feel like killing myself!!

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Hi I stopped playing fobt for awhile until last month when I came into some money so I thgu I could cope with the odd 20ВЈ loss , but these machine have a way of dragging you back , I stopped bcuz I must be so unluck its unreal losing all the time while others win big ..... Anyways it started a month ago I got back into fobt and bam while playing for 30 day I'd lost £1300 , again I'll say these machines are rigged to make the bookies money , so are going to say they are not but if u have spent enough time playing them then you would be so quick to dismiss , I have feed these 20 after 20 just to see unbelievable results all of which just cleared me out I went from my pocket to my card in one session I wasn't the only loser a guy in same shop lost 2k while I lost 500 , so with that you would expect someone to win but it proves my point these are rigged to take in money and not give the punter a fair chance , at one point the machine was eating 20ВЈ in one spin or ( you all must of seen the pattern) put in 20ВЈ and it gives u 14.40 win!! Which isna win as I've just lost 5.60 then with the next spin its a lower win or complete dead number and the amount of times its found the lowest win on the board . I can say they are rigged and everyone who plays them must know!! So my last play I lost 240 not once was I up!! Even spin was so bad I kicked off tht much I got banned frm shop 1. The woman said it would help me bcuz I losing so much 2. Cuz the other punters was all scared ... So I left went to check my bank and saw the 240ВЈ loss from 2 hours of fake plays the rigged machine had given me!! Next to my bank is a bookies so with my last 110ВЈ like a t***t went in thing I could win back just sum of the losses I be ok .. Long story short after 8/9 spins that was gone I'm weeks away from pay day totally skint can't ask anyone for help cuz they wud ask where is my money I feel sick I'm depressed and take tablets to help but I feel so down foR losing all this money and I truly feel that I've been robbed by a machine that is fixed and aslong as they payout abit the laws says it can dish out losses ? I know big companies dodge tax so surely they can rigg the machines too ... I am gutted and feel like its my fault I'm not ment to have a good life or good luck Bcuz these machines are pure luck aint they???? (NO they evil and set not to make punters rich but the bookies) anyways I really might kill myself and it will be bcuz of these rigged fixed one-sided machines , I've slept for awhole day after my last loss which finally cleard out my bank acc , I made 12 trips to counter to add money to fobt machine and every spin was a loss ( bad luck u say???) I say rigged machine set to take in money so does anyone know how these machines can take money all day for days then pay a lil amount and that be fair in the eyes of the law. Thwe way I feel I could die I won't ever get tht money back ever!!! And its not fair tht 1000's of people are going thgu this problem just bcuz these machines don't play fair ... I know I'm unlucky that's why I'm going to kill myself and fobt are to blame fobt are killing people!!! Thanks labour for letting these in mind u you left the whole county to rott

Posted : 23rd November 2014 9:48 am
Posts: 4881

Hi... the machines (any gaming machines) are designed to take your money. The other week I put £250 into a £35 jackpot machine and it still didn't pay the jackpot.

I have felt like killing myself many times over the years. But ive also felt normal and happy in the long spells I have gone gambling free. You don't want to kill yourself over money. Life can and will get better when you stop feeding the machines... thats it.

Start yourself a recovery diary. You will get through to your next payday... S.A

Posted : 23rd November 2014 10:24 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6152

Hello Bill,

You're welcome to call a GamCare adviser on freephone 0808 8020 133, or on our Netline. The advisers can provide emotional support, and can help you access free therapy sessions in your area, if you would like some face-to-face professional help for overcoming your gambling problem.

If you would like to talk about your suicidal feelings, please call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90


You could also talk with your GP about how you're feeling. The NHS have a National Problem Gambling Clinic where they provide group and individual treatment.

Take care,


Posted : 23rd November 2014 2:35 pm
Posts: 512

Hi Bill, I know you may be frustrated and trying to find something to blame but you must realise these fotb are legal and will not be removed anytime soon. Yes they ruin lives due to the temptations and high prizes, but don't let that be you. Find some other hobby to pass your time with, time wasted in gambling shops is stupid and costly.

We learn the hard way but don't do anything silly. You can beat this and you can be a winner by not putting another 10/20 quid in those machines.

Posted : 24th November 2014 12:19 am
Posts: 69

Be angry with yourself, not the machines...if a machine said 'do not play, i will take your money' above it, would you put your money in? probably not, the slight feeling of maybe a win is what keeps you going back, yet at the end of the day theres only one reason why there are so many bookies and why those machines are so profitable, yet no where does it state that you have a 50/50 chance of winning if you cover 18 numbers.

Posted : 26th November 2014 7:59 pm

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