Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Thanks CW I just need to get a grip and glove my head a wobble. I know it's not an option for me but as you say it's a shame because some aspects of it are great fun and entertainment it's jus the other 360 days a year that aren't


Posted : 17th March 2016 9:38 am
Posts: 1831

Hey ktf...well done on those days gamble free
I've never been a horse person but am very good friends with a wife of one of those top jockeys at cheltenham and would normally spend today with her cheering on hubby...drinking far to much lol.....anyway I decided this year as a sort of a respect thing for other gamblers struggling to give up the racing that I wouldn't my friends no about my slot addiction they understood this.....I just felt that I would be a hypocrite if I watched....even though I've never bet at Cheltenham. ...ok I've missed a bit of fun..but it's much more fun not feeling bogged down by addiction...load of waffle...but hope you get what I'm trying to say lol xx

Posted : 17th March 2016 10:33 am
Posts: 1789
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Day 177

Wishing the day away would normally be off today gold cup day spending it with gambling acquaintance in the pub have a few beers and enjoying the racing along with a few bets.

A bit of a tradition that is worth giving up as I keep telling myself it's just another day.

A bit annoyed in work today yesterday I had to take a wonder from my desk people around me talking constantly about Cheltenham about 6 of my mates in work know about my gambling and while they don't exclude me from conversations they don't talk constantly about about in front of me

Some other who don't know and I'm not blaming them where having a good day and for 2 hours solid talking about it just in my earshot my boss caught me taking a wonder to get away from it and was fine and understood now I've come in this morning and people have been told to cut out the talk of Cheltenham I know he was doing right by me but I'm annoyed my problem is not there problem and now they are thinking why have they been pulled up

Anyhow lets get today done and get back to some normality so to speak


Posted : 18th March 2016 9:46 am
Posts: 390

Don't beat yourself up over it mate. Perhaps the boss was just getting annoyed about it?

Anyhoo, turns out I'm chairing next week at the Open meeting. Do you fancy giving a guest speaker therapy to a new bunch of people? I think you've got a touching story and are making great progess so it would be good for the wider group to hear. No pressure though - enirely up to you.

Posted : 18th March 2016 10:42 am
Posts: 0

I get what your saying Martin.

But it also sounds like you've got a good boss and colleagues. So, I know it's your problem and not there's but it's highly commendable that you think that way.

And just a thought to distract you from thinking about the festival, start practicing the Leeds utd chant and become a closet Leeds supporter. Just a thought and im sure it will make sense to you.

Now a rendition of Super LEEDS ☺

Posted : 18th March 2016 11:05 am
Posts: 1789
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Cheers guys.

He is a good guy and as been a great help but he has obviously mentioned it to his boss which has then turned into a email being sent to everyone but they have accidentally forgotten to copy me in on it.

Thanks Gary in honoured that you have asked I will give it some thought over the weekend and let you know.

And V in well accustomed to the Leeds song I think it goes something like WHO ARE LEEDS but in happy the march along with you by my side(that was hard to say)


Posted : 18th March 2016 12:09 pm
Posts: 1789
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And breath!!!!

Posted : 18th March 2016 6:30 pm
Posts: 372

Hey Oldham you've won hands down this week! - wcid x

Posted : 18th March 2016 7:11 pm
Posts: 1831

Well done KTF
A hard week for you to get romped won.....xx

Posted : 19th March 2016 8:43 am
Posts: 0

Hi KTF, Well, I did have a little sniffle but hankies stayed in the pack because you're right, it started off c**P but you are doing all the right things now. I was interested to read what's happened this week, isn't it funny how a kind act from someone can make us feel crappier than we did in the first place? Glad you've got through the week though, luckily the geegees do nothing for me, my dad used to have a few 10p accumulators (I think that's what they were called!) at the weekend, and as a family we watched the Grand National but it's not something that's drawn me in thankfully. Anyway, keep on keeping the faith.


Posted : 19th March 2016 5:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya KTF, just had a wee catch up on your diary and....go you! You have done really well this week and, for what it's worth, I think you have a great boss and bunch of colleagues. Although it made you feel a wee bit uncomfy, it was done with best intentions.

You didn't have a bet but, by g o d you have won big time - 178 days gamble free, 178 days of your hard earned cash being yours and 178 days of your time being your own. 8loody well done and keep walking the path but remember to turn around and give us laggers a wave xxxx

Posted : 19th March 2016 5:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi oldham im sorry you have been struggling this week hun but you should be so proud of yourself and think about all the money you have saved by not gambling. 179 days gf is fantastic i hope i can say the same. Tc xxx

Posted : 20th March 2016 9:29 am
Posts: 0

Hey Martin , the man whos been with me since the start , was thinking of you earlier ( not in a wrong way though ) LOL but just about you hitting your 6 months today ? Wow mate , where's that time gone egh ! . Have been keeping a sneaky eye on you though and really glad you had a result at Cheltenham this week , well done buddy , I know its not easy when something thats almost traditional comes around and stares us in the face and we have to say no ! but thats just what we have to do me old mate anfd if thats what it takes so be it egh ? .

I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again Martin , your an example to everyone on here of how to go about recovery , a huge asset to the forum and to GA and I'm proud to walk with you my friend .

Take care of yourself , enjoy your evening and Keep on keeping the faith !

Posted : 21st March 2016 9:05 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 181

Cheers Alan your kind words mean a lot. It's strange I class you as that mate who you might not talk with everyday but when you catch back up again you carry on from where you left off. That's enough blowing smoke up you jacksie.

So six months tomorrow so only a quick post tonight been working on a post to recognise my 6 months tomorrow.

I was asked a question the other day.

What do I constitue as a bet?

I consider myself to be fully abstaining I do not stake to gain right down to a charity raffle. The person asking the question considered free competitions as gambling. I disagree with this but can fully understand there viewpoint

The other day i received a email in work about a staff competition. I read the email and thought about if I felt comfortable entering and that it wasn't going to trigger something. Anyhow I entered and won 4 tickets to Gadget Show live, my lad is so excited can't wait to take him next month.


Posted : 22nd March 2016 11:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Mate , good post buddy , youve not staked money on something so In my book alls good and no gambling in sight , just my opinion of course ! That's great that you got summet for nowt , ( is that how you say it up there ) ? LOL I'm sure you and your son will have a great time and you'll have gone up another notch on his already proud dad scale ! Just one more thing , you blowing smoke up my ars.e. , you sure ? I thought you'd given up the ciggies and started vaping ! LOL ! Enjoy your special 6 month day Martin , congratulations and a big high five bud , coz you nailed it . Love peace and respect ....AL

Posted : 23rd March 2016 12:02 am
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