My recovery

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Hi there to introduce myself my name is Rob, I am 28 from Manchester & I have been a gambler for 8 years (6 1/2 years of that have been problematic) I am not new to the site but have returned under a different alias.

Just to sum it up I first started gambling when a friend of mine introduced me to online casinos who is also a gambler himself. That night I turned £20 into £7,000 & then lost the lot. Little did I know that would be a sign of things to come in the future.

To explain my background a little I suffer with autism I wasn't the most social person when I were younger. I didn't go out very much & preferred to stop in watching TV & playing video games & the like. I got bullied a bit in high school for being in the lower tier classes if u like but then after leaving school I got in with the wrong crowd, began drinking, smoking, taking drugs etc. Then began working after that I left my first job after 3 months I weren't really cut out for that job as such because I got that job through my sisters other half bragging my grades on my C.V & clearly wasn't up to it. 9 months past then I started working for a well known retailer. I were with the company for 8 1/2 years. In that time I weren't earning the best income in the world from them & then after that first night of gambling got sucked into it. Then I started hitting the FOBTs & losses started getting into the hundreds. Began playing roulette initially & then blackjack only later on. As much as I'm a sports fan (particularly football Man United fan btw) I lived at home at this time & then started getting into s**t with it being silly taking them bloody payday loans out etc. Got £1,500 into debt with them & parents became concerned (my dad's dad were a problem gambler so seen it all with him) seemed to shake that off a bit went to GA I found I weren't putting the effort into the meetings that I should have been doing. Been GA on & off in the meanwhile btw. Had my slips here & there some bad but it all sort of came to a head last year. Dad passed away from lung cancer just after new year 2012. Then my mum moved on & met someone else 2 years later. A year later they set a home up for me & my brother & took control of my finances & set up a standing order of the bills to come out from my account to my mums as all the bills came out of her name. All weren't bad I were missing having my finances & did push a bit for getting them back earlier on last year & I did eventually. Shortly after that I met the girl of my dreams via an online dating site. I told her about my gambling issue beforehand & 2 weeks before I were due to meet up with her I blew £1,700 in a night on blackjack after being out with a workmate 4 a few pints. I were mortified, came clean to her about it, had to lend the money to take her out to Blackpool on my birthday last year when I asked her to be mine & she said yes. Good thing she said yes but looking back I wish it were in better circumstances.

I then came clean to my mum & her partner about what had happened then they were P****d off but offered to take my finances off me again & set up a plan to clear the NatWest overdraft but I refused.

Then I began panicking as to where I could get the money from to sort my mess out so I found a company that would approve me for a loan. I popped into their branch & because of the standing order to my mums account (£750) they could only offer me £1.000. I took that. The weekend after that I met her old man & her partner for the first time, work were still getting me down & I found his partner abit snobby questioning my future careee choice at the time. Me & her moves on not long after & I then snuck off in the toilets of that bar & made a betting account & proceeded to play blackjack deposited £500. Were playing that till we headed Bach to hers, she wondered why I were in the toilet so long, when we got back to hers gambled in front of her she were like what the f**k are u doing etc. Safe to say I lost that then proceeded to deposit the other £500 I had the morning after waiting for the bus home, I were then trying to get loans I weren't gonna get approved for etc. I didn't turn in work for a week because I were totally depressed because of it. I went back in & explained my absence apart from the gambling side of things. They allowed me back but with a warning.

For this company I done a variety of roles & done a supervisory role for them I were bullied by management & in a lot of ways didn't work out so I dropped down from it.

Then next payday arrived & because my wages were paid into my NatWest account which were already nearly maxed out in terms of overdraft the standing order bounced back out. Before that I asked my mates other half ( they know all too well about my problems with gambling) if she'd be a guarantor for an amigo loan she said she couldn't do it as she had too much credit out a present. I felt like a P***k for it & had since apologised for it. That night I were out with the work lot for a leavers do (with what's to come it might as well have been my leavers do as well) I got pretty drunk that night & then went home & went onto another casino site & blew £600. That were meant to be for rent. Again I didn't go in work the next day had my mum texting saying why haven't I received the rent? I lied & said something went wrong with it. Safe to say they come over the next day & I confessed to them & subsequently I were kicked out of there. In all fairness I deserved it I still didn't go in work & they sacked me after a disciplinary hearing due to my unexplained absence from them. To be honest I had been after a change for a long while from them but never truly looking into pushing myself into it. The only thing I did look at in the meanwhile were a psychology & counselling degree with the open university which I didn't end up going for & it's not an aspiration of mine any longer.

Then not long after that I had to lodge for a few weeks at my sister in laws for nearly a month bear in mind I'd just come out of my job & now homeless. After that month I had to leave there coz she were close to getting chucked out herself for rent arrears. Then I went to the local housing association who got my sister to put me up for a bit. I started out there signed on jobseekers, applied for a few jobs without any luck etc. Then had my final pay from work which was peanuts if I'm honest. I went along to my mates stag do with only £60, everyone were buying each other drinks & I had to do the same as well. Then I snuck off from the lads & blew £40 on the FOBT. I were then telling my other half by text I wanted to top myself that night & had her worrying ringing my family members & all sorts.

Then a few weeks after that I had to leave my sisters coz of the pressure she were under with her little ones, the housing association put me into a hostel. God I were sat in a room with f**k all not good at all, at this point my contract phone had been virtually cut off so living off wifi. Had a couple of job interviews but then went and applied for a job at the new Amazon warehouse near Manchester Airport. Got a job with them same week 🙂 started that & then a couple of weeks later I got offered a flat in a high rise block by the housing association. I took that, got bits for it got TV Internet Xbox etc. Christmas came & it were a good one. At this point through all of this got my relationships back on track with ppl, my mum & her partner forgiven me & my partner stood by me. Despite pressure at the time from a couple of her friends to leave me because of what I did.

New year come & gone that were a good one as well. I got made permanent at my new work & made payment arrangements with my creditors & settled up the arrears on my contract phone & now got it back. Were then 4 months without a bet but this week on Tuesda y night were out with a few of my new workmates & had a bit to drink, one of the lads mentioned going to the casino then immediately a lightbulb switched on in my head. Made this new betting account & slammed £150 on it straight away & began playing blackjack when we got into the next bar. Had the misses texting me worried coz she knows I have a past track record of gambling whilst drunk. Told her everything would be fine & I wouldn't gamble before I went out. Then my phone went flat. I lost them lot after a bit coz I'd had nothing to eat all night & went to find a takeout. My fault in a way coz I'd lost them.

I then got a taxi home & already £60 up on that deposit, I played for a bit before my money went up & down & I lost it (surprise surprise) I didn't have a bet for 4 1/2 months before that. I then went to text my other half to say that I'm complete s**m for what i did (it's only her I've told up to now) again as much as she weren't happy about it she's still been there for me somwhat. I am typing all of this whilst I'm in bed next to her.

I spent all day yesterday feeling like absolute s**t because of it. For me it ain't good what happened but a relapse is a relapse & the best thing I can do is take stock of it.

I had been undergoing the gamcare counselling for a few months & were due to end it yesterday but because of the present situation I've had my sessions extended for a few more weeks. She also thinks I should take more care whilst I'm out to prevent any further gambling. I also self excluded from the betting company I used.

It's c**P what's happened again but I've gotta dust myself down & move forward. The next people to be finding out if I carried on doing it would be my partners family & id rather that didn't happen.

Moving forward I had been making payments towards my debts & got approved for a top up to one of my loans which I plan to use for a crash course & from my old work place I'm getting pension funds paid back to me. I plan to use that for a holiday & car etc. Things will sort themselves out over the year but now I want to have my face forward. Chin up & not look back. I am not a bad person just gambling makes me bad. Just be the best person I can be in this life from here on in & have some fun in the meantime.

I'll be posting every other day or whatever to any replies etc coz I work nights at my job so won't be able to attend the evening chats sadly did frequent them a few times.

Not sure I'm returning to GA as of yet I work the night that meetings on. Will consider another one tho.

I am much better than the self-loathing guilt, horrible existence I am when I do gamble. Sorry for the essay folks but that's where I'm up to at the moment.

I have still not put a couple of bits in but that's most of it.

Much love to my family & my amazing partner Becky for putting up with all of this from me. The thing is I've got to take more caution in life quite evidently.

I will be more than happy to support others in theirs quests as well.

My name is Rob & I am a compulsive gambler, my last bet were Tuesday

Posted : 20th January 2017 3:37 am
Posts: 232

Hi Rob

Quite a interesting read Rob and can relate to many things in your story myself the main one is the compulsiveness of going back and trying to win the money we have already lost. It is so so easy to use your mobile to gamble on nowadays something that I've only done since march last year until I was found out on 28/12/2016 but it caused a path of destruction on the way costing me my marriage and damaging my relationship with my 2 sons. The one thing you did Rob that i never was tell or confess to people what you have done, I admire you for this as I found this so so hard to do and on the 28/12/2016 as I've said my wife found out (for the 3rd time) about my online gambling whilst checking my phone after a night out. I am deeply devastated for what I've done but think there is to much damage done this time with all the lies and deceit that have gone on, it's not a moneytry thing this time as it's very manageable for me but an honesty thing as I was telling everyone I was ok but I wasn't as I was in my own gambling world. Like you I went to GA lastime and this definitely works but after a while started to make excuses for not attending meetings (all be it my nearest meeting is 85miles away) and after a few years not gambling slipped back into my old lying and deceitful ways of gambling. I am now 23 days gamble free n have been back to GA and am going again next week.

I totally agree with your line towards the end of your story " I am much better than the self-loathing guilt, horrible existence I am when I do gamble". As I've said it's cost me my marriage more than likely this time but I have to beat this disease/addiction/illness what ever you want to call it that made our lives so miserable for myself and prove to my sons I'm not a loser. It's all about putting things in place to stop us gambling like software on our phones/laptops or iPads and even self excluding from betting shops and casinos. Hope I've not rambled on, I will keep an eye out for any updates Rob and we can beat this disease/addiction/illness if we want ! One day at a time is all it takes !!

All the Best


Posted : 20th January 2017 7:16 am
Posts: 2148

Hi Rob

Yep Ive lived though similar things

I fully understand how life can spiral out of control...bullying managers and nobody cutting you a break.

However you need a born gain moment and you must make gambling history then everything else tend to fall into place.

keep talking to your partner and life does get better when you have more focus whats good for you.

What stands out is that you must be careful where you are going out and who with. You need to build up to a moment where you tell gambling friends that its not for you any more. If they cant handle that, its their problem and its bye bye time at that stage. You dont have to be antisocial but its about good friends who have better suggestions than the casino or bookies. Plenty of things to do with your partner that dont involve you doing the pub and gambling circuit

I dont know whats coming out in counselling but you may be stressed with life and be an escape gambler. gambling isnt the answer as you well know and its certainly not and income scheme.

Its not even totally about money so strive for some happiness from the simple pleasures in life. Take time to have a breather and focus on whats really important. Its sort of not rushing about worrying about holiday money etc. I hope your family will understand how the addiction works and you could build a better relationship with them. As you say its not that you are a bad person but gambling takes a hold. I bought my mum flowers and started again because I had been on the take.....self obsessed with my own problems caused by gambling.

You need to break the pay day loan cycle and get some financial advice if necessary. If you are gamble free things usually start coming into place

Your partner will be an invaluable help so perhaps you could live on an allowance for a while and build something up together. its about getting your self respect and pride back because gambling took that way

As I said it takes a real Phoenix moment and becoming a new person. are you ready?

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

Posted : 20th January 2017 9:39 pm
Posts: 41
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Thanks for the replies I am much happier days since my slip 🙂 I can feel good things are in front but still gonna take on day at a time like usual.

Will give a proper reply soon coz going home after work & it's ballache scrolling up & down to give detailed replies. I'll do it off the laptop whilst I'm in.


Last bet 18/1/17

Posted : 24th January 2017 6:07 am
Posts: 41
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A month on since my last gamble and I feel miles better for it now with money back in the bank again :).

Taking things 1 step at a time as I can only do. Not many urges to place a bet, when I get them I just think to myself if ain't worth it no more. It isn't my life is worth so much more than it.

Still not got on top of my finances truly that's on the to do list.

More looking forward to going doing my crash course on Easter week then getting a car when I'm back then the ease that will bring me its untrue.

In contrast to what's been said on here yeah in life I have been stressed. But I must look upon this now as a new start for myself. Definitely.

Be back soon

Onwards & upwards


Last bet 18/1/16

Posted : 19th February 2017 2:09 pm
Posts: 41
Topic starter

I had been meaning to post for a while but hadn’t got round to it.

I have still not gambled but nearly fell back into it a few times but grateful that I haven’t.

It’s not been easy by any means but all the same staying away from gambling is rewarding.

Apart from the debts I still have hanging over me at present I feel better in myself, have started being more rational with things such as drinking etc.

U have got to find it in yourself to want better but it’s you that’s got to want it.

I moved in with my girlfriend last August & better for that.

But in my life now I live for them moments & experiences that u get & earn when u don’t gamble.

I’ve ended up doing it with no particular blocks in the end it’s just mental strength that’s seen my through to this point, urges have been present sometimes but I’m the better person for not giving in.

In life I’m enjoying my work & looking to progress within the company eventually & I have my driving test booked for next month. Just gonna have to get them nerves down in the meantime!!!

I will be a more regular poster & seek to provide aid to others too.

It’s only gamcare I’ll be posting on now as it’s convenient & I can’t attend GA anymore due to my working hours. I attended in the past but I didn’t put my heart & soul into it like I should have done.

My name is Rob & I am a compulsive gambler.

My last bet were on the 18/1/17

Posted : 17th February 2018 10:59 am

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