3 weeks gamble free
3 whole weeks and not thought about gambling once!
I honestly have no idea! Willingness plays a big part in it I feel, your will to try and to keep reminding yourself that you shouldn’t do that, the checking in every morning here is a huge help! A huge reminder what your doing and what you should be doing with the goals you’ve set.
I can see myself never gambling again
even going through the modules on here currently just finished 4 is a huge step as it shows you exactly what your doing!
make sure you do it guys and talk too the person who rings you about it all and be honest.
best 3 weeks of my life ever
support and reading everything here always helps so I thank you all for messages on post and I’m sorry your all going through a lot, I wish I could help you all but it has too start with you.
you’ve all got this
you all can do this
if I can make 3 weeks you can make it too
together stronger and better
let’s go guys and girls
stop giving money too a company who doesn’t care for you or your health
Affected by gambling?
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