I’m in debt. I owe thousands to companies, I owe thousands to several friends. People have helped me time and time again but I always relapse. I’m 23. I’ve been doing this since I was 15. I’ve had so many accounts on this forum to make a post, started from underage gambling problem all the way to now. I’ve failed myself in life. I’ve finally realised that whilst the prospect of having around £50 to my name every payday for the foreseeable future is depressing, it’s £50 more than I’m leaving myself with right now whilst gambling. How did you finally kick this addiction? I have put every possible block in place. I just want to stop this, it’s hurting my health
For me my gambling was an escape from my feelings and emotions.
In the recovery program I got to understand that abstaining on its own was not enough.
For me the recovery program meant healing my pains.
For me I found it hard even to abstain.
So I went to more meetings till I stopped.
In the old days about 53 years ago there was lots of talk about money lost or being in action.
Then people in meetings got wise they started to give in depth therapies.
The consequences of being in the meetings I got to know my self much better.
I also learned how to articulate my feelings and emotions.
I also learned how to reverse my unhealthy reactions to people life and situations.
I was able to reduce my unhealthy reactions to people life and sitations.
I was able to learn that I was not able to change other people.
The only person I change is my self.
I was able to learn how to reduce my fears.
I was able to learn how to love my self.
I was able to learn how to respect my self.
If I can do recovery any one can.
Love and peace to every one.
Dave L
AKA Dave of Beckenham
Imagine for a moment that you sat yourself down on 2 chairs. Put the gambler in one chair and you in the other.
Now ask him the questions.
Why can’t you stop? Because It’s gone on for too long? Have you tried? Really? What have you done to stop? How have you tried to change your habits? What have you found out about yourself that is making you do nothing else but gambling? Asking for help is fine. Not challenging or stretching your own mind is not fine.
I can call for help all day but no one is coming. You must start to look at you and what you can do.
Write s... down. Why are you doing what you do? What makes your situation different? What help have you asked for. When where and who can u turn to to get some counselling?
Everyone is in the same swimmingpool here. Our stories are different but the habit is the same. You have a unlimited knowledge that can help you but you have to put in the work. There is no other way.
I wish you well!
C43h has a potential solution here with great advice in tackling the mental problem of the gambling addiction.
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