a new way of thinking

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Thanks Rach.you dont know how much that means to me.

Things will get sorted they always do but at the monent I feel ashamed and emotionally on the floor.

The eviction notice is coming but its been put on hold while I try and sort stuff out.

I cannot believe I've let things get out of control to this sort of stage



Posted : 6th November 2013 12:50 pm
Posts: 4422


Reading that word eviction brings back some truly terrible moments that addiction brought to my own life.

I hope you get the help and support that is out there, the CAB I hope will pass you some usefull details.

The compulsion to gamble without doubt knows no bounds and will take all we have to lose and much more.

Do take care of yourself, take all the help you can.

Regards Duncs.

Posted : 6th November 2013 12:57 pm
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Hey guys what would I do without you lot.Apart from the fact you made me cry.

I will get the rent sorted over the next couple of months I just have to make sure I pay the rest on time.

The first session of counselling is booked for next week they phoned this morning.

My mum is down tonight as I have an interveiw tomorrow about my housing benefits.more stress.

Anyway the wheels have been set in motion and the long road to recovery begins.

Abit shellshocked

L xx

Posted : 6th November 2013 2:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hey lovely lady ...that's the Spirit !! Xx

You know I have a funny feeling that getting back on the road will feel pretty natural soon and that you are not alone ..

I think this time of year is a vulnerable time especially with kiddies ....In your words Libby "keep strong " and keep posting and close.

R and D ...xx sheep in awe of the Lioness ..xxx

Posted : 6th November 2013 3:31 pm
Posts: 789

Never posted on your thread before and was drawn here due to reading another thread. Read back a few pages and felt very emotional myself for your plight and related to the feelings of powerlessness and s******g up. Can only say that I'm sure somehow things will work out. Hang in there! Sending vibes of positivity your way.

Posted : 6th November 2013 6:08 pm
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Thankyou peeps.

Wont be posting much on others diaries to much as I've given my computer to my mum so im posting on my phone.

I have a strange feeling of calm tonight almost as though it's all come to a head and now the bubble has burst I can deal with all the problems being in the bubble has caused.

Still feel sick and teary, not eating much and concerned about things but a calm has come over me which I dont really understand? Felt it as soon as the counselling was booked.

Early night tonight haven't been sleeping well and I'm shattered

Once again thankyou everyone for the support

L xx

Posted : 6th November 2013 8:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Libby ..

Just to say keep us all in your pocket when you go for this meeting today with the benefit people ..

Feeling that calm in the eye of the storm is one I can also identify with . Its like your anxiety is so high that your mind shuts down and your body is put on automatic so you can still function.

Day at a time ...Minute at a time , Second at a time if necessary lovely ...xxxx

.....Sending all the strength I can muster over the internet to you today Libby and remember you have many people who are all standing at the side of you right now who care so much about you.

I promise this will sorted...SIMBA rocks ! Xxx

R and D xxx

Posted : 7th November 2013 9:02 am
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Thanks Rach made me cry again.lol.

Well interveiw under caution all done wasnt as bad as I thought.just got to wait to see if they are going to prosecute me or not the guy said it was boarderline.

He has given me two weeks to get letters from my doctor and counsellor as I said I had some personal issues i was dealing with, trying my hardest not to say anything about gambling as im sure that will go against me.

Trouble is I havent Been to the docs as I dont like popping pills etc and it comes down to the shame and stigma attached to gambling, so I m going to have to make an appointment and see if I can get them to write me letter about my emotional and mental state without mentioning gambling.

Must do some work will post later.

Still emotional

L xx

Posted : 7th November 2013 4:36 pm
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Posted : 7th November 2013 4:40 pm
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Posted : 7th November 2013 5:39 pm
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Posted : 7th November 2013 6:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Libby ...keep posting it all out Hun...

Maybe speak to the net line about disclosure or non as I would have no idea what to say but my gut is saying keep schtum.

looks like your finger also got stuck down on the duplicate button as I posted about 10 posts to Duncs last night as thought my post hadn't sent..lol xx

Strength and big hugs coming your way Libby xxxx

((((((L )))))) xxxx

Posted : 7th November 2013 6:59 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Elizabeth,

Am very sorry to read that you are going through some tough time right now. You need all the strength possible, and i'm sure you are strong. Don't let it all take over you..keep fighting back no matter what.

Keep posting, get it all out..you are never alone and will always have support ready at your cyber door.

All the best..you can do it..keep strong and calm

My thoughts are with you

Sandra x

Posted : 8th November 2013 1:51 am
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Thankyou Rach and sandra xx

Didnt post last night as I went to bed early I am exhausted physically and mentally. On the up side I had a good nights sleep for the first time in months.

My fabulous mum has been phoning every day to make sure I'm ok and my brother has been texting me me inspirational messages a couple of times a day.love my family.Asy mum says she cant help me financially but she will be there to pick me up and throw me back in the ring.

Trying to be strong

L xx

Posted : 9th November 2013 8:54 am
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Posted : 9th November 2013 10:28 am
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