Four weeks of living gamble free!

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Mum of three
Posts: 19
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Well..., I never thought I would genuinely say this but my last gamble was on the 25th June 2022 & I'm so very proud of myself! One day at a time. I've had many lapses/ relapses in the past but this is the longest time I've been gamble free in nearly 18yrs!! For me this is one colossal achievement. To say it's been easy would be an understatement because it's been far from that. I made sure to put a lot of stops in place to help me because I really don't want this lifestyle anymore. I know it's a massive addicuin that I need to keep at bay but baby steps minute by minute. 


The crunch time came for me when I last went in the arcade on the 25th June 22...I wasn't even playing to win I was playing to escape & after losing a fortune i knew I couldn't go on like that anymore. I have been using all resources to help aid my recovery which are helping massively. I actually have money again which is a very weird but wonderful feeling & one that I don't want to lose anytime soon. I know there is a chance of a lapse everyday but keeping myself busy & talking to people really does help...


We've all got this but you've really got to WANT to stop for the brain to flip it's switch...Good luck to you all & remember baby steps is key xx

Posted : 25th July 2022 8:31 pm
Posts: 174

hey, baby steps are wonderful things aren't they? 🙂 Congratulations, well done, and keep the faith. You can continue moving towards a healthy life. Keep doing what you are doing. 

Posted : 26th July 2022 1:05 pm
Mum of three
Posts: 19
Topic starter

@gerard-g thankyou so much. I really am so proud of myself for getting this far. To some in the world where gambling is just a bit of fun this wouldn't been seen as something to celebrate, but for me an addicted gambler since the age of 18yrs old is one MASSIVE achievement ? 

There is so much stigma attached to gambling these days but if you are genuinely struggling please reach out & get the help because it really is there! Once you get a taste for the non-gambling lifestyle & money in your pocket you really won't want to look back. Small steps & one day/one hour/one minute at a time is all you need to aid your own recovery. 

God bless xx

Posted : 26th July 2022 1:58 pm
Posts: 58

@mum-three hello from another mum of 3! Im new here and just starting my journey, I'd love to here how you are getting on since your post ❤️

Posted : 13th August 2022 8:24 pm
Mum of three
Posts: 19
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@bettyfretty Hello & thankyou so much for commenting on my post. I'm doing really well & I'm on week 7 now without looking back! Don't get me wrong as the cravings are still there but not as much anymore. I have to make myself think & do other things to get rid of the urge! 


I had a bit of a triumphant moment this Thursday just gone...just was approached by a street seller/volunteer for the ladies homeless/ addiction shelter to make a donation etc...

Now because I limit access to funds i had to politely decline & let him know that i also suffer myself from addiction...he took one look at me & said "what is it nicotine?!" Because I smoke & look presentable! That's besides the point though...I said I'm an addicted gambler..then he proceeds to hug me. I didn't want his sympathy nor his pity, I just wish more people were educated on the silent killer that gambling is! It's a hidden disease that harbours shame etc but we shouldn't need to FEEL SHAME. Always educate people who are willing to listen about addiction because you never know but you may have just helped save a life ?


How are you doing Betty on your journey to recovery? You've made the first beautiful steps into getting better & giving your children the best parts of you now not just the withdrawn/ worrying self ( I speak from experience) you will reap the benefits of being gamble free & remember to always reward yourself each week with something small as you are winning in another way! Much love xx

Posted : 13th August 2022 8:43 pm
Posts: 58

@mum-three hi, am so glad to hear you're doing so well, well done! Today is only day 2 for me but after finally opening up, first on here and then last night telling my husband everything I'm feeling like there is hope, it will be a huge task now getting on top of the debts I have amassed but we are working on a plan and I'm going to a debt advice company to see how best to go forward. I'm also going to my local car dealer who I bought my car from and am going to see if he'll sell on my car and purchase an older run around, I should be able to clear about a third of the debt with that alone, sounds mad and will a take a while but I hope it works! 

Posted : 14th August 2022 8:13 pm

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