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Hi Stephen and boo, not gonna lie been in an aweful lot of pain today laying in bed trying not to move, arms in sling but still hurting let's hope it feels better tomo.

Posted : 11th March 2020 5:22 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6156

Dear @adam123,

I'm so sorry to hear of your injury and that you're in so much pain. I'm also sorry to hear that you're restricted to your bed at the moment.

I hope you start to feel better soon. If you feel any urges with gambling due to your injury and restricted movement, please remember we're always here on our helpline or Netline.

Our supportive community is here on the forum and chat room.

Please don't forget how wonderful you're doing with your journey to overcoming problem gambling and that we're proud of everything you've achieved so far and that you will continue to do in the future.

Sending you all the best and hoping for a speedy recovery for you.

Kindest Regards


Forum Admin


This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Forum admin
Posted : 11th March 2020 8:35 pm
Posts: 2929
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Had a sleep and got exercises to do every two hours five times a day for three weeks.  Gonna take a while to feel 100% again but on the road to recovery .  but I am used to bring in recovery from various things.

Posted : 13th March 2020 3:13 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Adam's on 100 days GF

Bad news about your shoulder. I hope it heals quickly.

Stephen x 

Posted : 13th March 2020 9:07 pm
Posts: 1355


I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope you are managing to get some pain free rest. Many congratulations on passing your 100 day milestone too ? ? ? 

Thank you so much for popping onto my diary, it was lovely to read your words. Take good care xx

Posted : 14th March 2020 7:23 pm
Posts: 2929
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Mother couple of days have passed and my shoulder is 100 times better than it was even woke up this morning and I was sleeping on my front and it still wasn't hurting, just got to keep the exercises going introduce the new ones, eat well, wash regularly, wash hands at least fen to twenty times a day.  WS haven't bought any extra food and went to saunsburys today and no sliced bread no eggs no tea bags  no frozen food..... We are not going to add to the problem tho so didn't buy anything silly.  330 billions pounds borrowed from the international monetary fund boy that's gonna take some repaying but will will do it.  I like the fact in Britain we are carrying on as as a nation we do things differently and hopefully we can bounce back quicker than other countries.  Gambling really is the furthest thing from my mind at the most and long may that continue!  All the best to murlo and others doing the responsible things thru this time.  I should be back at work on light duties on Monday.....here's hoping. All the best much love Adam xxx

Posted : 19th March 2020 2:17 pm
Posts: 2929
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Another eventful day, I text work to say I could come back Monday and my manager phoned to say that business is slow and to keep me safe and healed fully before I come back I will be off now until the 14th of April.  All pubs and social places closing today, I think it will 3 weeks closed 3 weeks open for the waves of social isolation

Posted : 20th March 2020 6:56 pm
Posts: 2929
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Hi let's all put our energy into recovery thru this difficult time. Today I went for a walk staying apart from people as recommended.  Then relaxed at home and watched the news for an update. Let's all stay strong.

Posted : 22nd March 2020 10:05 pm
Posts: 2929
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Hi I am fully recharged already and ready to go back to work to help all I can thru this, at the moment I am doing my bit by staying at home isolating, nothing will spread because of my actions I hope.  Went for my dily hour walk today in the sun, was refreshing, must keep this up to make sure im in good shape when I go back.  Spent an hour today looking at my finances and since I injured myself at the start of the month ive not spent anything so all in all ive only spent 4 pounds this month, thirty pounds last month and fifty pounds month before.  Ive set up my spreadsheet for the year ahead and although my budget is very tight im expecting everyone to be isolating in the next few months so I will stay in and save a long with everyone else.

Posted : 24th March 2020 7:12 pm
Posts: 2929
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Hello diary, another week has gone by since I wrote and thought id update.  Still off work till easter at present, nobody has rung me and I don't expect to go back until the day after the bank holiday.  So still a bit of time to isolate, recharge, restore batteries.  Found a new free poker game to play and its been taking up a bit of time, also started playing gta5 on my xbox 360.  These unexpected time of has cleared a lot of time for things im not used to doing.... Might see if theres some diy round the house that needs doing... eg make myself more useful.  Been going to bed later and later and wking up later and later, soo I have set my alarm for 1030am tomo and will get up and get some housework done... all the best....and no thoughts of gambling at the moment which is a blessing.

Posted : 31st March 2020 10:44 pm
Posts: 2929
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Hello diary, another four days has passed by, still off work, house has never been so clean and tidy.  Its a lovely sunny day today so sitting in the garden, really appreciate having a garden as many don't and its a real simple pleasure being able to sit in it.  Today marks 125 days gamble free, really great steps being made.  Quite proud of my progress.

Posted : 5th April 2020 11:34 am
Posts: 2929
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Posted by: adam123

I like to set targets for myself and i will on new years for 2020, but safe to say i wont drink alcohol again, i wont smoke again, ill go to gym a couple of times a month, ill aim to eat healthily (although its my vice and i allow myself that one), so i think new targets will be social targets like eating a meal with friends once a month in 2020, visiting friends more, seing family more, visiting national trust places with family again throughout the year i mean i do it when im unwell but why not do it when im healthy, getting my bmi down (goes with the healthy eating but its literally the only thing health wise i need to work on.  I miht start going to the church because i need a new social activity to do each week as poker isn't good for me.  Stop pub poker on Tuesdays! So actually these are my new lifestyle activities for 2020 so no need to do targets on new years.   

So an update on my plans for this year .  this quote had my objectives for the year and I am achieving all the ones within my power, no smoking, drinking and gambling tick, I went for a meal with friends and visited family and friends until this isolation came along.  I actually managed to pay off a large chunk of my mortgage in January due to saving a lot over the last year, with this in mind I've set a target on my spreadsheet for paying off mortgage and hopefully I can manage it with some hard work and saving up.  So I've got a target of a certain amount to save each month then hopefully if I stay employed in 2022 I will have less things to worry about.  I might even aim for saving by new years eve 21\22.  I also like to help out more around the house and garden this year and get back to the gym when I can those are the next objectives.  

Posted : 5th April 2020 10:23 pm
Posts: 2929
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Its at this time in recovery where it becomes somewhat easier that I've found I need to be most on my guard.

Posted : 6th April 2020 6:14 pm
Posts: 7075

Hi Adam,


Thanks for your recent post on my thread. Appreciated.


You're doing really well! Keep up good work and keep looking forward..always on guard indeed ?


Take care & stay safe


S....... xx

Posted : 9th April 2020 11:31 am
Posts: 2929
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Another belter of a day, spent the afternoon in my garden lapping up the sun, been out there since one pm , just come back in hopefully before I got burnt but not sure yet lol fingers crossed.

Posted : 9th April 2020 2:45 pm
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