I was here some two years ago when my gaming was out of control. I managed to go two years 100% gamble free, one day I thought I'd just try '£10' see how it feels, as you can guess it just went from there one bet after another, each time I say no more this is my last one.
Today again iv hit rock bottom, open the paper see an offer for a free bet thought I'd have ago, managed to get up after putting some money into the account and then today was great happy, smiling flashing the cash on my family....then I play some more and yes you've guessed it lost the lot and some more. I can't live my life like this any more it has to stop something needs to change.
I need some help and guidance to get my life back on track it's not fair on my wife and kids
Tomorrow I will wake up in a positive frame of mind and try and tackle this head on.
Any words of advise I would really appreciate it, thank you for taking time reading my post I will update tomorrow.
Hello shaun442
There are steps that can help you 'to get your life back on track' There is the process of self exclusion from online and betting shops and Casino's please find the information here http://www.gamcare.org.uk/get-advice/what-can-you-do/self-exclusion#.VsD3xPmLQdV There is also software you can download to block gambling sites coming onto you devices http://www.gamcare.org.uk/get-advice/what-can-you-do/blocking-software#.VsD4E_mLQdV
People also find it helpful to start new projects or interests that they can enjoy and they may plan their time differently so that they keep busy for a time when first stopping gambling.
There is also other support available as some people find it helpful to talk with someone. There is Gamblers Anonymous group meetings http://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk/index.php/ga-meetings/find-a-meeting
There is also counselling is available for help with problem gambling thorughout the uk. If you want to find out more information about the counselling gamcare helpline advisors are available 8am -midnight everyday on 08 08 80 20 133.
Please keep posting we are here to support you
Thank admin, iv excluded myself from all online betting companies and I will have to stay strong with betting shops.
I'm determined to break this addiction once again, tomorrow I will leave all cards and money at home but I also know I need will power and determination.
Hi Shaun and welcome , My friend don't just stay strong with betting shops , if it's a temptation to bet then go in and self exclude! It's much better to have all those blocks in place , just in case the temptation comes to visit !
Best wishes .................Alan
Thank Alan for taking the time to leave me a message.
My problem is I drive for a living around all different areas with many shops along the way, I'm not sure it's possible to self exclude from a whole chain? When I stopped before I managed to stay out just need to get back in the same frame of mind as I was then. This addiction is a hard battle, but it's one I really want to beat.
Thank you once again
Hi again Shaun , thanks for the post mate , yeah no easy fix there is there ?, a lots just about the willpower and how much you want to change thing's and give up or remain the same month after month ?.
No it's prob not easy to self exclude completely from any chain but you can cover about 5 of any one chain in a visinity so it might not cover them all but could remove some of the temptation . What about limiting cash or cards and just take what you need for any one trip , just a thought ?
It's really hard Alan I'm not going to lie, I want to do it I know I have a problem it's just seeing that light and knowing something has to change. What's life when you work hard for a whole month to then chase a lose by pumping your hard earnt money into a machine, that you know you won't be happy even if you win. Tomorrow brings a new day and a start to my recovery, I used this site before and it was really beneficial, I will stay strong and keep updating.
Thanks for the support.
No worries mate , always here at some point when yiou need a chat !.
Just keep the way you feel right now on hand and look back at your post today ,or check out other peoples diarys for inspiration when you feel the urge coming on and ask yourself " do I want my life to be the same as last month " ?.
It's not rocket science its just stopping completely and accepting that you cant gamble because like me you can't control it anymore , once you accept that and I mean really accept it you then don't have to fight with yourself anymore because the decision's made !.
Take care my friend , stay positive because it will get easier , take one day at a time and keep posting !!.
Hi Shaun.
I abstained for almost two and a half years, with the help of this site and blocks on my laptop and phone. I then had just a few gambling episodes last April, September and December. I decided to nip it in the bud before it got out of hand. Like you, I had managed to get my life back to the way it used to be. I got another phone and for some reason, K9 will not work on this phone?? You are right though, it does take willpower as well.
Hopefully, the fact that you abstained for 2 years and saw the benefits, will greatly help you to get right back on track like I did.
As Alan said, I would limit your cash on your trips away to only what you need and leave yoyr cards at home. That way, you will be removing any temptation.
Take care and stay strong.
last night was hard one of the worst nights sleep ever all that kept going over in my head was how am I going to stop, what about the money iv lost etc.
I need to get to the point where I can forget about what iv lost and look forward, iv got a busy day at work today so hopefully this will take my mind of gambling, I need to get back to giving 100% to work as iv let it slip in the last few months.
Thank you
That's it Shaun , focus on something else , just let it go , accept it won't come back and stop chasing it !.
Fight the urges and enjoy life my friend , there's so much more out there but you have to let it in !.
Take care fella!
So...today wasn't so bad, managed day one gamble free. Lots of thoughts about what iv been doing and how I'm going to change. I'll be having a read through some diarys tonight to try and get some inspiration.
I missed a phone call today from a counsellor I shall follow this up tomorrow as I believe this will be beneficial.
I just wish I didn't let this addiction take a hold of me the way it has but I will fight it each day I will be happy once again.
Hello Shaun
Well done for getting through day one, taking positive action and for going two years without gambling.
You clearly must have a good idea of what it takes.
You should take some comfort from the self-knowledge of your previous success.
Gambling being a progressive addiction, it's not surprising that every time we return to gambling things tend to get a little worse than before.
Willpower will always be the cornerstone of our battle against addiction. We have to want to stop and build from there. If you do what worked well for you before, try some different prevention measures and keep yourself busy then you might not be far from a winning formula.
I'm never not going to be addicted to gambling; I think it's crucial to commit to practice a program to stop myself gambling daily.
You won't be the last person to take their eye off addiction.
With your experience I'm sure you can bring a lot to the forum.
Day Two...
Today was a much better day than yesterday, very busy at work so no urges to gamble. Still going over in my head about the money iv lost and the people I have let down by my actions.
When I went two years gamble free things in life were a lot easier and I'm determined to get back to that point.
I read on someone's forum that it takes 21 days to break the cycle so that's my aim to start with.
Thanks the support and encouragement I really appreciate it, I'm determined to beat this addiction.
Day Three...
Headed into it feeling positive and determined to stay focus, its really draining I'm feeling so tired but I think it's just the constant battle with my head.
I will have a read over some diarys tonight to keep the inspiration up.
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