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Hi Baljit,

I went into chat this afternoon looking for you. Does your wife know about your gambling? It will help your greatly if you have support to help you quit.

Try to stay strong.....Jas x

Posted : 17th July 2009 3:00 pm
Posts: 0

got no money to lose yet when i have some the bookies wont be getting it, feel so low down with no money had about £600 about 3 weeks ago

Posted : 17th July 2009 7:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi baljit

You are doing well with your new diary, keep coming back to it and make a post when you feel like gambling.

In your last post you say that you feel so low down with no money, if you think of how bad you feel now the next time you feel like gambling it will help you make the right decision not to gamble again.

You have lost £600 in 3 weeks but believe me it will get much worse if you do not stop.

You have made a good decision to come on this website and will get a lot of continuing support to help you.

I hope that we see some good positive posts from you over the coming days.



Posted : 17th July 2009 7:21 pm
Posts: 0


Thank you for your post on my diary. I think you are now really getting the hang of this posting thing! So well done.

I really look forward to seeing a post from you tomorrow evening that tells me that you have had a gambling free day.

Let's make deal! Tomorrow we won't gamble.



Posted : 17th July 2009 9:03 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi Baljit,

Well done for sticking at it. You are obviously unhappy with your gambling.

Have you thought of self-excluding from the betting shop? You seem to feel you have little control over your gambling at the moment, this would be a way to make it harder for you to gamble.

It is very hard at first, and you will feel very agitated and upset when you first give gambling up. This is normal. There is no easy way to stop without feeling discomfort, but it does pass.

You went for 5 days without a bet the other week, which shows you can do it!

Can you get someone to meet you when you finish work, so that you cant sneak off to the betting shop? Maybe you could call the gamcare line as soon as you feel the urge to gamble.

The only tip anyone here can give you, is to commit to stopping and work hard at it. Ride out the cravings, and they will pass.

Good luck!

Posted : 17th July 2009 11:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Baljit,

In reply to your post on my diary, I will reach 13 weeks gamble free on Sunday. There is no single answer to how to give up and just because my recovery has been going well does not make me cured. I am a compulsive gambler and guess I always will be.

The best advice I can give you is what has worked for me;

a) I take things one day at a time

b) I do not have free access to money, i have someone else who holds the cards/cash and I can't get access without her say so

c) I closed my access to my betting facility - in my case it was an online betting account

d) I keep myself busy, plan my weeks in advance, and don't allow myself much "free-time"

It was all about putting up barriers to prevent me from gambling - but barriers that I can't just move out of the way if I wanted to gamble.

In addition, I really did want to stop. I had just had enough of the same old hopeless routine.

That is where I am now, and it cannot change for the forseeable future, if ever.

Hope this is of some assistance.


Posted : 18th July 2009 1:38 am
Posts: 0

i will keep this up no bets ,saturday is the main day fo betting on horses if l dont borrow money from some one today and do no bets i will be proud today will be my 3 day dont what to start day 1 again, l will keep my self busy today write back tonight and prove l was a good boy today . l now my friends will lose quite a bit today l am not giving any to the bookies! l win this time not them! any advise will help please thanks to everyone.

Posted : 18th July 2009 7:14 am
Posts: 0
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Morning Baljit,

Take it one day at a time. As you said in your last post, keep yourself busy today. It's really good to see you have done 3 days without a bet, well done Baljit.

I look forward to reading how you went on today. Stay strong.

Jas x

Posted : 18th July 2009 11:50 am
Posts: 0

borrowed £40.00 from my friend about 1.00 pm felt like doing a few horse ! no will power been good so far if lose that then l have no money at all till payday, make better use of money watch a film or eat something ! and it will be 4 day sun

Posted : 18th July 2009 4:05 pm
Posts: 0

I am doing well so far no bets at all

Posted : 19th July 2009 6:53 am
Posts: 2966

Well done Baljit! You are doing so well. What are you doing differently now to help yourself cope?

Congratulations on resisting the urge on your favourite day for betting 🙂

Posted : 19th July 2009 9:45 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning Baljit,

I hope you hung on to that £40? You are being really strong...keep going.

Jas x

Posted : 19th July 2009 11:57 am
Posts: 36

hello baljit, have followed you around the forum since you started, lovely thing jasmine did to help you with your diary, well done on resisting, did you watch a film? what did you do differently? i know from some guys on here you can get your photo done and take it along to your bookies, please believe me they are so used to this many people have done this before. good luck bal and godbless and keep posting.

Posted : 19th July 2009 1:26 pm
Posts: 180

Hi Baljit.

Welcome from me, not seen you till now cos have been on hoilday.

I wish you all the best, keep srong and be proud of each gamble free day, you CAN do it.

Take care

W xxx

Posted : 19th July 2009 5:25 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Well done Baljit for hanging on to your £40 whilst collecting your winnings.

Have you self excluded from the bookies Baljit?

Jas x

Posted : 20th July 2009 7:56 am
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