154 day GF. But will always be compulsive gambler

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154 days GF. I have came so far to actually dealing with this horrid addiction. I take every day as it comes an actually admit my problem and how I am going to deal with it every day. Most days I keep busy with work and focus on how to stay GF. I feel more relaxed now and not living life of a lie. Stay strong folks. GF is a life for the better.

Posted : 14th September 2020 7:56 am
Posts: 106
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156 days GF, a few urges with the football being on. It happens but just need to learn to deal with the urges. Before I would give in to easy. Now when I get an urge I think back to when it all went wrong the days of chasing my money back and end up with the lies trying to cover up my short fall.

Posted : 15th September 2020 6:28 pm
Posts: 106
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161 days GF. Been keeping busy with work and focused on important things in life. Another weekend over, never really had any urges. Started back my driving so thats my focus right now. Stay strong folks. A GF life is a better life.

Posted : 21st September 2020 6:16 am
Posts: 106
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170 days GF. I have come so far, feels like everyday is a fight at times. Surrounded with people who gamble constantly with football etc. Now it’s about understanding how to deal with the urges. By being a compulsive gambler urges will happen. Keep busy and avoid temptation.

Posted : 30th September 2020 7:09 am
Posts: 106
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173 days GF. A few urges as it’s Saturday and the full football list again. Keep telling myself I am a compulsive gambler and cannot gamble in anyway. I have come so far. Reading back on my comments I couldn’t go back to where I was. There was some scary thoughts went through my mind when I lost everything over and over again. I felt a failure. Gamble free and keep your mind free. I am off to keep busy and watch all the shock results coming in. Stay strong folks.

Posted : 3rd October 2020 11:05 am
Posts: 106
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179 days GF. Some football results over the weekend. Well glad I have given up gambling. Waiting on Liverpool or Man Utd would have tipped me over the edge.  Relaxing and enjoy life for the first time in my life. Checking my bank balance and what is meant to be is still there instead of watching it all go. Here is to another GF day. Stay strong folks.

Posted : 8th October 2020 1:25 pm
Posts: 106
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182 days GF, another weekend over and stayed GF. Kept really busy and focused on the most important things in life. Life is so much less stressful when not gambling. Stay strong folks and here is to another gamble free days.

Posted : 12th October 2020 8:07 am
Posts: 106
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185 days GF. Pandemic not getting any better. Could see a lockdown coming again. So shock results in the football last night again. So much easier watching the football and not stressing about a game or losing money. Paid of a chunk of the money I owe and also got a wee bank account going again. Keep busy folks and stay strong.

Posted : 15th October 2020 10:32 am
Posts: 106
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194 days GF, never thought I would see such an achievement. For being someone that gambled every day on anything I could gamble on. I have kept busy. Got into my learning to drive which is going great. Reading, walking etc and I wonder how I ever got time to gamble. Hear is to another GF day. Stay strong folks, it gets easier. Take it day by day. 

Posted : 24th October 2020 11:14 am
Posts: 1013

Hi aliwonton1, that's great all positive steps. Yes gambling can take up so much time early other things get neglected but....every day going forward we choose not to gamble is time given to much more important things !! Well done keep going

Posted : 24th October 2020 11:47 am
Posts: 106
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Thanks for your kind words charlieboy.  First time in my life I have felt so strong about staying GF, I am now 203 days GF. Since lockdown it’s made me realise things in life is not certain and I had to get off the runaway train I was on. I have put the important things in life first. My wife and my work. I am learning to drive which before I could not afford as I was gambling all the time. A good day I could afford it and a bad day I was looking to take loans out to fund trying to win my loses back. I try no to focus on the past to much but focus on my future and staying GF. 

Posted : 2nd November 2020 8:16 am

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