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Hi ya

I have never done anything like this before but I feel that this diary may help me. I have been a gambling addict for over 5 years now and for some silly reason starting to think I could control myself, well I was wrong I spent over a grand last night online. As I am a student that money was needed over the next couple of months for me and my son. I feel a fool to so stupidly thinking I could ever control myself when it came to gambling. I will also be an addict and I NEED to stay away from gambling for myself and my family. I will now have to use my credit cards to live which I had nearlly paid off after my last gambling spree. That is my consequence I really hope I can learn from it this time. I will keep you updated on how I get on.

Bye for now. Last gambled 12/10/2012 at 3am

Posted : 12th October 2012 3:29 pm
Posts: 0

Control for a compulsive gambler is not an option. No matter how much you think you can control yourself when you are not gambling, it all goes out the window when in the action. Gambling will never make you money in the long run. It is always borrowed money. Please concentrate on your studies and look after your son. This is much more important than gambling. You are young and learn from this mistake. If you never gamble again, it will all turn out for the best.

Posted : 12th October 2012 3:54 pm
Posts: 1423


Slightly different slant on ur situation

Firstly welcome to this supportive site u av made a great decision in starting a diary this will help u so much in ur recovery , take heart ur not alone in all this we all understand and know what ur goin through

A massive well done for admitting the problem and wanting to get help that takes some great courage many many people stay in denial and carry on gambling and will go on to lose everything , it will take everything from u it just doesn't know when to stop

Unfortunately for us we can't win because we can't stop all we ever win is stake to fund that next bet , u av every reason to want to stop in ur son and for ur own future and it can be done , start by takin it one day at a time and build from there the confidence will start to come back and u will see what gambling is really for

Read other diaries and see how people av turned their lives around , there's loads of info out there which u can use to help urself in ur own recovery

This is a fantastic site with some great support and we all help each other to go on and lead better lives , stay very close to this site is key it as saved me endless times

I wish u all the best


Posted : 12th October 2012 5:33 pm
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Thank you for your reply. I will be staying close I want to get through this Im sick of feeling like this after I have done it. That sick feeling inside and i generally dont feel like a good person at the moment cause Im lying to my parrtner who I love dearly. Day 1 sucks but Im trying to stay positive 🙂

Posted : 12th October 2012 5:58 pm
Posts: 0


Welcome to this wonderfully supportive site. I will not add any extra because Castle has covered it perfectly. Just a little inside knowledge I see you mentioned signing up to a new thread when it begins. Well keep an eye on the site tomorrow as I will be posting details then.

Wishing you every success in recovery.


Posted : 12th October 2012 6:21 pm
Posts: 0

Hi there, I'm 5 days bet free now after a £10k spree last week. Couldn't have done it without this forum and starting a diary so it's worked for me so far! One day at a time has been my mantra and that looks likely to be the case forevermore. Good luck!

Posted : 12th October 2012 7:02 pm
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Well kids in bed partner is at work and I now have time to think about what I did. I think the thing that is bothering me most is not the lose of all that money but having to lie to my wonderful partner about it. The thought of it makes me sick. I know you may all think to just be honest with them, but I can't it could ruin us abd I can not jeprodise that. Well at least day one is nearly out the way and tomorrow perhaps the guilt will begin to fade.....

Posted : 12th October 2012 9:20 pm
Posts: 0

I couldn't have got to where I am today without the support of my wife. She would have been justified in sending me packing a hundred times but she stuck by me even though I've pulled every trick in the book to deceive her. It must be difficult doing this on your own but in the short time I've been here the support is brilliant so hopefully that compensates in some way. Keep strong.

Posted : 13th October 2012 12:19 am
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Thank you pablob, I do want to say because I fear the lies is even worse then the gambling but I can't risk it.

It's good you have the support of your wife

So it's now day 2. Feeling ok still awfully guilty though. I haven't had any urges but that may be because I spent all my money the other night. Waiting for my credit cards to come so I can transfer that money into my account so I can live and my other half won't notice what has happened.

I sat down last night trying to think why I did do it again. I could not come up with why I did. I mean I'm completly happy with my life busy but happy. I love my partner and my son, I'm in my last year of uni. So what made me run to the computer and spend that amount of money knowing I was going to loose it. Perhaps I will never know why i do it but just hope I can stop myself the next time I want to. Any way have a great Saturday everyone.

Posted : 13th October 2012 2:24 pm
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Day 3 I'm free from gambling :). Feel a bit down but will resist

Posted : 14th October 2012 10:38 pm
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Well it's day 5 and still haven't gambled. Totally skint though so have no way to tempt me. Trying to keep focused on my studies and my son but very worried about my finance at the moment, but life goes on and will have some money at the end of the week

Posted : 16th October 2012 11:23 am
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Day 6! Nearly one week. Feeling positive today that I can do this. I'm glad I don't get any urge when I past a bookies or casino. Staying away from alchol for a while as I think that does have a lot to do with me gambling especially when on my own. Coming on here and writing is helping its keeping me motivated not to. I'm on placement soon for my social work degree so think I may be to busy to even think about it. I'm thinking if starting a new hobby to keep my mind active and a way from gambling, haven't a clue what though :-/

Posted : 17th October 2012 8:47 am
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Drinking obviously is the thing that makes me gamble. I've had a drink but am trying to resist!! I I ly do it when I feel lonely

Posted : 18th October 2012 12:45 am
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I don't want to do screw up any more it makes me feel like utter s**t. I feel so alone

Posted : 18th October 2012 1:37 am
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When will this feeling stop

Posted : 18th October 2012 1:50 am
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