Sorry to hear you are having a rotter of a day 🙁
We wouldn't know what a good day looked like, if we had nothing to compare it to though. Everything will sort itself out in time if we don't gamble.
Take care,
f x
I have just finished reading smokey33s diary
o*g if nothing else makes you want to stop gambling just reading the first post should be enough.
Going to have a search round to see if i can find out what happen in the end.
Every cg should read it.
Stay strong.x
Been at work all morning,pick LO up from nursery,LO not very well had to take him to the doctors get back pick up eldest from school,get home tidy up, cook dinner,eat dinner,wash up,put washing on,do customer ironing,bath LO,
put LO to bed, persuade eldest to do h/w.
Sit down with cup of tea write diary.
Where the hell did i ever have time to gamble the amount i did and get all that done????????
Stay strong.x
Hi Liz,
Well done on getting through another day of life. Sounds like you really have your work cut out with the kids and everything else, and yeah...where did you ever find the time to gamble with all that going on!! Loving the positivity, keep up the good work 🙂
Keith x
Gd day liz,defo know wot u mean about where the time goes,I find it incredible that I spent so much time betting and studying form in the past,dunno how I did it. Glad u read smokie33's diary,its an amazing read and would put any one off gambling. Keep going strong. Cl.x
Thanks guys for the support.
Another day over and another busy one ahead
LO has a virus and now the eldest and i both have sore throats i really cant afford to take time off as i dont get paid if i dont work and i have no back up money savings or credit card,Its hard enough to get through each week now without losing a weeks wages as most of my work is on thursday and friday.LO dosent have a temp so im hoping he will be ok at nursery tomorrow.
I know health should come first sometimes but we need to eat and pay the basic bills.Debts can wait.
Oh well i will deal with what ever happens i always do.
Why when your doing your best to stay on the straight and narrow does it always feel like something is around the corner to try and beat you down ??????????
No gambling today .
PS its times like now that the little voice starts telling me £20 wont hurt but it will bloody hurt because its all ive got till friday i hate that little voice.I WILL NOT GAMBLE.X
Thanks ade
yes you must be mad!
Posting again tonight as that little voice wont go away so have just been reading and posting.
Ade up to page 41.
Going to bed soon not feeling well again and work tomorrow.
Sometimes no matter how hard i try nothing goes my way everything just seems to get harder i must have one of the only jobs where if you dont work you dont get going to have to look at this as im sure im entitled to sick pay?
Another cr** day whatever virus little man has got has now taken hold of me on top of the tooth problems i could really do without this, feeling very run down.
No gambling for me today which is a great positive but this is where its gets difficult as the lower i feel the more the little voice talks and as my head hurts already i could do without the fight.Not that ive got any money anyway.
My ex phoned today to tell me he has got to have blood tests and a possible brain scan as he has been suffering very nasty headaches which he cant shift,another thing to worry about as it will be me that will support him he has family and friends but as usual it will be me.
Trying to stay positive but its not always easy.
Stay strong.x
Hi Liz, you are doing so well, tell that little voice to take a running jump.
When you feel stressed with things and feeling low I believe that you are more likely to gamble cause while gambling everything else is on hold, or you think about is what you are doing at that moment in time, it is like an escape.
Do try not to listen to the little voice, keep strong, Hope you feel better soon, Hugs
thanks 4 you kind words on my page hugs xxxx
Hi Elizabeth,
Just wanted to say well done for fighting that little voice, despite feeling fed up. For me, this is when I would sometimes turn into a child thinking "it's not fair!", chuck my toys out the pram and go and gamble. Doesn't solve anything does it?
Try to give yourself a pat on the back, cos it sounds like you are doing great!
Take care,
f x
Hi Elizabeth.. how ya doin today?.. hope ya feeling a bit better.
I relate to your thoughts on work and money. I don't get sick pay either and after having had a week off after my operation it will be another rubbish pay packet at end of month.. and like you say, without savings or access to credit it can feel stressful. For me am slightly better off than i was say 3 months ago but ive decided to knock the run i was going to do half way across the country.. precisely because of money! But anyway as long as we don't gamble and budget what money we do have then finances should not get any worse and in the long term they will recover.
By the way. your ex is your ex for a reason. Its not your responsibility to support him through his health problems.. though i guess in reality if you have a caring nature then its hard not to. All the best and take care of yourself.. S.A 🙂
Thanks everyone for your support.x
Didnt post yesterday as went to bed very early.
Its not a happy house this weekend everyone is either coughing,sneezing or complaining about a sore throat it is the house of the germ.
Ade-your spot on about my mum and kids they are fantastic and my mum really is one in a millon.
your also right about being hard on myself sometimes i ought to give myself a break.But i dont.
Freda-thankyou hun yes i know what you mean about becoming a kid ive thrown my toys out of the pram more than my 2 year old whos the adult???
SA-Its a shame your not doing the run but i understand why.
As for my ex its a difficult one as when we split it wasnt because we didnt love each other etc i just couldnt live with all the drama and arguments,his drinking the list goes on so its really difficult not to care.Hopefully whatever the problem its not to serious but if it is then he knows that i will be there even if when i needed him he wasnt,maybe i can remind him of that.
I wounld like to say a big thankyou to everyone who has commented on my diary or just read my ramblings as this forum has given me a great outlet for letting off steam and keeping me on the straight and narrow [one slip]i havent been on my journey for very long but this forum has played a big part on the start of a long road.THANKYOU.
Stay strong.x
Having read your diary I have nothing but admiration for the way you are handling it all. Keep you chin up and face each problem as it comes along, as you have been doing.I can smell the scent of success coming round the corner..KEEP STRONG
Cody xx
Hi Elizabeth
The beauty of recovery is the fact that time is not important. We are all in recovery together, some for longer than others but that matters not. The fact is we must all strive to have the best day we can in the present. Take care
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