We CAN and we WILL - Join the 100 day and 2017 Challenges!

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Babapapa - enjoy the game on Boxing Day. C'mon you Reds. Mark Hughes' lot isn't going to nick it - are they?!

Sbb - have a peaceful, enjoyable Christmas 🙂

dsh - so pleased to hear you're GF - and flying! Keep it going!

Katiecoo - we're thinking of you as you work this holiday period. The biggest gift of all? You're GF!

Dean0 - great to hear from you as always. Can't wait to hear your cracker jokes (I think...!)

jayD - keep those jokes a rockin' and a rollin' ! Having a sense of humour + GF = a happy life 🙂

KP - the inspiration for this thread and our clarion call - WCAWW. Respect with a capital R, my friend.

M - doing so well. It warms the cockles, really does. Have a really lovely Christmas, OK!!!

Bal - I remember Rumpole! On lunchtimes, if I recall...!

WCAWW - we can do this. Goodnight and have a fantastic, relaxing Christmas Day.

Posted : 24th December 2016 9:37 pm
Posts: 0

Day 14 today. Merry Christmas everyone! Saving those pennies well!

Posted : 25th December 2016 2:00 am
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

Morning all, and a Merry Christmas! Time for us all to chill and enjoy this special time. Now, this can be a difficult time for many reasons but today is another day, like any other, where we are choosing LIFE. And chocolates for breakfast, c**P telly, and the rest of it, granted 🙂

Let's relax today, and consider what we have, and what the future can hold. GF, it WILL be better!


P.S. If you fancy it, and you're able, why not join some of us on the Gamcare chat line from 8-9 tonight! Beers and wine optional 🙂

P.P.S. Keep saving those pennies Rogerson!

Posted : 25th December 2016 11:39 am
Posts: 374

Checking in to confirm that yesterday was gamble free.

Happy Christmas to all of you.

Here is my offering:

Once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met. After a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding. Their life together was, of course, perfect.

One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving their perfect car (a Grand Caravan) along a winding road, when they noticed someone at the side of the road in distress. Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help.

There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys. Not wanting to disappoint any children on the eve of Christmas, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his toys into their vehicle. Soon they were driving along delivering the toys.

Unfortunately, the driving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple and Santa Claus had an accident. Only one of them survived the accident.

Who was the survivor? (Scroll down for the answer.)

The perfect woman survived. She's the only one who really existed in the first place. Everyone knows there is no Santa Claus and there is no such thing as a perfect man.

Women stop reading here, that is the end of the joke.

Men keep scrolling****.

So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the perfect woman must have been driving. This explains why there was a car accident.

By the way, if you're a woman and you're reading this, this illustrates another point: women never listen.


Posted : 25th December 2016 11:48 am
Posts: 0

Happy Christmas day and day 42 gf rather watch c**P tv and stuff myself with lousy party food by the way the cracker jokes are awful lol.but better than gambling it's hard for some ppl here but the day will pass and most importantly it's a day of living like any other day good luck and raise a glass cheers .where the remote now ha ha

Posted : 25th December 2016 12:23 pm
Posts: 0

We today have the time, maybe the money and probably the location.. but we also remember what despair brought us here. Happy gambling free Xmas to everyone. Keep your guard up

Posted : 25th December 2016 5:31 pm
Posts: 0

Happy Christmas everyone. Hope it's not too late for me to join the challenge? Day 2 gamble-free here.

And, thanks Mixer and ODAAT for last night's chat... after the chat ended I deleted the email that contained my K9 password forever and it saved me today... I woke up at 4am to check my emails and there were many from online casinos offering free spins/300% deposit bonuses/etc... and I thought what harm can £10 or £20 do when my own personal unsecured debt is so huge, anyway K9 blocked access and even though I'm "tech savvy", nobody has time to alter registry entries or reinstall an OS at 4am in the morning, right? lol... So, this was the first Christmas Day in 11 years that I haven't gambled... Admittedly the previous 10 years were just controlled recreational gambling/advantage play... only went crazy in July this year and stupidly maxed out every credit card I had, but still, perhaps naively, I see a gamble-free Christmas Day as an achievement.

Anyway, I know I need to start my own diary to vent all this stuff, but for the moment just being able to text inconsequential garbage in the online chat room each night and post a quick "checking in" in this thread is enough... Just hoping to get a head start on a gamble-free 2017... Not really sure how much difference it will make as I owe so much money to so many banks and I can't predict what the future holds, but I know I can't cry/give up on life/attempt to consolidate debts/ask a family member for help until I have a few months' gamble-free under my belt... and I kind of know that after a few months' gamble-free my entire mindset will be different, at least hope so...

Here's to a better future for everyone that's trying to quit this insane addiction.

Posted : 25th December 2016 5:42 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

*** ROLLCALL for the 100 DAY CHALLENGE! *** - 24 magnificent hardy souls choosing life over misery, day by day. Join us if you seriously want to quit gambling forever... one day at a time.

DAY 10 COMPLETE (pending anyone posting to the contrary).

Start Date: 14th Dec 2016. Projected finish line: 25th March 2017. Success so far: 100%

Please be honest: that way you always retain our full support and, importantly, respect. If you have buckled, then let us know - otherwise you are, sadly, not being straight with yourself, your loved ones, and our group. Respect, and integrity, is everything 🙂

Member Tot/GF yesterday
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Angela (Pinky) ….. 14 Yes!
babapapa ….. 17 Yes!
Bal ….. 622 Yes!
Barney ….. 24 Yes!
caitesnan ….. 11 Yes!
Change ….. 10 Yes!
Deean000 ….. 112 Yes!
dsh ….. 10 Yes!
fiddlesticks ….. 21 Yes!
Gavin ….. 19 Yes!
Katiecoo ….. 25 Yes!
klamm ….. 11 Yes!
KP ….. 23 Yes!
M (SC) ….. 16 Yes!
Mixer ….. 25 Yes!
Paulgam ….. 30 Yes!
Rhoda ….. 20 Yes!
Rogerson ….. 13 Yes!
Sam ….. 209 Yes!
Silver ….. 99 Yes!
Skyblue ….. 82 Yes!
Sodawater ….. 2 Yes!
Spud ….. 21 Yes!
Wardal ….. 28 Yes!

Running total so far: 1464

It's Christmas Day and I hope you're all having a relaxing one with some peace of mind brought on by 10 days GF. It's not an easy time of year for many of us, that's for sure, but if we can be mighty strong and avoid the tempations that the holiday season brings (as Katiecoo wisely stated in her post, earlier), then we are setting ourselves up well for the days and weeks ahead.

We have a new member of our group! Welcome, sodawater, who is on 2 days but, after having conversed with him on the webchat chat yesterday, believe he has the determination to succeed. Thank you for your earlier post; your determination is really shining through. Our target date remains the same, but you'll need to put in a few extra days, Soda - I'm sure you don't mind doing that. Welcome aboard 🙂

Now, some of our group haven't updated their dairies or checked in for a while; if we don't hear from you within, say, a couple of weeks then we'll 'rest' you from the group. You may have your own reasons, and we respect that. But I have to think of our group as a whole, and the integrity of what we are doing. If you do buckle, then let us know, you know we'll support you; we are a team!

And what a team, hitting 10 days today - double digits. Congratulations everyone, and a toast to you all. Cheers!

Sbb - thank you for your entertaining post. Although not sure what our ladies in our group would have made of it. "Tin helmets on", Sbb!

Jay - glad you're enjoying the day. Beers + telly = sounds good to me!

Katiecoo - thanks for checking in, and a very good poin you raised. We all need to be on our guard and keep strong.

Bal - thank you for checking in, another day marked 'LIFE' rather than misery.

*** JOKE OF THE DAY! *** and it's a quick 2-parter...

Why do elephants paint their balls red? So they can hide in cherry trees. What's the loudest sound in the jungle? Giraffes eating cherries!!! (I'll get my coat...!)


Posted : 25th December 2016 7:12 pm
Posts: 0

Taking my son home at 6am in the morning so no boozies for Bal today.

Check in GF x

Posted : 25th December 2016 7:16 pm
Posts: 147

Good evening all and a very merry Xmas to you all.

I'm still working nights but off tomorrow and Tuesday yay!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day with loved ones, I did!!

No time or location for me next two days so I'm going to be steaming ahead.

Mixer our rt. Hon. Secretary is keeping fantastic tabs here. You sir deserve a medal for the work your putting in to our group.

Let's make it to 2017 GF my friends.

We CAN and we WILL.

Posted : 25th December 2016 11:32 pm
Posts: 0

Yes thankyou mixer for being the backbone of this thread

Posted : 26th December 2016 12:05 am
Posts: 100

Hiya all, hope you are all having a lovely Xmas. I am still GF, was gifted so many jigsaw puzzles for Xmas which is good and keeps me quiet whilst sat at the dining room table tehehe !!! Xxx

Posted : 26th December 2016 1:19 am
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

Good morning everyone!

Here's hoping Christmas Day was a good one, and you enjoyed the peace-of-mind being GF brings.

Boxing Day now, and, whether working or not, let's have another day enjoying our fantastic GF world.

Looking ahead, some say January is a bit of a miserable month, after all of the Christmas hubbub, but here's the thing.

When you're GF, every day being GF is the same; that is, another day of choosing LIFE over misery. It means we look forward to each GF Day. Because we get stronger with each day that passes. The best is yet to come, everyone, as day by day, we earn the right to a better life.

Let's stick together, on this forum and with our loved ones and all the tools we have at our disposal, so stay on this road to a better life.

Happy Boxing Day and ... Happy Every Day!

We CAN and we WILL!

Posted : 26th December 2016 7:02 am
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

Bal - thanks for checking in; hope all went well taking your son home earlier!

KP - really glad you enjoyed a wonderful GF Christmas with your family; priceless eh 🙂

Kathecoo - no problem; just stay GF - I know you will!

Wardle - morning! And it looks like you'll be busy today ...!

Another GF day dawns ... keep strong everyone!

Posted : 26th December 2016 7:10 am
Posts: 374

Sbb checking in another day further down contentment road, another day further away from my enemy.

Have a great Boxing Day everybody, stay particularly on point today.

Look forward to see everyone's successful posts tomorrow again.


Posted : 26th December 2016 8:06 am
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