Not the first or the last to say back again.
I need serious help. What to do?
My gambling is out of control. I've maxed my credit cards, have no money left in my overdraft with only just enough food to keep me going till pay day. I don't have a penny in my purse.
I need to sort out my gambling problem and my finance issues. I thought about a debt recovery scheme because for the last year I've been just paying enough to cover the credit cards but until I've sorted the gambling I don't know.
I suffer anxiety stress panic and depression so I have a counsellor but as yet have not felt I could tell her all my problems. I am drinking every night pretty much so not helping.
I dream of doing all these things normal people do like go on holiday but I just don't see a way out right now.
Gambled today so will start tomorrow day 1 no gambling!
Hey Breakfree
I've been in your situation and there's a way out. In my opinion the best thing you could do is tell your counsellor, this gambling addiction is very heavy don't carry it alone it you don't have to!
I'm on a Debt Management Plan currently with stepchange which is the second thing I done once I had arrange conselling sessions and opened up about my addiction to loved ones. I didn't want to deal with my debt whilst trying to get on the road to recovery and try rebuild the relationships I'd damaged.
Again there's light and the end of the tunnel use the help that is out there to get through this.
Hi BreakingFree,
Thanks for your post, and also for sharing your story with us.
You are in the right place for help and support with gambling problem, and you seemed determined to do whatever it takes to overcome your gambling problem this time.
You seemed aware of yourself, and also know some of the actions you’ll have to take in order to achieve your goal.
I do understand your anxiety and frustration regarding your gambling problem, and I do empathise with the situation that you find yourself in. The good thing is that Gamcare is ever ready to provide you with the support and advice you need on strategies to help you through your journey to recovery.
I hope that you’ll soon find the strength to share your innermost thoughts with your counsellor, so as to get the necessary help that you require.
Your GP’s surgery would be able to help with information and support for your drink problem as well.
In case you feel the need to speak to someone about your gambling problem, please don’t hesitate to contact our Netline or, our free phone Helpline on: 0808 8020 133, and speak to one of our advisers.
Best wishes
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