Someone reassure me

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I need help. I can’t stop. It’s affecting me being able to make plans because every time I transfer money from savings for plans, I spend it on gambling. It’s £500 a time! It’s dangerous and I think I’ll spend £50, but I can’t stop. What do I do?! I know it’s wrong and it’ll upset me but I can’t stop. Me and my partner are getting a house, and want to use the next 3 months to get clear bank statements so I need to use that as my incentive but I just can’t seem to drop and forgive myself for the past. 

Posted : 23rd July 2020 12:19 am
Posts: 104

Can relate to this totally . Sorry to hear the evilness of gambling , has trapped another person in its web. Others may give different advice , which sure all correct. I’d say from what said number 1 thing. Relinquish all access to bank accounts , passwords changed so can’t access by someone trust. Cut up cards. Get rid of I.d so can’t open anything else. Basically if have no access to money then however much want to you physically cant. Obviously blocks which sure others advise useful too and are( gamstop /Gambian/betblocker/ basic phone rid of all electronic devices) . But right now concentrating on immediately ,if do above it will safeguard you. Might sound drastic. But it’s not and honestly only way I’ve found. Irrelevant of what blocks do and don’t have. No access to money whatsoever or I.d to open new banks /acs loans = can’t gamble. Sounds simple . Obviously it’s not and struggling myself with it and have done on and off for 8 years. Good luck keep posting , where all behind you. Read my diary from 2014 those dark thoughts , that’s where it can take you to point of insanity. Stop now first bet always least disaster in my experience even v small bet can disastrous. Sorry for long post , just can’t get enough across . If thinking logical in this small window before gambling gets thoughts and illogical again , relinquish access to all money now and do it properly. You’ll be grateful when next urge comes strongly  , which it will and not thinking logically and in grip.You’ve detailed what can do 500 at time swamped up and filter to the demon each time , which was meant for better things. Also don’t be too hard on yourself , it’s an addicting and very powerful. Great you’ve found like minded ppl on here that wish you well. Good luck .

This post was modified 5 years ago by iveseenthelight
Posted : 23rd July 2020 6:32 am
Posts: 607

If you say that you can ore you can not you will be right in both but you can put a block on your computer so you can not go to those places to gamble so why don't you start there?

I am not sure what your choice of gambling is but I will take a guess that it is slots or roulette. That kind of gambling is pretty much self-hypnosis by machine. You sit there till your dopamine takes your focus off everything else but what you are doing and you won't stop till the cash (fuel) is depleted right?

I would start to talk to the staff here who can get you the correct help but know this. All help needs acceptance by you. You will need to want to get better or this will just continue like before.

All the best



Posted : 23rd July 2020 8:12 am
Posts: 882


If I tell you what to do will you do it? Not pick the things you like but everything? 

The first question is have you had enough? Second is have you told your partner? Third is have you given access over your money away? Fourth is have you signed up to Gamstop? 

I'm happy to explain what helped me but firstly I'd like to see what you have done so far.


Posted : 23rd July 2020 9:08 am
Posts: 7

hi grace ,computer gambling is a terrible thing and ive found gamcare to be exceptional , its my 4th week stopped and the care I get from the councillor is so good , however one thing ive used in the past is to take the modem from the computer . another thing that might help is you can go on a 12 week residental course through gamcare but you have to want to stop and it must be the most important thing in your life , until youve reached that place of taking responsibility and saying ive had enough all the talk wont help you .

Posted : 23rd July 2020 10:23 am
Posts: 104

Chris puts steps more simply and in order than myself , that’s what basically trying to say. It’s not easy whatsoever , but in my experience you’ve got to really want to to have any chance. We are all here for you.

Posted : 23rd July 2020 12:18 pm
Posts: 104

Btw can totally relate to c43h mention about roulette and dopamine effect. Did sport betting when first started 8 years ago. Clearly not good. But roulette , well it’s whole different level of how messed you up mentally and if do long enough financially . And that’s me only trying roulette first time 2 months ago. Realised how quick the “ devils wheel “. It’s called that for reason . But obviously all gambling bad for you , but roulette particularly so. So addictive sucks you in , big wins sure , but even bigger losses if can’t stop like us , definitely. Anyway hope it’s not roulette but if is , please take our advice it’s deadly. Take care , really rooting for you.

Posted : 23rd July 2020 12:22 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6153

Welcome to the Gamcare forum graceg.

Thank you for your post and well done for reaching out for help. It sounds like you are experiencing a progression in your gambling behavior. Problem gambling can affect anyone so please go easy on yourself. You are doing the right thing now in wanting to address this. I’m sure that you can already see on the forum there are many people who have found themselves in a similar situation to you and are now living ‘gamble free’. Please keep posting and reading through other posts as they are full of useful information and techniques on how to quit gambling.

If you feel it may be useful you can always talk to one of us here at Gamcare. There is someone to talk to on the Helpline on 0808 8020133 or the live chat through our website 24/7. We offer a wide range of help, support, and treatment I’m sure would be of benefit to you. I see someone has motioned residential treatment on here I have included the link to ‘The Gordon moody Association’ below.

We also offer 1 to 1 support with a trained practitioner over the phone at a time that is convenient for you. All treatments are free of charge.

You do not have to do this alone so please don’t. continue asking for help and we are always here to support you. We hope you find the forum a helpful and enjoyable place. All the best

Forum Admin

Posted : 23rd July 2020 2:22 pm

We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.

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