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My last bet 13/5/15 but yet still want to die, GA been going well wife choose to support me rather than leave so why do i feel like this?Got new baby on the way, I need to close my two businesses and remortage my house could be worse yet I seem to want to end it all. I have 2 beautiful children yet i cant these demons out of my head. Not sure where to turn before its all over

Posted : 7th June 2015 12:31 am
Posts: 0

​hi bigman, I'm sorry there you feel this way, but spare a thought for all those around you and how much it would hurt them if you are not around.speak to your gp in the morning, but for now you could call the Samaritans or gamcare and have a chat it may help to get things og your chest.take careste26









Posted : 7th June 2015 5:41 am
Posts: 0

I think that stress of just living in today's world pushes most of us into this situation. For myself, constant money worries pushed me into gambling. If only I could have a win big enough to get straight and take the stress off etc etc.

If we all look at the bigger picture isn't the be all and end all. Yes, we're conditioned to have it from birth. We're conditioned to think that we can do long as we have money but what we should all really be conditioned into is realising that money is the invention of evil. Some people have too much. Others, nothing. There is no rhyme nor reason to it but the pressures from Government "pay up or I'll take everything you have or imprison you" are beyond our control as are water charges (what the hell??? someone back in the day decided to make water THEIRS and charge you to survive!), food, gas and electric.

I don't know why you are unhappy in your life...I know why I am...but maybe a councellor could help? Not a GA one...just one that may be able to get you to find out exactly what is causing the unhappiness that causes you to feel as you do 🙂

Posted : 7th June 2015 9:19 am

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