173 days free of gambling

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Hey everyone, I'd not been on the site for a little while until yesterday and hadn't posted for ages so wanted to give you all an update. I'm still very much gamble free. 173 days according to the day counter on my account home page, I love that counter it's so motivational. My credit rating has began to creep up 🙂 it's gone from very poor to poor now but I'm only a small number of points away from fair now so am sure I'll get there to fair soon. I'd also not needed a payday loan in months since stopping, whereas I used to rely on payday loans before every month several of them. My debt has gone down a bit too and currently it's on 26,400 which sounds awful but is moving in the right direction. I also did a dry spell of not drinking since stopping gambling and that lasted 83days before I went back to prosecco but I've no doubt sobriety helped me to a large degree in staying gamble free. I do occasionally feel very tempted to gamble. Last week when I'd had more than a few wines I nearly created an online casino account but half way through the registration stopped myself thank God. The day after that I really wanted to pop into a casino for a bit after lunch with a friend in the area where said casino was, it was one of my favourite casinos to go to. Luckily I've excluded myself from all UK land based casinos when I first started so didn't go in as I knew I couldn't. WIth urges they do still sometimes come around but can normally be gotten rid of just as quickly and they are much fewer and far between now. Joining gamcare saved me at the time from this terrible addiction and having access to the forum and site really helps me keep down the right path. Thank you gamcare and the community on here.

Posted : 12th March 2017 8:21 am
Posts: 0

Well done, nice positive post to read first thing on a Sunday.

I've got a very similar amount of debt, 24 now. Haven't actually checked my credit rating in a few years. I think I might do that today.

Keep us updated.

Posted : 12th March 2017 9:27 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks so much Brandon. Yeah my credit score a few years ago was excellent and I had no debts at all, then I discovered gambling, plunged into debt and now have to sort out the mess. But then again I didn't accumulate all the debt overnight so it's gonna take a while to pay it off. It's daunting thinking how much more we have to pay back but you and I are clearly moving in the right direction and reducing the amount :). Plus it's great to see my credit score starting to improve at last after months of being gamble free :).

Posted : 12th March 2017 9:51 am

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