This is my first time coming onto any sort of gambling addiction forum or trying to seek some sort of help. About a year ago I started online gambling and iv always had an addictive personality with anything iv done, if I like it I have to take it to the max and its normaly stuff which isn't good for me. So my partner used to only gamble about a £10 here and there on online casinos and I thought il give that a go looks fun. Always loved a bit of roulette so first few go's bang hit £80 off £5 immediately that was it for me. As the months went by my bets became larger and more frequent to the point where I'm extending my overdraft to the max. A few months ago I was at thr point where I would wait up till my wages went into my account and I'd spin it all within about 30mins. This is without paying any of my bills nothing. So iv gradually ruined my credit rating and my financial situation. I would just ignore everything in life like as soon as i lost that's it I don't care about anything I'm done. It's mentally made me feel like I'm gojng insane like I can't control myself or my life. My family recently have tried helping me as I opened up saying I have a problem and got about 3 weeks I was good until yesterday I did it again blew all my money without paying my mortgage or leaving me and money for food or fuel. I can't deal with the mental side or finacal side anymore I need to stop and the only way for me to do that is to conplety cut it out, but it's always harder done than said. So this is the beinging step for me to finally stop but I still have that nagging feeling in my head saying just one more big win one more and il quit..
Hi @jamieharrison20 ,
Thank you for sharing your story on the Forum and welcome. The Forum is a safe and supportive environment for you. I am sorry to hear you have been going through a tough time and that you're feeling so low.
With regards to how you're feeling mentally, can I advise you to speak with your GP? If you're feeling like you're going insane and that you're losing control, it is best to get those thoughts registered with a medical professional.
Gamcare advisers are available 24 hours a day to listen, advise and support you through this difficult time. We can signpost to various agencies which we feel may help you. We are all non judgmental here, this is what we deal with every day.
No doubt you will also receive support from other users of the Forum who have been in a similar situation to yourself.
Please give us a call to talk about how you're feeling and we will do our very best to help you. 0808 802 0133 or come through on live chat with an adviser (netline)
Kind regards
Forum Admin
Hi Jamie u are definitely not alone. I'm sort of all posted out at the moment but I will post to you after my shopping trip.......my husband gives me money to buy the shopping I don't have access to bank accounts cards..... Something for you to think about?? I too have done the waiting up for money to go into account to gamble more common than you would think. Do not be ashamed of the last line on your post all active gamblers feel that. Food for thought, do u think you could quit if you get the win ?? Read on my thread my post from 2 days ago..... Tell me later what you think . With best wishes that you start your recovery today
Jamie sorry to hear what your going through
I know the feeling don't try for that big win as you know aswell as me it's not going to happen. Just quick story I had gone over a year gamble free then on the 24th of April I got an email from one of the gambling sites, well I thought £10 would be okay nobody would know, well my friend 1hr later I had lost nearly £8000. I couldn't believe it I didn't even have that sort off money well I didn't know what to do I had gone on my partners PayPal account so they drained her bank account took the arranged overdraft then went into an unarranged overdraft causing so much destruction, you tell me another addiction were you can lose that sort off money in such a short period of time. Gambling is an addiction if it was that easy to stop we wouldn't all be in thousands worth of debt. Tell your family get help as if you've got things to pay people don't know about it could cause you to gamble to try and make it, be honest start from day one show your family your getting help just don't try and gain It back as the odds are stacked against you
Hi Jamie,
Sorry to hear your story. I don't believe I am in a position to give advice but what I can do is share my own experience and my experience is that this problem gets worse by the day if you keep doing the same thing hoping for a different result. Try and seek help. This addiction literally rips off anything that resembles rational or sensible thinking away from your head, well, that's what it does to me. I said it the other day that I am capable of gambling away my manhood, this is no joke, I have been reading stories here and not many come close to the damage I have done or how reckless I can become when gambling. Please try all you can to seek help. Call the helpline here, speak to someone, I know how it feels when you are being told these things, I wish I listened when it was being hammered into my head, now I am the one chasing up. I have just stopped typing to pick a call from my counselor, session booked for the 22nd of July as I am away for 2 weeks commencing Monday. 1 year is not a long time, please press the brake now, it gets harder to stop. Be honest with yourself, ask yourself if the last one year of you gambling was better than the previous year of you not gambling. Stay strong my friend.
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