I dont think it will ever go!!!

6 Posts
4 Users
Posts: 71
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Crazy stuff almost 8 months gamble free completely for first time in my life.

Used to gamble for over 25 years on daily basis lost thousands.

Today is first time in 8 months time that my mind is telling me to take the money and go and have some ,,fun''

Crazy stuff all day constant thinking about going to play some slots.

I don't want to go myself but my head is telling me to go..

Trying to stay calm and let devil be disappointed with me.

Hope to stay clean couldn't go to square one again day 1 there's no way

Posted : 3rd July 2024 7:16 pm
Posts: 286

Well done John. 👏👏👏👏. You should be so proud of yourself. Don’t allow that devil on your shoulder to undo all that hard work you have put in the last 8 months! Instead, tell it exactly where to go!👿👊👊.

Think about how much better you must be feeling emotionally and financially, yet if you are tempted back, the probability will be that you will just end up losing - as us people on here often do.

keep fighting the fight and keep winning at life!

All the very best.

Pink Lady🩷🍎.

Posted : 3rd July 2024 10:53 pm
Posts: 141

Hi there   You are doing brilliantly johny just remember that 8 months ago your life began your real life the quality of your days improved beyond measure and every one in your life seeing you recover


Just keep solid and watch your money grow confidence expands and this becomes self fulfilling let’s push on johny


Posted : 3rd July 2024 11:36 pm
Posts: 71
Topic starter

Just for today I won't gamble.

And I didn't.

Today is a new day and no temptation to gamble.

Going to have a day out on the sun and spend some bucks on myself instead of feeding billionaires and have nothing.

They wont pay my rent if I lose alm my money in their events.

Thank you everyone for replies.

I hope we can all beat this disease

I hope one day all betting providers get prosecutes for harm that they done to milions of people all over the world

This post was modified 4 days ago by johhnyuk
Posted : 4th July 2024 6:42 am
Posts: 141

You have kept me on the right path today I will battle on with total awareness and keep switched on my money is staying in my pocket. MH

Posted : 4th July 2024 2:52 pm
Posts: 56

Once bitten its there for life

You must be constantly on guard and in control 

Posted : 5th July 2024 3:34 am

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