Hi everyone.
I'm a recovering gambler who lives in Rutland (between Leicester and Stamford). I recently moved to the area and would like to meet up with other recoverers, but I don't like the Gamblers Anonymous type of meetings as they are too preachy/religious for me. Are there any other similar organisations local to me that do meet ups?
I occasionally buy the odd Euromillions lottery ticket, but otherwise haven't gambled for maybe 6-7 years. I used to gamble heavily though in bookies on roulette and sports and lost thousands of pounds over nearly 30 years. Eventually I managed to stop gambling by myself, but this weekend I was nearly tempted to walk over the threshold of a bookies again. Fortunately I didn't do it. It reminded me I still have a gamblers brain though and it would be good to meet others to stay on the straight and narrow.
Thanks in advance,
If you want to get on the straight and narrow I would suggest not buying a lottery ticket imo. I regularly dream of winning the lottery but the reality is if I did buy a lottery ticket I just think about gambling all the time hence why you are having urges to continue.
I haven't had a urge to gamble in months because I don't have a lottery ticket in hand or that gambling brain telling me it could be me this time etc.
On the other side I am sorry you didn't find GA to be helpful, If I could I would go every week but work stops me from doing that.
I hope you find some people to chat to in your local area for support. There is also plenty of support on this website which keeps me going.
I am a non religious person.
Yet I do understand and respect spirtual values which my conscience is based up on.
It is very sad that most literature and meetings are based up on AA type of meetings as they are based up on religious beleifs which I use to react to in unhealthy ways because of the pains I was caused by both religious people who were often hypocrites.
You occasionally buy the odd Euromillions lottery ticket is your business yet for me it would not be ehalthy.
Being clean from other gambling addictions for 6-7 years is a very healthy thing to do.
Gambling for me was very heavy unhealthy and all consuming, yet not so today.
The gambling establishments never hurt me I hurt my self.
The gambling establishments never lied to me I lied to my self.
The gambling establishments never made me do any thing I did not want to do.
In my time over 53 years in meeting I found once you have read text over many years and decades I wanted and needed more from meetings.
So I searched out and found meetinsg that gave short readings yet gave much focus on therapies and chosen topics my members attending.
At this time in Canada our GA meetings often reaches about twenty with some also in Gamanon.
It is rare to hear talk about money or being in actions so most focus on healing pains facing fears and about nurturing and growth.
I am sadddned to hear you were nearly tempted to walk in to a gambling estbalishment.
Do you understand what your emotional trigger was.
Were you abale to make a telephone call to some one.
Each time we go back emotionally or physically is a lesson we can learn from and not fear going back to meetings.
Thank you for honest and your questions.
Please contact me if you need to.
Dave L
AKA Dave of Beckenham
In Calgary Canada.
Affected by gambling?
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