We CAN and we WILL - Join the 100 day and 2017 Challenges!

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Lethe - great comment, we are saving a fortune between us, even after a few days. No sympathy for the bookies or other operators - "boo hoo".

Dean0 - thanks for checkng in, another day GF bites the dust!

Rogerson - you're back! You did say (I think): "I'm going outside, I might be some time..." but you're back! Good man.

Rhoda, M, Bal, KP - you're all checked in for the day. Keeping strong, that's the spirit.

Let's keep the excellent viibe we collectively have on here going strong. Enjoy your evening everyone as we run up to Christmas!

As KP so brilliantly puts it: We CAN, and we WILL and we ARE!

Posted : 20th December 2016 8:15 pm
Posts: 0

Mixer I think you have already pulled your Christmas crackers.

Posted : 20th December 2016 8:17 pm
Posts: 1828
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Ssssh, babapapa - don't tell everyone 😉

Posted : 20th December 2016 8:21 pm
Posts: 534

So that's 115 gamble free days whilst on the challenge..so using £10 per day average each =£1150. So when the 23 of us complete, that will be 2300 days and keeping £23000 out the gambling industry just during the challenge. I know the way things were going the last couple of months, £10 per day was an underestimate for me...and I suspect t for some others too, so £23000 will be a minimum saved.

Posted : 20th December 2016 8:40 pm
Posts: 1828
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Rhoda, you're right, we are keeping a lot of cash out of the bookies' and operators grubby hands. I myself am saving £200 a week - I've been out of control for the last year - and in three weeks have saved £600. Out of this I've bought some really nice Christmas presents, a great beef joint for Christmas, and other bits and pieces and still ahead £300. In a year I'll have saved £10,000. I know, I know .... I'm shaking my head writing this, but, like all of us here, doing something about it.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if between our group we can save, in 100 days, £50,000 or more. Let's do it everyone. WCAWW.

P.S. ADDED 21/12/16 Why is it, when you have a bit of free cash, something always seems to come along to spend it? I need a new fridge freezer (the old one conked out - yesterday!) and my iPhone is irreparably damaged, spilt a cup of tea on it - yesterday! But here's the point - at least I have some cash free, rather than stumbling along and having to make do. And my family, unfairly, also having to make do! New fridge freezer? I'm £300 on the way there. Phone? A new contract (£42). Not gambling anymore, so the cash is THERE - for now, AND the future. Even if you have debts to service, there should still be some extra cash flow. That's my mindset - that's OUR mindset!

Posted : 20th December 2016 8:42 pm
Posts: 0

Checking in after work and another day free. Feels great to earn money that will land in my pocket !..2017 is the year to rid ourselves of the self destruction we have created around us

Posted : 20th December 2016 9:58 pm
Posts: 100

Hi All, yeay today has been payday and it soooo feels nice having my money for me and not for gambling as we say. WCAWW xx

Posted : 20th December 2016 10:05 pm
Posts: 1701

Checking in again peeps

Posted : 20th December 2016 10:51 pm
Posts: 374

I can confirm that yesterday (Tuesday) was gamble free.

Codependancy - ANYONE ?

Posted : 21st December 2016 12:31 am
Posts: 0



This is the first time I have ever admitted I have a problem. I need some support to help me. I don't gamble until the point I have 0 'oney however I can feel myself doing it more and more and need to stop! I have had a few wins and that's what's spanned it, I'm only 23 but I'd say I've had a bit too much of an appetite for about 3 years now.. from today I want to start a 100 day challenge. I'd also like to communicate with you guys too. I don't want to see myself loosing the great job I have by clicking a stupid mouse, I have blocked myself from most sites however I keep googling more and there's so many. I know now I can beat this but I'd like some support if that's ok?

Posted : 21st December 2016 12:46 am
Posts: 374

Skyblueblue wrote:

I can confirm that yesterday (Tuesday) was gamble free.

Codependancy - ANYONE ?

Looks like i fell asleep mid post 🙂

I am now getting to the brave stage and trawling my inner me to find what drew me to my gambling nightmare all those years.

I always realised that it was in times of stress, lowness or sadness that i went to my bad place and splurged money, however i am now reaching a conclusion that the vast majority of it was as a reaction to someone else's behaviour.

Im not blaming that person (well actually i seem to be), is that fair ?

It was me hitting the 'Bet' button, but in the majority of occassions it was the behaviour of another that was destroying my esteem and therefore my defence mechanism and logical thinking.

I am not going to shy away from the issue being mine to address and deal with...my problem is that person is still in my life and that scares me a little.

Sorry for the deep thoughts so early, just thinking out loud 🙂

Finding strength in numbers today......We CAN and we WILL.


Posted : 21st December 2016 8:37 am
Posts: 1828
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Good morning,

Katiecoo, Wardall, Change, thanks for checking in. Great to see the financial benefits starting to kick in!

Sbb, you are reaching a stage that some recovering gamblers reach, and some don't. I'm approaching this stage, too; starting to confront and deal with the underlying reasons. We have ALL been carrying out this damaging, costly, masocistic activity for a reason. However, that's no excuse for us to continue, and we still made the choice. But this is all a positive part of your continued recovery! Here's a safe place to explore why, but consider also the Gamcare phone lines and counselling services (which I'm currently in the process of doing). Meantime... Keep GF!

Steve - you are welcome to join us, and you've made an excellent start by recognising you are a compulsive gambling addict. You need to seriously consider blocking software and install it today; looking around this site you'll find it. Do consider phoning Gamcare up to get you started. Whilst we are a positive, supportive fun group we are also a SERIOUS group. All of us have vowed to stop for 100 days. If one of us buckles, our collective (team) total goes back to 0. So, please confirm you are going to stop from today, and you're in. You can always ask us for support at any time, but please don't buckle. We're on Day 5. We're taking you in on trust. You must cease all forms of gambling from today. You cannot let us down. Let us know if you're in!


Posted : 21st December 2016 8:54 am
Posts: 534

Hiya SBB "a reaction to someone else's behaviour'......do you want the person in your life still? Does their behaviour need to change and is that something within your influence, is it within their influence? Their behaviour did not make you a compulsive gambler, you chose to gamble just as you are now choosing not to gamble. Their behaviour cannot destroy your self esteem now, you are in control. You are right....we can and we will...individually we may feel weak at times, but this is a community of people who accept their own frailty, but who are committed to supporting one another to stay GF. Here you will find respect.

Posted : 21st December 2016 8:59 am
Posts: 374

Mixer/Rhoda - Thank you - both make perfect sense.

Had a very tough night with said person's behaviour and this morning i awoke to the lowest point since the start of this journey.

I jumped straight on here, read my own diary again, and caught up with some others too.

I now feel recharged and super invincible again.

Now that i have recognised the elephant in the room i need to decide what to do with it, which appears to be the next part of my journey...bring it on 🙂

Have an invincible day all.


Posted : 21st December 2016 9:19 am
Posts: 0

checking in on day 20, almost 3 weeks **mini fist pump*** and i will not gamble today.......

Posted : 21st December 2016 3:02 pm
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