Bookmaker 'encouraged a problem gambler until he lost five jobs, his home and access to his children.'

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If this doesn't make us quit God knows what will!

Posted : 11th May 2017 2:05 pm
Posts: 0

The bit that is even more worring is that the goverment were asked to reduce the maximum Stake to £2 and they refused what does that tel you about the british goverment.

They want people to bet - they want people to have gambling problems - the goverment make £1000's per day from betting.

Sad very Sad but so true - This addiction will take everything from you and leave you with nothing.

Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 11th May 2017 2:18 pm
Posts: 1831

I've also read some very chilling stories of casinos/bookies/online sites. ....
Most staying within the law of the land...but disgustingly close to immoral my opinion anyway !
They all say " gamble responsibly"
But actually it's the addicts they's us addicts that bankrole such establishments....they ones that keep matter what..
I can remember when I was promoted to VIP player in an online site....what a joke...chuffed at the time....I can thankfully now look back and see all the little things they do to keep you hooked.....very very clever stuff !
And all within the law of the land !
The online sites are what scares me most secrecy...the explosion of female addicts...mums...nans. ..daughters.....all lured in with the offer of a friendly place to socialise. ...before you know it...wallop...another addict in the making....
At the very least id like to see on every sign in screen on every gambling site....
and time limits on how long you can be on site in any one session
Not voluntary by the player...but by the site...
I'm not angry or bitter or blame any of the sites I played was my choice...but I often wonder if I had been greeted with gambling can be addictive sign...maybe I would have been more aware....who knows..
I would just like to see more practises In place warning people of the dangers..
" when the fun stops"
Is far to weak ....
By the time you realise the fun has stopped.....your already an addict !
Loxxie...around 17 months free from the chain of those slots !

Posted : 11th May 2017 3:57 pm
Posts: 960

All that and still they keep their licence.

The Gambling Commission is a toothless tiger and there's no political will to address the issue all the time the tax keeps rolling in. The gambling industry and the government who are hand in glove with them are a disgrace.

Posted : 11th May 2017 6:08 pm
Posts: 0

I've been into ' traps ' of late. So please forgive me on my slant on this particular subject.

Misguided anger can be a dangerous trap. The government, the gambling commission and a hell of a lot of other things can and will **** people off but using anger as a tool to ward of gambling can be very futile.

A broken record ending but corruption makes the world go round. It seems to work as we revolve and try to evolve with it...

A humble add to this thread....

Posted : 11th May 2017 7:56 pm
Posts: 1831

No anger from me volcano. ..just
Obsevation...realisation. ..acceptance....that the industry is what it is...

Posted : 11th May 2017 10:30 pm
Posts: 0

The strong warnings on cigarettes don't deter those determined to smoke.

Posted : 11th May 2017 11:08 pm
Posts: 3239

I'm the same as Loxxie. Its sad but most people just don't care. As long as it doesn't affect average joe's life, the gambling culture will continue to pillage our society. Roll up more pain.

Posted : 11th May 2017 11:12 pm
Posts: 0

Loxxie wrote: No anger from me volcano. ..just Obsevation...realisation. ..acceptance....that the industry is what it is...

Hello Lexie, Was a mere statement and wasn't directed at you. It was MY slant on a particular trap!!!

Posted : 12th May 2017 3:56 am
Posts: 0

triangle wrote:

I'm the same as Loxxie. Its sad but most people just don't care. As long as it doesn't affect average joe's life, the gambling culture will continue to pillage our society. Roll up more pain.

Hello Tri, I've always viewed you as a caring person, which is why I like and applaud you.So am I funny enough and can list many a thing I care about. But I will prioritise my care about things I can make a difference to. As caring about things out of my control could lead to another potential trap. Again I hide behind my last line that it's only my humble. Have a good day Tri

Posted : 12th May 2017 4:03 am
Posts: 1831

Hi cw
As a smoker myself I agree obviously with what you said about warnings on cig pkts ...
But at least they have warnings on them...
The point I was trying to get across was ....
For new people stumbling across these online sites....there's no such warnings....but then I suppose it's no different to the early days of cig advertising...
Anyway....I'm aware of the major problems of " when the fun stops " I'll consider myself a lucky one to be on my journey to better times ....
Hope things are going well in your household....and that Mr cw is embracing his journey..

Posted : 12th May 2017 9:05 am
Posts: 960

Under the radar gambling problems are an unexploded time bomb IMO.I detest the way the industry is allowed to deceive, manipulate, normalise and constantly push the boundaries of acceptable practice. I agree with tri though. All the time it doesn't affect the majority nothing will happen. I don't think a level of anger against the industry is necessarily entirley misguided although I can see getting too caught up in it could redirect focus from where it should primarily be. It's a fine line to tread but at the same time we know lots of people read this site even if they don't contribute. Anything that might open someone's eyes to the reality of the industry they're supporting and maybe kickstart them into action can only be a good thing.

Posted : 12th May 2017 9:34 am

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