a new way of thinking

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hiya hun..

Just a flyer to say I havent forgotten you.....up to my eyes in boxes...

Life sounds level for you right now and deservedly so Libby...hope your cubs are ok always protected by they're mum xx


r and d xxx

Posted : 18th August 2012 1:43 pm
Posts: 0

hey hun..

You and Ade gone into retirement..??

just flyer to say ..Hi-yer...lil poem there...lol

Guessing you are on the right road and life filled with the good stuff......

No pressure to post hun...just to say i'm thinking of you and to say that truly you were the person who made me see I needed to go.

I shall always be grateful and be indebted to you for that....

Yes...I've had s**t times...yes I've been in a dark place ..yes i've wanted to punch some lights out...but never once have I ever regretted leaving.


Rachie and wuff wishing Simba and cubs well xxxx

Posted : 22nd August 2012 7:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya E, thanks for the post on my diary, I have not been posting for a while as not been doing so good but still trying. Pleased you had some time off and that the weather was good for camping.

Hope all is well, take care and big hugs.

Posted : 30th August 2012 1:33 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanku guys for keeping me bumped up lol.

It seems to feel quite natural not to post now.

Thought id give an update,alls good the cubs are doing great,happy and thriving,still not gambling whoop whoop.LO is missing his dad new girlfriend seems to be taking up alot of his time another week of it and i will have to say something again.Financially well still struggling but this month ive tried to get out of the borrowing and paying back,borrowing paying back rut ive been in so its been a struggle but ive got to the end of the month without borrowing a penny so although im never going to be rich i am finally back on track.The life of a working single mum lol.

Glad to see most of u are good and life is ticking along,one step at a time and some patience,some good blocks and if your lucky some great family and friends and this W*********R of an addiction can be broken,will i always be a gambling addict well the answer for me is yes i will and i will always have to keep an eye on what im doing and how im feeling but i always know i have my diary and some great people on here to see me through any hard times that come my way.

Rachel thankyou hun for your kind words you were in such a bad place when i met you on here i was desperate for you to leave that a * s *,I know how hard that is it took me years to grow the pair i needed to walk away but arnt you glad you did.We spread our wings and flew,only good things aloud in our lives now.

Ade yours is still the first diary i look for when i log on and hey there you were bumping me up lol .

Thankyou for all your support it really means alot to me and i hope your golfballs are well.

Anyhoo enough drivel just an update to let all my buddies know im safe and well.

Staying Strong

E xx

Posted : 3rd September 2012 7:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Libby

Good to see you here on page one....and am thrilled that you are living life and keeping on being strong...

You gave me the push hun...and 100% I have no regrets at all...despite all the aftermath..I grew some too ...and I even pull 'em forward and wear speedo's just to make 'em look even bigger...lol

Its just great to know that your busy living and flying, not dulling your colours and clipping your wings...

Its all good hun

Hugs to the cubs and big Simba roar and hug to you Libby..I know you will get that ex in line and your LO can have some quality time.

R and D xx

Posted : 3rd September 2012 8:20 pm
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Thankyou Rachel and Ade (((((((())))))))))))

Updating as ive had an interesting day.

I handed in my notice for my crappy cleaning job,P***** my bosses right off as im not working notice as i have a new job which i have to start next week or loose it.Dont like dropping people in the s * i t but this job is twice the money and about the same hrs woohoo.Its a no brainer really,its only temporary but another friend is a teaching assitant and she is lining up a job for me so i will become a teacher assitant i can train and qualify on the job and a new career is born,one which will gve me a decent wage and i can finally stop struggling oh and i get holidays off even better.

Doors are finally starting to open for me even though i have had to act out of character by jacking in my job and upsetting a friend because of it.My babies have to come first and a better wage means a less stessed mum.

Staying Strong

L xx

Posted : 8th September 2012 8:57 pm
Posts: 0

WOW....somethings in the cyberair...

You,Duncs and me all changing jobs ....good for you.

Its scary but you know hun..its all good and also a really good sign that youre esteem is on the up and that you are deserving....

Too right you deserve to move up.more cash and also teaching sounds perfect...

Simba ROAR at that old job and leave it behind you...you pal if she is worth her salt will come round .if not..its her loss but you have cubs and must do the best for them and you....

New opportunities coming your way Libby and i cant think of anyone else right now who absolutely deserves a break.

hugs and well done Misses....You did good...you did GREAT.....


R and D xxx

Posted : 8th September 2012 9:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya E, congratulations on what you achieved since I started reading your posts, you are doing great, a month with no borrowing so positive side is no pay backs and now a new job with better money, things are on the up girl, so preased for you. Hug hugs and well done x

Posted : 12th September 2012 1:53 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thankyou guys.

New job going well its nice to be using my brain again instead of mindlessly cleaning.Feeling less isolated as well as im talking to people and interacting again instead of spending my days at work on my own.

I didnt realise what an impact this diary would have on me when i started it to be honest i really thought it would be a waste of time.How wrong was i Ade,Rachel,Juliette,Delgirl,Freda,Winningpost,Viggo,Pauls just to name a few sorry if ive missed anyone, you got me through some dark tough times and i will never forget how people ive never met along with my fanbloodytastic mum got me through the toughest and bleakest time of my life.I LOVE YOU ALL:0)

As for my beautiful boys well what can i say im the luckiest mum alive a 14 year old who causes no problems and dosent look like changing and a little one who is just so funny i dare anyone not to smile even when hes naughty.Everything i do in my life is to make them happy,we dont have many luxuries but they will grow up knowing they were loved and cared for.

As for me im doing ok im happy walking abit taller everyday,holdng my head up and finding my feet again.None of which would have been possible without the input on this diary.

Staying Strong

L xx

Posted : 13th September 2012 8:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Fab Woman!

One of the besssst posts I've read...I'm delighted for you 🙂

Love & Hugs Del x

Posted : 13th September 2012 8:16 pm
Posts: 0

Briliant post and a joy to read.

Well done you have put the hard work in to reap the rewards.

All the very best for your continured recovery.

Blondie x

Posted : 13th September 2012 8:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Elizabeth,

That was a lovely post 2 read especially the bit about ur boys, I am really touched. U sould like a lovely family 🙂

Take care xx

Posted : 13th September 2012 9:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Libby...

You turned that corner girl and look at what all your hard work and also all your commitment to this site has brought to you..

The love feelings ar mutual my friend xx

As they say on the Matrix..you were "The one..Neo"...

Said it many times before but you were the person said what I didnt want to hear but was the truth and was the right thing.

left to my own devices I would have put myself back in the ring for some more pain and for that my lovley I will never forget that you switched the light on.

Must be psychic too as guess whos going on an inner child workshop...lol...gonna be skipping round the supermarket..

SOOOO totally chuffed to bits that you are on another level with your life and your cubs have the bestest Lioness as a Mum..



R and D xx

Posted : 14th September 2012 8:49 am
Posts: 0

Hi E.

Congrats on the new job and great to see your going strong.

Enjoy life E and keep on going forward.

All my best.


Posted : 21st September 2012 4:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya E, you sound on cloud 9, so pleased for you and I know how you have struggled to to this point, very well done, just look forward now to the rest of your gamble free life and you boys, very well done lots and lots of hugs xxxx

Posted : 28th September 2012 1:48 am
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