a new way of thinking

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Hi Elizabeth,

Thank u 4 ur lovely post on my diary. It was nice 2 hear from someone that's been in the same position and who understands 🙂

I have not posted 2 u b4 much either, but I also read ur posts and have flicked thru ur diary... There was a lovely post that I read where u talked about ur golf balls and how much they mean 2 u .... I was really touched when I read that 🙂

U should be sooooo proud of urself, u r doing brilliant 🙂

Stay strong xxxx

Posted : 17th October 2012 6:47 pm
Posts: 1057

You've become a far stronger person in that year Elizabeth.

Its so noticeable.

I'm some 9 months older than ye on the birthday front 🙁 :D.

Happy birthday when it comes.

Take care and best wishes.


Posted : 19th October 2012 9:32 am
Posts: 0

Hi E!

Great last post.I know where your coming from when we think about the what ifs.I've been there.I think i got over that by thinking what if i didn't stop instead of what if i didn't gamble?

Great to see your smiling again and that its real.You keep going strong E and have a great weekend!


Posted : 19th October 2012 7:49 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thankyou apg,Charlotte,wp and V,

Always great to hear from people who havent been on for a while.

I have spent the morning looking for colleges to train as a teaching assitant,as the plan is to be qualified by the time LO starts school next september and to give myself the chance to have a job that i can move up the ranks in and earn a decent wage and eventually work with special needs kids.Ive finally made a decision about what direction to take its taken nearly a year but i think no i know i was putting to much pressure on myself i couldnt do anything or make a decision until i had this addiction under control and my head was in the right place.I was still grieving the end of my relationship and dealing with gambling no wonder i couldnt make a decision about anything duh:0)

Ive still been what ifing but i will take viggos advice and switch the thinking towhat if i hadnt stopped as you cant change what youve done no matter how much you want to.Although even that thought sends a shiver down my spine lol.

Hope all have a good weekend

Staying Strong

L xx

Posted : 20th October 2012 12:27 pm
Posts: 0

hey lovely...

Duly slapped myself around and also joined the "no what if" club..

whats done is done right?..onwards and upwards..

I think you would make a fabulous teaching assistant..and good for you taking your tiime not knee jerking at the first idea.

You are worth the "ponder"...lol

Grief does take time as you and I know and I just hope your ex plays fair with you and pulls his weight..it sounded by the last few posts that he was stepping up a bit more..

Keep strong and those shivers will never have a chance to multiply...bish bash bosh...

Have a good weekend with the cubs in the den xxx

dotski at home.

R and D xx

Posted : 20th October 2012 2:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Elizabeth,

I think u will make a gr8 teaching assistant, u sound like such a strong person 🙂

U r doing brilliant and it makes me smile that u r moving 4ward on this journey... that takes alot of strength 🙂

U deserve nothing but happiness 🙂

Have a gr8 nite xxxx

Posted : 20th October 2012 8:34 pm
Posts: 0
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Thankyou Rach and charlotte :0)

Although im feeling good and things are going well,plans being made etc i feel im being drawn back here to post more regularly,dont know why maybe its my safe place when a few doubts creep in,maybe its the winter drawing in and feeling a bit blue because of it.Maybe its because i distanced my self for a little while and im not ready to let go completely.Dont know but i know ive been posting more and reading more than i have in the last few months.

Not that it really matters why as long as im posting and not gambling:0)

Staying Strong

L xx

Posted : 21st October 2012 2:48 pm
Posts: 0

hey Libby..

Think youre right there about posting and usage of the forum...

As my life is in permanent flux right now i need it more but im guessing for some like yourself who have stabilised it may be needed more when there is change coming ....or embarking on new projects as you are hun

your doing fab and GC will always be cyber home I guess for many

R and D xx

Posted : 21st October 2012 3:21 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Rach,

I think ive worked out why im using the site a bit more,i think its because ive got to much time on my hands atm two days work and five days off idle hands etc,boredom was one of my main reasons for gambling when i first started or rather thats how i found gambling.

So its good that internal light bulbs are going off as it shows im retraining my brain to pick up on thoughts(if thats the right word)that could be dangerous and sending me to the right place not the wrong one.

Staying Strong

L xx

Posted : 22nd October 2012 7:09 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Elizabeth

Think its a fine balance at the end of the day ultimately its ur diary use as much or less as u like , simply look at the big picture where u were and where u r now and its simply outstandin the achievements u av made

The support will always be here for u just like the support u give others it doesn't go unnoticed but ur recovery is the most important and thats something to be proud about


Posted : 22nd October 2012 7:28 pm
Posts: 0
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Thankyou Castle:0)

Having a nice evening my mum has come down for my birthday tomorrow although im at work all day and LO is sitting on her lap having a bedtime story always makes me smile to see him on her lap being read to its like a christmas card lol ive missed my mum havent seen her for a while love having her here.

Shes my rock and lucky for me my staunchest supporter no matter what i ve put her through.

Happy post ;0)

Stay Strong

L xx

Posted : 23rd October 2012 8:09 pm
Posts: 0

hey hun..happy premature birthday for tomorrow...41??...check MY maths out!!! lol

You and Blondie share the same rock mum's...its unconditional xx

R and D xx

Posted : 23rd October 2012 8:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Elizabeth,

Happy bday, I hope u r having a gr8 day 🙂

Take care xxxx

Posted : 24th October 2012 7:03 pm
Posts: 0

hope you had a goodie (hic)....celebrate good times ...c'mon xxx

just a lil song for you there libs xx

hugs r and d xx

Posted : 25th October 2012 7:32 am
Posts: 2966

Happy Burpday missus! hope you have a lovely jubbly day : )

Posted : 25th October 2012 11:03 am
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