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Hiya Jas,

It's heartwarming and encouraging to hear success stories. I'm so glad to hear your doing so well. Big Hug 🙂

Love Del xox

Posted : 7th October 2011 7:03 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Thanks for tracking my diary down guys 🙂

I'm doing good, very good actually. I'm going on holiday next week with my daughter...I'm second best though! Failed relationship which is sad but it was never meant to be.

I've had loads of ups and downs in my personal life but hey that's life I guess and I'm dealing with stuff not covering it up in a haze of gambling madness.

I don't gamble anymore, simple. It didn't suit me and my crazy extrovert personality. Money is still in recovery but bit by bit I am chipping away at it. It's getting easier and not something I think about all the time.

Gambling ads are everywhere these days and I fear for the future. I went into the local shop the other day and was handed a health lottery credit card type thingy with my receipt. Health Lottery! I told them to bin it....what's that all about eh?

I'm still studying and doing all my voluntary work which keeps me busy and makes me happy as I actually do help so many people. I've had so much help and support on here, with my family that it feels only right to give something back in return.

Today is rainy and cold, next week will be blue skies, sun and 28degrees!

Love to all, Jas xx

Posted : 8th October 2011 2:19 pm
Posts: 20

hi jas im so so proud of u i really am i hope i find the strengh u have shown .have a fantastic holiday u deserve it hun xxxxx

Posted : 8th October 2011 6:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jas, my girl

Thanks so much for your post in my diary, which is now updated.

Glad to see you're doing well.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas.

Lots of Love and hugs

God Bless


Posted : 16th December 2011 9:29 am
Posts: 0

Happy christmas to you and your family Jas

Posted : 24th December 2011 11:56 am
Posts: 2966

Hi Jas,

just wanted to wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas. You have done your recovery proud, you really have! you have had an enabler standing in the wings all along, encouraging you to go back, and it takes real strength to stay firm.

Thanks for the instrumental part you played early in my recovery. I am coming up to 25 weeks now.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 24th December 2011 12:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Jas 🙂 Merry Christmas.

Love Del x

Posted : 24th December 2011 5:17 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Well, well, the time certainly does fly by. Thank you for the recent posts my friends.

So...what have I been up to? The answer is LIVING my life to the full..wooooooo and that means the world to me.

I was in a mess in 2009 and for all my friends on here who helped me through I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My recovery is still going strong and I couldn't have done it without you guys on here.

Christmas and New Year have always been pressured times for me. Missing those that have left us and supporting and caring for those that still need me. Yet again I have overspent and face a frugal January 2012 but it isn't down to blowing my cash by gambling or attempting to support the shortfall by gambling or filling the void in my heart by running away to gamble...it's because I bought too many pressies and Marks and Spencer food....but hey......I got something to show for my money.

My gambling behaviour seems a distant memory but even though that is the case I am not invincible and I still take great care of myself. You see...the key to this recovery thingy is to be selfish and gentle with yourself. Really take time out to know who you are and what you want and most importantly what makes you sad and what makes you happy.

Christmas Eve I was in a pub, the remnants of the early afternoon drinkers were about to leave when an almighty argument broke out which resulted in a fight. Arms windmilling everywhere and then chair and table tossing. In the midst of this I could see a young guy on one of the slot machines....he didn't move an inch.....pint in hand....carnage all around...completely fixated. For a fleeting second I saw ME...the oblivious to the world Jas...and then I snapped out of it. I often get reminders like this...keeps me grounded.

My sister is still gambling...and still borrowing and paying back..and calling at odd hours in distress. It doesn't affect me like it used to. It's her choice. I'm no longer envious that she still has funds to feed her addiction. Those feelings are done with. I'm different now.

Christmas was lovely. My daughter visited with her boyfriend and as usual I smothered them with affection, gifts and food. To the point of suffocation I think ha ha ha. They are back home now and we are getting the house back to normality.

We are out on New Year's Eve with the family...a big group of us. I can't wait!

I would like to wish every one of my friends on here a Very Happy New Year 2012. I promise to catch up with your diaries soon.

Love from Jas x

Posted : 30th December 2011 4:34 pm
Posts: 355

That's a very interesting post, which has made me go back and start reading the rest of your diary (which might take a while, 130 pages!).

I just wanted to tell you that it's great when people who are further (far) down the road of recovery come back and share a story or two. It gives people like me (61 days) a glimpse of the future, and it's much appreciated.

The pub fight story was very funny, if it hadn't been so close to home. Like Nero fiddling. It could have been me too.

Posted : 30th December 2011 4:49 pm
Posts: 1057

great to read all is well with you,P and family jasmine and yes i do still post from the moby.

Have a great new year x

Posted : 30th December 2011 5:36 pm
Posts: 0

What a lovely post, Jas, and so pleased to hear that all is well with you.

We really do need posts like this to keep reminding us what life IS like gamble-free.

As for that guy playing on the fruit machine, you must have felt so sorry for him. I would. Let's hope that he stops his madness before it's too late.

All the very best for 2012 to you.


Posted : 30th December 2011 8:18 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Jas!

Very pleased for you that you have done so well and turned things around.

I'm back here having another go at it, though for me things are generally good not like when I landed here in 2009 on the edge of disaster!

All the best.

Weldy X

Posted : 18th April 2012 6:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Jas,

Not sure if you pop in from time to time, I hope you do. Been thinking about you and hope all is going fabulous! Thank you again for your advice and support last year.

Wishing you all the best 🙂

Love Del xoxo

Posted : 24th May 2012 1:10 pm
Posts: 1226

Hey Jas

I have found your diary hiding on page 53 so I have resurrected it back to page one where it belongs!

I hope you read this and I hope others read your diary and take as much help and support from it as I got from you in the past.

Best wishes always, proud of you.


Posted : 26th February 2014 10:13 pm
Posts: 0


Its been a long time,always good to hear from you and great to see you still doing so well.It has been great for me to share my recovery along side you and i hope there are more people out there to help as much as you helped me.Thanks Jas.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 6th October 2014 9:06 am
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