Telling the family

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Posts: 14
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Hi everyone just after some advice on how to tell the family about my gambling and debt. I know i have to do this but I'm 54years old and so scared I'm going to ruin the whole family thing . All the kids are over twenty years old so hopefully will understand but not sure on my wife. and I don't want to split the family for my stupid actions. Any thoughts on this would be great thanks Tony 

Posted : 1st July 2019 5:44 am
Posts: 487

Hi Tony,

Its a tough one. What steps have you taken so far ?

Are you attending Gamblers Anonymous ? Are you having counseling ? Have you self excluded ? When did you last gamble ? How determined are you to stop ?

You have raised 3 (?) kids (so must have done something right in your marriage!), the level of debt (from your other posts) is not at this stage catastrophic or life changing (like, I presume you aren't going to lose your house). You have a trade, and I'd guess in most parts of the country you could probably earn extra by doing some saturdays / overtime

It's only going to get harder if you lapse again and the debt mounts.

I'd always advise openness - its a fairly essential part of recovery for most people - but its only part of the process.

This post was modified 6 years ago by KS2
Posted : 1st July 2019 7:44 am
Posts: 14
Topic starter

Thanks for reply. Like you say the money is not major but big enough. I'm more ashamed of having to tell all my family what a idiot I've been not sure I can do it 

Posted : 1st July 2019 6:33 pm

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