Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Just popping in to say fantastic achievement on passing that 150 milestone:))

Well done Martin

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 22nd February 2016 4:32 pm
Posts: 0

Good on you Martin, your doing a grand job in recovery and with support both on this forum and through GA. Louis ( cardhue ) said something earlier to you in a post that he saw you were a ' stayer 'and i completely agree. And some top support posts coming from your way, i particular like a recent one you sent to Star... Respect

I sometimes get a little parnoid on my diary as i know it could possibly offend as in truth the odd diary from the pass have wound me up. I know you wasnt implying my complex posts was giving you thr hump but sometimes i/ we get defensive when its not necessary. In 3d in real life, i'm fortunate that i can pretty much mix in any croud. My main aim in life is to not take it too serious but also respect the system and life....

KTF Martin

Posted : 24th February 2016 12:28 am
Posts: 3239

Thanks KTF, looking forward to it although its not my main meeting but its good to get out and about.


Posted : 24th February 2016 6:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Martin thanks for your messages :))

I learn more each and every day and I am sure you are doing the same:))

Our past has gone by now, but not forgotten, but can be forgiven by us, as long as we keep moving forwards, and you sure are my friend, well done you.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 25th February 2016 4:27 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 157

A good week has been had, No thoughts gambling. I've not been posting so much these days. I'm still reading all the diaries and see people struggling.

it's all well and Good admitting we have a problem but we need to accept that we are powerless to control the addiction.

Got a long weekend off work looking forward to having Monday off I never work on 29 February I can honestly say that over the last four years that The 29th Feb is the only day I have NOT gambled. That was until I found here and accepted.

Have a great weekend all


Posted : 27th February 2016 5:57 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 160

All is good in my world had a good long weekend took yesterday off as no one should have to work the 29th Feb never worked one in my life. good job I did as I would of been on no fit state to work yesterday after a heavy Sunday sesh.

Back in work today got an early finish for being top performer that would have never happened if I was still gambling would have been to busy checking if my in plays were winning in some far off land like India or Russia watching that stupid screen move up and down,corner they might score, dangerous attack they will score this time, the betting gets suspended they other team score deposit another ton and start again. Boy I don't miss it.

Off to GA now to pick up my weekly prescription. Hope all is well in your world if not, don't give up make some changes find a formula that works.


Posted : 1st March 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Martin , top performer egh ? Mate , since you came here you always have been , have a good night and enjoy your medicine.

Posted : 1st March 2016 7:13 pm
Posts: 0

KTF, you are a star! Hope your meeting went well tonight and love reading your updates, seeing how focussed you are.

Thanks for commenting on my diary, your support has been invauable friend. Take care xx

Posted : 1st March 2016 9:21 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Cheers Al and Annie appreciated as always.

Had a good meeting as always feel ready to fight another day after hearing another newbie pour his heart out. Hopefully he will be back next week and takes the great advice he was given and puts it into place. I know it will help me not have a bet this week

This was my 22nd meeting on the run and every week I come home and my Mum has a beer in the fridge for me, I think she sees it a little reward, its always just one I don't think she wants me to swap one addiction for the other. Tonight the fridge was bare. bless her she's gutted and really apologetic she feels like she had let me down. Nothing could be further from the truth she has been my rock. Which ive told her and now she's just brought me a can of Coke lol.

Love that women after all I've put her through she's still there for me no matter what and this time i won't let her down.


Posted : 1st March 2016 10:30 pm
Posts: 832

Hi Oldham

Thanks for your thoughts regarding my post on confidence. And a very poetic line about how we need to step out of our comfort zone:

"if we add an extra string to that daily bow so to speak I go out of tune till i work out how to deal with the change"

Great to see your ongoing commitment to GA - I bet that felt daunting at first but now feels comfortable? A good example of stepping out of, or widening your comfort zone, I'm sure.

Take care


Posted : 2nd March 2016 7:55 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Cherrs Louis I was proud of the line.

Day 161

I was actually posting on here late last night when I looked round a tv program had change to the TV casino and there was a beautiful lady telling me they 668,000 members and this year had paid out 39 million in winnings. I know its amazing 39,000,000 that's an average of £58.34 each and then they had the cheek to have disclaimer in small print "these are prize payouts not withdrawals" I kid you not

If that's not a enough to to put you off gambling I don't know what is


Posted : 2nd March 2016 9:15 pm
Posts: 1831

Amazing ktf. ..makes you laugh doesn't it...well actually it's sad...because we now know that no joy will come from gambling for any of those players...i picked up a girlie msg the other day...settled down with coffee ..first page...actually 2 full pages....both stories about 'winners'' from online slot sites...both over the moon as hadn't been members long...big wins..bla bla. ...going to change there life's etc....well...we can guess the rest....feel guilty that I can chuckle at all this advertising now....wish I had the balls to offer them my they wouldnt want it x

Posted : 3rd March 2016 8:55 am
Posts: 3239

Oldhamktf wrote:

Cherrs Louis I was proud of the line.

Day 161

I was actually posting on here late last night when I looked round a tv program had change to the TV casino and there was a beautiful lady telling me they 668,000 members and this year had paid out 39 million in winnings. I know its amazing 39,000,000 that's an average of £58.34 each and then they had the cheek to have disclaimer in small print "these are prize payouts not withdrawals" I kid you not

If that's not a enough to to put you off gambling I don't know what is


I could comment on those delightful people but i'll keep myself clean. keep the positives coming KTF!

Posted : 3rd March 2016 7:44 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Day 163


What a great excuse to nip home early from work and spend he afternoon in the bookies............ No one will know but I would. So I've come home and cleared all the drive of the snow for my Dad and cleared a path to the shed for my cheeky cig later.

Enjoy your day all


Posted : 4th March 2016 2:45 pm
Posts: 1831

Oh well jealous. ..I'm on the edge of exmoor....snowed like mad this morning massive flakes....then disappears. ...maybe tomorrow lol xx

Posted : 4th March 2016 3:57 pm
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