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i can never sleep at night mind races this happend a couple of times and am wondering if its aneixty. so i am lien in bed trying to sleep eyes closed my eyes automatically open get this weird feeling in my chest i then try to sleep again same thing happens then i get scared thinking i am having a heart attack and sit up this happend to anyone else i think i have aniexty caused by gambling over the years i am on day 35 gamble free now but still its in my head gambling.

Posted : 17th January 2017 1:29 am
Posts: 2148

Yes that is an anxiety attack or turn, Its comes with short sharp breaths and you feel you just cant cope and your mind is racing. Its not nice and you have to deal with the root causes and have a chat with the doctor

Mine were brought on by thinking of unemployment loneliness and just not being able to face the day. Its associated with being plain scared of all your thoughts. I used to wake up with a jolt at around 4am and have one then I couldnt sleep

It is well worth having a chat with the doctor.

I can assure you that gambling was never the answer and you have to deal with the issues you are thinking about.

Part of the recovery process is facing yourself and you will feel exposed because you are not hiding behind gambling.

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

Posted : 17th January 2017 12:19 pm
Posts: 0
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thank you for the reply appreciate it its a really scary feeling feel like yeah dien so its an aneixty attack then

Posted : 18th January 2017 1:36 am
Posts: 2148

Yes Ive had them after a gambling binges and Ive also had them when thinking about life wheres the work coming from and the possibility of having to move back in with my parents for a long time.

Ive had them thinking my life has been on a self destruction course and Ive had them when feeling very alone not seeing any future. The thought of doing a crappy job working with people I dont like is another trigger

The main thing is cutting the gambling out as it only makes other problems many times worse. They were at the worst when totally cleaned out from gambling. Its an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and feeling not in control

Have a chat with the doctor and do talk it through. They are debilitating for a while but do pass

Best wishes

Posted : 18th January 2017 10:20 pm
Posts: 34

Sounds like anxiety to me, there are different types of anxiety... i cant sleep at night, toss and turn and when my eyes are closed if you've ever played jack and the beanstalk slot i picture the wild symbol in my head like im in the day. nightmares lots of nightmares recently and throughout the day usually just stare into nothing... my bf always keeps telling me im 'doing it again' but when you lose everything, all your wages in a matter of a few days how would that make you feel. heart rate rising and the panic and fear sets in. i find my anxiety is usually at its worse once ive had a spree... i can gamble everything in a week and not gamble until next payday, well thats because i have nothing left, usually the anxiety goes down but flares back up when payday comes around. its a vicous cycle.

Posted : 31st January 2017 3:47 pm

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