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I have just joined to post but have been reading stories and posts and find they really help. I am lucky in that I'm not in debt through gambling but I have used my savings and spare cash and now heading down a slippery slope. I started at the start of this year, I signed up with a deposit offer and won, tried a few more offers and was up by quite a bit. At first I thought it was easy money it felt like I couldn't lose but then after a session of losing 100 pounds I decided enough was enough and I should walk away while I was still up. But then I got pulled back in and for the last few months have been betting more and more, I had savings luckily most of them were in an ISA I couldn't easily access but my others I used for saving for Christmas have all gone and now I have nothing saved. I also want to quit because of the time I am spending on it, staying up until early hours and feeling like I can't stop, I have been sneaking at work to gamble, I felt like I was doing it at every opportunity. The final straw for me was last week, I was up quite a lot with a small initial bet I was so happy as I thought I could put it back into my savings, only the site I was on wouldn't let me withdraw as I had a withdrawal pending, they took 2 days to process and had never taken that long before, I thought they are doing it on purpose knowing I would blow the lot and of course I did. It made me think how much is enough for me? If I had have been allowed to withdraw I probably still would have put it back in anyway but it made me feel sick. I deposited more trying to get it back which of course didn't happen which means I'm short for the month and going to have to use my credit card. Anyway sorry for the ramble but I am taking steps to stop I have self excluded and trying to take one day at a time, trying to keep busy but I am finding it hard especially in the evenings when I would do most of my gambling. I feel stupid and haven't told anyone yet, my partner doesn't know and we keep our finances seperate just pay half the bills into another account which I've still done. I don't think he will judge me I just can't believe I got myself into this to be honest, I worked hard to save since January and blew the lot. 

Posted : 1st October 2022 8:07 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6152

Hello Lainey23

Welcome to the Forum where you will find identification, help and support. Problem gambling is cunning, powerful and baffling and without help it is too much.  Please know that you can get through this.

Along with the Forum, we have Advisers available 24/7 to help you through this.  You can contact an Adviser by calling our Helpline on 0808 8020 133 or using our LiveChat/WhatsApp and Facebook options.  I encourage you to contact us so that we can discuss the best way forward for you.

Please know that you are no longer alone!



Forum Admin

Posted : 2nd October 2022 1:48 am
Posts: 3

Hi I’m in a very similar situation, as I was introduced to gambling by an ex. It felt great winning and now I blow my money almost instantly. I’m only 19 and scared that I have no future because it’s got increasingly worse over only a year or so and it makes me sick imagining where I would be in 5 years time if I keep going. 

if it knocks me sick so much why do I keep doing it? I want some motivation so bad but can’t seem to find any. 

what is it that helped you decide enough was enough?


also, I’m so proud of you being strong enough to exclude yourself!

Posted : 2nd October 2022 3:26 am
Posts: 6
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@happygirl I get it, I was thinking for a long time about joining Gamcare and thinking I should self exclude but for some reason I just couldn't let go. I read a lot on here and the theme seemed to be that everyone went from our situation to a lot of debt, I had found myself very quickly increasing the amounts I was putting on, I started off thinking I'll have a weekly budget and stick to it but it quickly turned to any spare money and then money that was meant for something else like my fuel etc. I think the turning point was waking up and feeling sick at the amount I had lost, I hadn't lost loads compared to most but I had left myself with nothing and now having to use credit, I could just see how this was going to go and reading other people's stories helped me decide I couldn't go down that road. You are so young and could turn everything around, it's never too late but for you you have so much time and possibilities ahead of you. I kept thinking I would win big and everything would be solved but then I'd still do it, I wasn't going to quit even if I had I'd still be trying to win more. I also sat and worked out how much I had won and how much I'd spent and it was an expensive hobby I just wasn't enjoying anymore. I enjoyed the wins obviously but the feeling when I'd blown a large amount was horrible, even when it was after a small initial deposit I'd build it up to a good win and just couldn't seem to walk away until it was all gone again. I hope you find the strength. It's not easy I'm still thinking about it, trying to keep busy but I am still having the urge to gamble. X 

Posted : 2nd October 2022 8:32 am

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