100 day challenge - today till new years eve

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sonic boom
Posts: 447
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Lost a ridiculous amount of money over last 6 days.

I went from 25 December last year till 7 August this year and then relapsed big time.

Today im back to day one... my last chance to get back to triple figures in 2015. Really need to draw a line under the last few weeks so I can go into 2016 in a positive frame of mine.

Today is day 1 and today I will not gamble


Posted : 23rd September 2015 12:10 pm
Posts: 1701

I'll join you in your challenge Mark. I'm Day 2 so basically in the same boat. Let's work together and hopefully get a century before the years up. Let me know a bit more about what you gambled on and why you think you gamble even when you know it's wrong. I'll then post back with my experience. You never know it may help get us both to the year end... good luck pal and hope to hear from you soon.

Posted : 23rd September 2015 1:27 pm
Posts: 0

Count me in as well.

Obviously I'm looking to surpass 100 days, but want to take things a step at a time.

I get paid on Friday, so am counting that as day 1.

Posted : 23rd September 2015 3:28 pm
sonic boom
Posts: 447
Topic starter

Hi Change and Elproducto..

Ive read both of your recent posts...I see a lot of myself in both of you.

Change - your recent postings about your credit cards is especially poignant as ive just got a six grand loan from my bank which they used in branch to pay off all three of my credit cards - well strictly speaking two in full and a grand on the third which left a 500 quid balance on it.

So instead of being mega pleased I wouldnt be paying loads of monthly interest on the cards I thought what the hell whats 200 quid, even if things go bad and I lose im still definitely ok financially to deal with it. So used my card to withdraw cash. Anyway that got lost pretty quickly (fobts). Anyway to quickly get to the point over a few days - thurs fri sat and sunday of last week plus yesterday ive lost just short of a grand.... very very stupid of me!!

Im terrified of getting myself in more deeply as not only would all my debts be back to square one I'll have an additional debt of 293 quid a month for 2 years to find somehow!

I simply cant afford that.... so ive been busy with my spreadsheet at work and with some self discipline Ive worked out I can pay off all my cards by next april. Then I can increase my loan repayments and be debt free by end of next year. Paying off loan earlier will also get a nice rebate of interest as well.

Its something I really need to focus on as ive been slacking in my commitment to beating this gambling voice in my head.

Posted : 23rd September 2015 5:33 pm
Posts: 0

​count me in too!!

Posted : 23rd September 2015 5:45 pm
sonic boom
Posts: 447
Topic starter

Day 2 / 100

Today I will not gamble

Posted : 24th September 2015 4:35 am
Posts: 154

Sonic Boom, Change, Elproducto & Dessieboy.........you can all do this. I'll be rooting for you :0)

Posted : 24th September 2015 6:07 am
Posts: 1701

Day 3 / 100 for me and no chance I'm going to gamble! No urges.

Posted : 24th September 2015 8:10 am
Posts: 1701

Day 4 / 100... will not gamble.

Posted : 25th September 2015 10:52 am
sonic boom
Posts: 447
Topic starter

Managed to get to day 5 (today). No access to money from my credit cards so very confident that today will be another gamble free day


Posted : 27th September 2015 6:23 am
Posts: 0

Still going strong guys. Had a bit of a challenge yesterday as the Mrs was on a spa day. Stayed wrong strong and well and truly on track. Hope all ok with you two


Posted : 27th September 2015 6:32 am
Posts: 1701

Day 6 / 100. Going well boys! Few niggling when footy was kicking off and also the rugby later on but it passed without incident. Roll on today and another gamble free day.

Posted : 27th September 2015 12:04 pm
Posts: 1701

Day 7 / 100... this is when it can start to get tricky but I feel better placed.

Posted : 28th September 2015 10:47 am
Posts: 1701

First week done and many more good weeks to come. I'm more positive and better placed to deal with challenges. To 100 days and beyond...

Posted : 28th September 2015 9:36 pm
Posts: 1701

Day 8 / 100... keep the faith.

Posted : 29th September 2015 9:40 am
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