is now are you ready to quit? It might not be the end of your relationship if you can show you are ready to quit for good. This addiction has cost you your relationship, and probably ruined your life in other ways. Time to look after yourself and try to get this under control. 

If you want to do this you will need to commit. Take an open and honest look at your finances, it will probably be a bit of a shock. Sort out how you can pay off debts (if you have any) and create a budget to live off. If you can ask a friend or family member for help, they could take your money each payday and leave you with enough to live off. Being open and honest is the key with yourself and others. You will start feeling better, trust me, but it will take some work. Contact Gamcare, attend GA meetings, speak to StepChange and engage on here. This will all help you.

I'm sorry to hear about your relationship. I know its a tough place to be. You feel alone and afraid. Things do get better. I still have down days, still miss her terribly, but we have done this to ourselves, albeit we couldn't control it. It's time to take back control and ensure you can life a normal happy life moving forward. I wish you all the best and hope you take the help available. Don't let gambling control you anymore. Its done enough damage.

Stay strong 

Posted : 11th June 2024 11:58 am
Peer Supporter Cabe
Posts: 23

Hi Sharona,

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with gambling harms and the difficulties in your relationship.

I broke up with my partner around 4 years ago and gambling probably was a significant factor in this.

Thankfully, I am now 3 and a half years in recovery and now offer help and support to other people that are in a similar situation that I was.

Is there anything in particular that you feel you need support with at the moment?  I would be happy to try and help as best as I possibly can.

Please be kind to yourself and I look forward to hearing back from you.



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Posted : 11th June 2024 5:50 pm

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