Thanks fave peeps.
Well i was wrong turned out i got paid thursday as it was a bank holiday in northern ireland who knew not me.
So thinking i had extra money i paid some outstanding bills thinking i would get my normal payment on friday but i should have known better and checked first coz i didnt and then couldnt pay what i as supposed to pay fri,so after a tearful phonecall to my mum at 6.30 in the morning she bailed me out again and basically apart from food and petrol i have to give everything i get next week to my mum.
Im feeling ok though having a quite weekend with the boys and trying to catch up on some sleep.
Thankyou to everyone for their support it really does make a difference.
The urge to have a gamble has been strong over the last week but ive ridden the storm and the urges have subsided.
Things really couldnt have got any worse financially the last couple of weeks but not gambling has made a huge difference as i havent made it worse financially and my self confidence has risen as i havent given in to the urge.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
Stay Strong
E xx
My !! You've had a tough couple of weeks Elizabeth.
But you're admirably coping friend.
Them non gambling days are sure adding up as well lassie.
Well done and keep fighting Elizabeth,you are stronger than you think. 😉
Best wishes.x
Oh Libby,
Have just been catching up, now I am out of my self absorbed bubble.
Sorry I haven't been around, you have had a right b*stard of a time of it, haven't you? I am sooooo impressed with how you have coped, being someone who is particularly prone to gambling when under financial pressure myself. I'm hoping that you feel proud of yourself, facing that massive s**t-storm head on. Really, really tough, and I salute you!
I reckon with your warrior stripes just gone platinum, maybe you should apply for the SAS!?!! you would P**s all over them nancy boys!
In amongst all that cack, it has given you an opportunity to rebuild trust with your Mum just occurred to me that she may have noticed a shift in the reasons why you need a bailout. For what has gone on in the past couple of weeks, I am sure your Mum is more than happy to offer a sub. She may have been fearing the worst at the start of the conversation? then been delighted to realise it was for reasons outside of your control. Even though she wouldn't want all that bad luck for you, if that makes sense.
Anyway serious respect lady! Hope you are managing to chill now, and cuddle up with a blanket, cuppa and biccies.
If you can get through all that, you can get through anything hun!
Take care,
f x
Thankyou Freda and wp :0)
Spent the day in yesterday as surprise surprise it was raining all day.Had a lovely day today the ex came over and we took the kids for a picnic at the local park its huge with all sorts of play houses and climbng frames, slides, big climbing frames for bigger kids, sand pits with diggers etc and spent the day playing and mucking about.All for free to.
Not feeling as low today but do feel bad about borrowing off mum again as she is struggling as well but have done the finances and should be able to pay it all back give or take £50 by the end of the week i also said she could see my bank statements if she wanted to prove it wasnt because of gambling,she said no but i felt i should offer.
Beginning of a new week fingers crossed nothing else should go wrong,well dont see what else can lol.
Staying Strong
E xx
Hey Libby '...
Fingers and toes crossed for you lovely....could really do with some blue skies in between all the grey ...
Pleased you and the ex are able to be civil despite it all and hopefully you yourself have turned a corner there...
No no disappointment...although some days are better than others xx
Think I've turned my own corner a bit and half a year on I am a lot stronger than I was.
Its all going to be good xxxx
Its not so much what you have faith in..its that you do still have faith..that matters.
Someone said that to me this week so passing it on.
Rach and Doo xxx
Hi E,
You know even when things are not going well for you, most would be put over the edge with it....Not fight back again and again.
Liz.....I have nothing but TOTAL admiration for you.......If you were the main character in a would be the heroine!!
Sue xxx
Thankyou girlies:0)
Well slowly fighting back from the financial disasters that have beset me the last few weeks,another few weeks of major belt tightning and should be back on track.Although the ex phoned tonight to offer to take the kids shopping for new clothes and sort eldests school uniform at the end of august which was welcome as both of them need stuff LO especially .
Starting to feel better in myself as well actually slept well last night first time in a while.This was a real test for me as the worse things got the stronger the urge to try and replace what id lost by gambling got. we all know sometimes you win but no not this time maybe my diary title is coming true.
Staying strong
E xx
hey Libby...
Tell you what....that new way of thinking sure has got you to the place you are now and has kept you there holding your own without going back to those bad old days.
Good on ya hun...I am glad your ex seems to be stepping up to the mark a bit more and wanting to help you out...long may it continue...
Keep on keeping on hun....
Rach and Doo xxx
Hi E,
Am also so pleased that Mr wan***r has decided to help with HIS children!
Bout time eh!
Think you have turned the corner...hopefully things will now be on the up!
Spoke to my wee one yesterday and am off work next week and going to stay again!
Happy Sue
vrooommmm..just a drive by hun...cant sleep..think its me glands lol xx
R and D xx
Catching up on lost sleep will really help you feel a lot better. These recovery journeys of ours really do have their ups and downs and your downs seem to be diminishing now.
Onwards and upwards!
Enjoy your weekend.
Hiya Libby...
Just to say ..I hope you and the little uns are enjoying the sun...cos there's one thing I know for a hate snow!! lol ..
R and D x
Hi E,
Hope you and kiddos enjoying the sun?
Am getting real excited at thought of the Olympics....I know you are looking forward to them too.....We need bit of excitement after Murray!
Got myself some FitFlops so I can go
Sue xxx
Thankyou girlies :0)
Defo looking forward to the olympics cant wait always something to watch although the kids are going to hate me lol.
Havent been on last few days as nothing to say really both my babies are well, things slowly and surely being paid and caught up with.
Cant win with me Rach hate snow as you know but this heat kills me, few degrees cooler would be just fine :0)
Staying Strong
E xx
Hi Libbers,
Good to read you are ticking over nicely. Not much to report = bliss in my opinion!
Real life is a bit same old, same old, but we will take that versus the crisis and drama any day eh?
Seriously, respect for weathering the recent storms hun. You are now a navy seal! or something, lol!
Upward for you, me dear
f x
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