What have I got to worry about?

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So as the title says...what things do I have to worry about now. My addiction is to online gambling and I have the blocks in place now. So whats the worst that can happen....can anything happen if I cant access the sites? I am sitting here feeling safe...safe that I can no longer do any damage. But am I being nieve?...is there a bigger demon there that can get me somehow?. I know that I have to change now...this is the next step and the most important one. Gambling never enters my mind...or the urge to gamble never enters my mnd until I am home alone with my pc or phone. And now that I cant do that anymore...am I really safe? Surely its not that simple...Day 3

Posted : 1st May 2018 7:06 pm
Posts: 2937

Thru experience, I learnt that my gambling evolved so be careful, online went to casinos, casinos went to bookies, then bookies finally went to pubs everything excluded now but u cant exclude from pubs so beware.


Posted : 1st May 2018 7:11 pm
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Oh gosh...thanks adam123. The thought of going to the casino never enters my mind...its not something I would consider unless being in Vegas.I did before when I lived elsewhere...because it was something the people I was with did but my circle of firends here wouldnt be gamblers so there it isnt somewhere I would be very likely to go...and definately not the bookies. I think thats how my online gambling started....I went online 12 years ago to put a bet on the grand national because I wouldnt go into the bookies...and then I discovered online casinos whilst doing that! But thanks so much for the heads up...just because I have zero interest in either of those doesnt mean that I couldnt fall into that trap in the future. I am a secret gambler...an ashamed secret gambler...so I am hoping that its unlikely that I would become an open compulsive gambler. But I guess Im not immune...this addiction has us doing things we wouldnt normally do.

Posted : 1st May 2018 7:20 pm
Posts: 3239

valdab wrote:

So as the title says...what things do I have to worry about now. My addiction is to online gambling and I have the blocks in place now. So whats the worst that can happen....can anything happen if I cant access the sites? I am sitting here feeling safe...safe that I can no longer do any damage. But am I being nieve?...is there a bigger demon there that can get me somehow?. I know that I have to change now...this is the next step and the most important one. Gambling never enters my mind...or the urge to gamble never enters my mnd until I am home alone with my pc or phone. And now that I cant do that anymore...am I really safe? Surely its not that simple...Day 3

As an addict, there's not a block I can't get around, but they do help. I certainly keep on my guard

Posted : 1st May 2018 7:25 pm
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I am not too tech savvy so hopefully wouldnt be able to undo the blocks. But I havent tried...but when I put my mind to something I will usually persist! (not unlike my gambling addiction...such irony!) Next step then is definately cutting access to money but I live alone so its not just a simple task of giving access to someone else. The credit card stays at work...I have no use for it now anyway as its maxed out...so there it stays.

Posted : 1st May 2018 7:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you are ok Valdab

Thinking of you

Sammy x

Posted : 6th May 2018 1:21 pm
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Hey Sammy...all good! day 10...feeling positive! Been getting out and about, plenty fresh air and making an effort to do more things socially. Mixing with people is definately good therapy (although my gambling still remains a secret from these people). Am still angry at myself for blowing so much cash recently...I should have 10k extra right now since last year...and instead I am nearly 20k down...its sickening...but trying not to dwell on it. Onwards and upwards. Just as long as I dont gamble again all will resolve itself. How are things going with you?

Posted : 8th May 2018 9:00 pm
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Hey Sammy...all good! day 10...feeling positive! Been getting out and about, plenty fresh air and making an effort to do more things socially. Mixing with people is definately good therapy (although my gambling still remains a secret from these people). Am still angry at myself for blowing so much cash recently...I should have 10k extra right now since last year...and instead I am nearly 20k down...its sickening...but trying not to dwell on it. Onwards and upwards. Just as long as I dont gamble again all will resolve itself. How are things going with you?

Posted : 8th May 2018 9:00 pm
Posts: 0

How are you x

Posted : 28th May 2018 11:07 am
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Hey Emptyp2...all good...going well...30 days now! No gambling urges...feel like such a mug for all that I have thrown away though. I paid off the debts with what saving I had so no money now...but at least no debts and I am greatful for that. I must concentrate on building up some savings again as I feel terrible not having anything to fall back on should anything go wrong and I dont have an income etc. Hope all is well with you?

Posted : 28th May 2018 6:55 pm
Posts: 77

Hey Valdab, good to here that you are staying strong and staying away from gambling.

I'm a married guy with 2 children and I nearly lost the lot due to my lies, deceit and the amount of debt I racked up. Only a few select people know about my problem but I definitely find that having my wife, friend and uncle know gave me people to turn to when I struggled in the early days. 18 months down the line and I am still not quite debt free but should be clear by the end of the year so be grateful that you can start with a clean slate (I would have loved that). Don't worry about what you have lost, those were small triggers that would always set me off gambling again in search of recovering some losses. What's lost is lost and in the past. As you say you have no debts and an income so hopefully you can now see those savings build back up, just a question though...You say you paid your debts off, have you not cancelled and cut up your credit card??

Keep working at it because like Triangle says in the post above, if you really want to gamble you will find a way.

Posted : 31st May 2018 6:26 am
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Hi Danny P...thanks for your post. Didn't cut up my credit card....want to keep it, but maybe I should reconsider as its the credit card availability of money that led me to such large losses. Day 37, am keeping so busy that I havent even thought of gambling, not once in the last month which is great. I have no urges at all so am feeling very positive for now! I am greatful that I havent got myself into debt, but the amount I have lost is ridiculous. All in the past now hopefully!

Posted : 4th June 2018 2:04 am
Posts: 2148

Hi Valdab.

I want to step this up in a way by saying a gambling addiction is a drug addiction and you need to treat it with the fear and respect it deserves.

Im sorry but things worry me in that having a credit card is very dangerous for you in this sitaution. You are like all addicted gamblers entering recovery in that you will be confused. I dont see any mention of living on an allowance or breaking those secrets which are actually no good for you.

The living alone thing is the excuse I used before I really faced up to it. Its not an addiction most people can just deal with alone with a bit of willpower. Its far stronger than that....its a split mind overcoming all the reality of gambling to get its own fix. The addiction is to playing the feeling of expectation, escape and the rush of body chemicals

IT IS NOT AN INCOME SCHEME OR A GET IT BACK LATER SCHEME...not on those odds. Its a mugs game of random chance with money you can not afford to lose.

Its an addiction that should humble you into a born again moment of honesty with everyone. You liked the anonymity of your gambling binges because the sensible part of you knows its a losers game.

All the doors are ajar...easy access to pick your credit card up...no real restrictions on cash and the rabbit in the headlights feeling we all had when starting out

I applaud you for being here but there is no room for any complacency and feeling the pats on the back are enough .I hope you wont undo or bypass the blocks but I am worried in that you are not really answerable to or monitored by anybody close.

Ive seen all the stories about good incomes but this addiction has bankrupted footballers and lawyers. You will have to put the losses behind you. I am glad that you can get out of debt with savings but you still need to focus in some way that is what gambling does to your money

My view is that you should be walking into a GA meeting to give it a try. A gambling addiction is a delusional state. an illness of the mind, a craving of mind body and soul which will fight rationality in devious ways we dont fully understand. Its made you do things you cant rationalise at all now...do you understand how if you couldnt trust yourself its going to take time and all the help for your mind to readjust

Its about a born again moment and the mercies that you are with us, have some income and can take yor life from there

I dont want to sound harsh but its because I care. It can be beaten but there is no room for any complacency. You also have to consider depression, stress, anxiety loneliness and anything that triggers this off from a numb soul. I thought I was semi ok but was actually so lost that I was in some form of depressive state if not clinically depressed all the time.

There is no shame in dealing with this.

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

Posted : 4th June 2018 5:03 am
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Hi Joydivider...I dont think you are being harsh at all...you are just saying it how it is and its nice to have people like you to point out aspects that I may have overlooked. You are absoutely right in that I need to do more. Im doing absoutely fine at the moment...my mood is great...plenty sleep...the nice weather is definately helping. Im very busy at the moment so no time to be at home lonely and depressed. It is periods of stress, depression loneliness and emptiness that I have felt the urge to gamble. I have no of these feelings at the moment but am very much aware that they may return and I cannot ever get complacent. I am confident of no gambling at the moment as I have the blocks in place for all gambling stuff online...I simply cannot gamble on my pc or phone even if I wanted to. I definately go through periods of depression and this is something I am working on...trying to keep myself balanced. I could get rid of the credit card...but I use it for so much, booking different stuff online that I would hate not to have it. I guess if I really wanted to gamble I could use any debit card, not just the credit card. Life is really good at the moment and maybe this is why I may come across as complacent. Im far from it...I have been in this cycle several times before with binge gambling...but I did not have those block in place until recently.So for now I am happy that I cannot gamble...in the meantime I am working on other aspects of my life and mind to try and unravel the deeper issues of why I gamble. I am aware I am an addict...I cannot ever gamble again as I cannot control myself once I start. Thanks for posting, all advice to beat this demon is very much welcome.

Posted : 5th June 2018 8:48 pm

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