1st steps

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Well - who would have thought we'd make 7 weeks? It has felt both a long road and a very quick time, strange really. The early pain and upset has faded, the worry is still there ....... but the pride and strength has grown! Here's to the next 7 weeks, 7 months, 7 years ......... for today, stay strong everybody! x

Posted : 22nd May 2009 7:20 am
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7 weeks one day. I'm in a good/great place. My life is getting on a track that I am so happy with. Thanks to everybody who posts it really helps. My life for the first time in 10 yrs is going in the right direction and long may it continue. For today I won't gamble and for today I will be happy and smile 🙂

Posted : 22nd May 2009 9:05 am
Posts: 0

Thank you for posting on my diary PS. I read through most of the diaries on here and I use yours as one to help me. You are doing so well, I congratulate you.

Thank you for the advice about the social networking sites. It's good to get it from a young person's perspective. I don't really like the social networking sites but that is just me. I accept that a lot of people absolutely love them....to me they aren't real and your are so right..... what they post will drive me insane which is why I have decided not to log on to them again.

Thanks again PS

Jas x

Posted : 22nd May 2009 9:13 am
Posts: 0

hey psowm

nice chatting with u once again

just for the record i smoke 'roll ups' because i like them not because i'm a gambler :P.



Posted : 22nd May 2009 3:10 pm
Posts: 0


You will be amazed at how quickly 7 weeks becomes 7 months and then years.

Remember how dreadful the thought of 7 days of gambling was just 2 -3 months back.

You don't need me to point out the benefits you have felt from not gambling in this short time. Take it from me , a major compulsive , that the days just get better and better. Keep up the good work, you have many rooting for you on here.

Posted : 24th May 2009 11:52 pm
Posts: 0

Also I know you have a penchant for poetry , so I would like to share the below with you.


I start in small subtle ways promising many things

I promise you enjoyment and pleasure beyond your wildest dreams, I deliver guilt and despair more horrible than your worst nightmare.

I promise you power and courage, I give you feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness.

I will force you to live in fear always.

I promise you release and escape from all your daily problems, I create for you greater problems than you ever imagined.

I promise you many friends , I allow you only isolation.

I promise happiness , I create only sorrow.

I will steal from you your dignity , your family,your friends , your children,your homes, yours demons , your spirit and your life. For you love , freedom and happiness are impossible to find in my presence.

So NEVER underestimate me, I am devious and manipulating. I have no preferences as to who I pick as my victim. I know no bounds from race , age or social standing.

I have killed men , women and children, I have no conscience.

So if you have met me , always be aware if you think you can beat me , that I will be gone from your life and all will be well again.

Never forget that I will always be there , waiting in the dark shadows for you to return, I am just around the corner.

I am very patient and I will laugh in your face if I can lure you into my evil world of hell on Earth once again.

Now you're a bright lad PSOWM and you don't want that s**t again do ya. Another week begins stay strong mate.

Posted : 25th May 2009 12:07 am
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Thanks for the comments posts and most of all the poem. Hits hoe with some harsh truths... As for me well another bank holiday weekend gamble free although getting drunk on Fri was not good. Very ill...... Still in a good place as strong as ever knowing I dont want to gamble. Just for today i wont gamble.

Posted : 26th May 2009 8:41 am
Posts: 0


Thanks a lot for your post, it was really touching, and also made me smile 🙂 Its nice to know that I am somehow keeping others going... even if they are arses to me about my dirty habit ! hehe jk :P

Glad you enjoyed your long weekend, even if you did get a littly tipsy 😉 geez i'd love one right about now...(a long weekend not a drink) not gambling isn't rewarding monetarily, (except if we think of what we're saving) but certianly the non-financial rewards we get are worth more than any money no less what money can buy....they are truley priceless!

all the best (haha I just wrote 'bets' just then...fruedian slip i guess)


Posted : 26th May 2009 2:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hey buddy

Like your Mr Brightside idea - gambling truely was a cage for me. I tend to find songs to link into everything in my life so Im always open to suggestions and yes i could get up and give it some on the dancefloor too when it plays! (Ha I have to laugh, think you have now got me painted as some distressed female starved of all male attention and sitting in my room at night thinking of ways to be noticed!!! Quite funny!)

I like the name Eyes - window to the soul arent they?

Still smiling - hope you are too.

Eyes X

Posted : 26th May 2009 4:25 pm
Posts: 0

That was a big step for you - must have taken a lot of courage to do that. Sometimes I wish I could know more about people on here or even use my real name but its distinctive and I feel like I dont want to be judged just yet by the people who would recognise it from the racing game (not that Im implying theyre on here but you dont know do you!)

Ha - yes Id like to see these 'best feature' eyes of yours!

Anyway I better get back to my room and plot my next flirting exhibition for this weekend - just in case I see a man somewhere!!! ;-P

Eyes X

Posted : 26th May 2009 5:33 pm
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Well I'm smiling to another day of gamble free loving. The mighty reds will beat Barca in the Champs league final and I will be a happy chappy. 2 nil United my prediction. Funny as football is one of my first loves and to think i never gambled on it. Strange really but I guess I would have always let my heart rule my head. Good luck to everybody on their each and individual journeys. Take care and keep smiling... 🙂

Posted : 27th May 2009 9:50 am
Posts: 0

Hi PSOWN, yep even I will be watching footie tonight. Dont normally watch on telly as I only enjoy watching live games, those being when my grandson plays for his school. He had a tournament on Sunday and got into the finals. Came home with his trophy but poor mite dropped it and broke one of the legs!! stuck it together after we dried his tears. But what struck me was the excitement and sense of achievement he felt. He is the goalie which can be pretty boring but when it comes down to the nitty gritty he is the one that can make the difference to his team winning or losing.

Enjoy your evening Min x

Posted : 27th May 2009 6:06 pm
Posts: 0

Well - I have been really busy and unable to log on for a few days so it was good to come for a look and see all the positive and helpful comments and experiences. I am so proud that my son has stayed strong. It is interesting to now recognise the "compulsive" side of his character in other ways - I never noticed it before all this came out. I suppose his football commitment is quite a compulsion and now his devotion to saving / not spending money and seeing some build up in his bank account is also a bit compulsive - it is great to channel that facet of character in a positive way and not allow it to compel the destructive side, which is so easy to do. I am feeling ever so slightly more relaxed and confident - with a wary eye still on things! 8 WEEKS TODAY!!! Who would have thought that could happen??????? Whoooopeeeeee!! Long may it continue! x

Posted : 28th May 2009 7:15 am
Posts: 0


Thanks for your message in my diary.

WTG on 8 weeks. Life is so much better without gambling.

Keep up the good work. Love and Hugs to you and Mum

God Bless


Posted : 28th May 2009 3:22 pm
Posts: 0

Just think of the money you would have saved on your football predictions!!! 😛

Hope you had a good day!

Eyes X

Posted : 28th May 2009 5:10 pm
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