We CAN and we WILL - Join the 100 day and 2017 Challenges!

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Hi all.

Just checking in. 19 days today.

We are flying my friends!!

We CAN and we WILL.

Posted : 21st December 2016 3:43 pm
Posts: 0

Xmas shopping with Mrs Bal. Phew. Knackered.

No sliding off this year to visit Mr FOBT and then having to make up an unexpected bill that has just appeared.

Another GF day

Stay safe x

Posted : 21st December 2016 5:46 pm
Posts: 0

Good evening all, hope you have all had a good day. Day 13 clean for me. As I have mentioned on previous posts, one thing that is driving me on is the thought of seeing my next bank statement, which is due in just under three weeks, with no gambling related entries. The last few statements had pages of online casino entries, almost without exception debits and not credits. keep going everyone and as all us Liverpool supporters say, "You'll never walk alone" (again). Together we are stronger!

Posted : 21st December 2016 6:33 pm
Posts: 386

Hello my fellow groupies 🙂

Checking In Day 12 and safe & sound!

Head is becoming a little clearer with every day that passes, ODAAT posted in my diary about choices...So true!

Today I choose NOT to gamble....Today I choose life!

We CAN and We WILL!

M x

Posted : 21st December 2016 6:39 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

*** ROLLCALL for the 100 DAY CHALLENGE! *** - 23 magnificent hardy souls choosing life over misery, day by day. Join us if you seriously want to quit gambling forever...

DAY 6 COMPLETE (pending anyone posting to the contrary).

Start Date: 14th Dec 2016. Projected finish line: 25th March 2017. Success so far: 100%

Please be honest: that way you always retain our full support and, importantly, respect. If you have buckled, then let us know - otherwise you are, sadly, not being straight with yourself, your loved ones, and our group. Respect, and integrity, is everything 🙂

Member New Total GF yesterday?
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Angela (Pinky) ….. 10 Yes!
babapapa ….. 13 Yes!
Bal ….. 618 Yes!
Barney ….. 20 Yes!
caitesnan ….. 7 Yes!
Change ….. 6 Yes!
Deeeaannn000 ….. 108 Yes!
dsh ….. 6 Yes!
fiddlesticks ….. 17 Yes!
Gavin ….. 15 Yes!
Katiecoo ….. 21 Yes!
klamm ….. 7 Yes!
KP ….. 19 Yes!
M (SC) ….. 12 Yes!
Mixer ….. 21 Yes!
Paulgam ….. 26 Yes!
Rhoda ….. 16 Yes!
Rogerson ….. 9 Yes!
Sam ….. 205 Yes!
Silver ….. 95 Yes!
Skyblue ….. 78 Yes!
Spud ….. 17 Yes!
Wardal ….. 24 Yes!

Running total: 1370 days

Here we are having all hit Day 6 and cruising as we head towards Christmas day, only 4 days away (note to self: must start thinking about getting presents 🙂 ). Sbb, M, Rhoda, KP, babapapa, Bal and Barney all checked in today; keep it going guys and gals!

* Joke of the Day * I saw a terrapin crash into a tortoise earlier today.... turtle disaster 🙂


Posted : 21st December 2016 6:48 pm
Posts: 0

Rhoda wrote:

So that's 115 gamble free days whilst on the challenge..so using £10 per day average each =£1150. So when the 23 of us complete, that will be 2300 days and keeping £23000 out the gambling industry just during the challenge. I know the way things were going the last couple of months, £10 per day was an underestimate for me...and I suspect t for some others too, so £23000 will be a minimum saved.

I was probably losing on average at least £500 per week, so that total will be much higher!

Posted : 21st December 2016 7:06 pm
Posts: 0

Checking in.

Well done guy's


Posted : 21st December 2016 7:29 pm
Posts: 100

Hiya all, GF again today, it feels nice being able to get a good nights sleep rather than gambling till silly o'clock. Together united we can do this xx

Posted : 21st December 2016 10:33 pm
Posts: 0

Another day free, but a hard day as got paid and had a bonus. This to normal people would be great before Xmas, not to me, put me in a spin but stayed free

Posted : 22nd December 2016 1:13 am
Posts: 374

Up early paying bills before work, for most people this is a painful chore, whereas for me this is now the third time in a row I have gotten a real kick out of doing it 🙂

Despite a horrible emotionally draining day i remained gamble free yesterday, and am now exactly three weeks away from my maiden century.

Last day in the office today - mixed feelings - looking forward to the rest but concerned about having so much time on my hands.

Stocked up my kindle and other than reading plan to keep active - i know ill be ok.

I WILL be ok.

We CAN and we WILL.


Posted : 22nd December 2016 4:45 am
Posts: 0

Morning all, checking in on day 18. Get paid tomorrow, the next couple of weeks will be the real test for me. I don't get holidays over the festive period so at least I will be kept busy working.

It's great to see everyone doing so well. Well done everyone.

Posted : 22nd December 2016 9:50 am
Posts: 0

Every day gf is a bonus day 39 for me but take each day as it comes good thing is no urges and real money in the bank and it's mine but will be spent on important stuff not in the nasty machines hard work but the rewards are better

Posted : 22nd December 2016 10:32 am
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

Good morning all. And here we are today, faced with a challenge - more money in our pockets and holiday time. December 22nd, with bulging bonuses in the bank perhaps, 3 days before Christmas.

However, let's remember and never forget - today is just another GF day, like any other.

In our eyes, nothing has changed. We vow to be gambling free, WHATEVER the provocation or tempation. We remain UTTERLY strong. Lets not forget, these digusting online games and evil flashing boxes and pointless sports betting are all designed to extract as much of our hard-earned income from us. They are no better than pickpockets, except we are handing the money over!!!

NO MORE and NEVER AGAIN. We are learning to HATE these games that have been making our lives such a misery. Some people say hate is a strong word. I say when I comes to gambling , BRING IT ON.

We are choosing LIFE. We are STRONG. We are UNITED. Kick the temptations in touch like casually flicking a fly off your arm; easy.

This gambling nonsense was a dark phase of our lives, let's never forget. Don't put the rosy-tinted glasses on. The good times were fleeting, the bad times MUCH worse. My god, some of us lost loved ones! But we're off that phase now, one day at a time. We're enjoying have spending money to invest in ourselves - better clothes, grooming, look better. And what about our loved ones? Don't they deserve it too? And our collective future happiness. Look in the mirror. Don't you want to look and FEEL as good as you possible can be? Don't you want your loved ones to see you in this way too (they do, you know!)

Keep strong. We DONT do weak excuses any more. "It was Christmas!". "I was bored!". "I had some money!". "I felt down!", "I had a bad day!", "I felt weak!", "I just needed a small game" - No, No, NO. These, and any other excuses, are BANISHED to hell along with our of the randid, poisonous, ridiculous nonsense that has been eaten away at last for too long. NO EXCUSES.



We are showing our real strength. We are showing our character. We are showing our PRIDE in who we really are, in who we will continue to be - FOREVER!

P.S. I went to the pub last night. One of the regulars, not someone I have much time for to be honest, was part of conversation I was having. I mentioned, that I was off the gambling, and that I had joined a group of 22 others, complete strangers, vowing to stop for 100 days. (I inferred it was a regular meeting, I would never draw attention to our group with outside strangers). He sneered at me a bit, in that pompous "know it all" way of his and said: you've got no chance, they will fall away, and it will never happen. He pointed to a regular, zombie like stuffing a fruity with all his heard-earned. See? he said. I said that we will do it. I gave him short shrift, to be honest.

I would like to ask my group. I happen to be going to the pub again tonight (seperate bunch of friends). He might be in there again. Does anyone have any ideas about how I might respond?

Posted : 22nd December 2016 11:23 am
Sam Crow
Posts: 552

What a post Mixer, brilliant! I'm in the pub tonight and will be surrounded by gambling also. I've had to deal with the snide remarks from doubters as well and the best thing to do is simply let it slide. Learning to let go of all that negativity and bullsh1t whatever form it takes is an important part of recovery. Next time you see the acquaintance and if he brings up the topic just smile and say 'that's your opinion'. It's just one of the many obstacles you will find presenting themselves over the next while, skip over it and continue along Recovery Road!

Posted : 22nd December 2016 12:23 pm
Posts: 0

Mixer went pub last Saturday machines every did not even give them one thought and the best thing was came home with money in my pocket sadly cynics will sneer and judge but never will understand a addiction so best is ignore them and fight it good luck

Posted : 22nd December 2016 12:35 pm
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