Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Hey Oldham...sorry to read its been a tough few days...and I can't imagine how it feels....but I just wanted to send a've been a massive support to me along with deano..and Alan... ( my 3 musketers )...all I can see is a chap who has fought so hard to kick this addiction...been here for everybody...old and new....and like all the others have said...time is a great healer...keep smiling honey xx

Posted : 19th April 2016 7:58 am
Posts: 1789
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Day 210

Not been the greatest week been a little down full if a cold which hasn't helped. Works been quiet but I'm well ahead of target so no worries on that front.

Interesting few weeks coming up mum and dad go away on Saturday for a few weeks. They need it with me and all the dramas I have brought to their door and one of my other brothers has had a few health issues with cancer but that seems to be having a good outcome.

Its going to be interesting for the last six months I've been babysat really,money looked after, washing done most of my teas made which is nice but I'm 41 I do miss my independence.

I'm not going to have access to a load of money enough to get me through rather than having to ask for it. Ive not bought a newspaper for 5 months because asking for 50p everyday got tiresome.

It will be a good test the aim is to have some money left when they get home I will get recipits for everthing helps keep me on my toes. It will be a good test and something after 6 months I'm looking forward to. I might even sit in the front room and watch the tv lol.

Looking forward to providing for me and I'll be able to have my lad round here a bit more and cook a few more meals. I do miss cooking but don't get to do it as much as mum often makes extra tea and leaves me some

Time to snap out of this sulk I've been in.


Posted : 20th April 2016 10:29 pm
Posts: 0


Cut yourself some slack, you're doing great, which is really what matters. Also, you don't need to be a CG or even f&f to feel bad or have things go wrong - happens to everyone, the trick is to cope, which you are. My sympathies about your ex, not understating the loss but your brother's doing well, you have great parents who are giving you exactly the right kind of support, worth their weight in gold and you can be there for your son. Not physically as much as you'd like but there's a whole lot more to "being there" than a physical presence.



Posted : 21st April 2016 6:36 am
Posts: 0

We're all entitled to a good sulk, I wish mine were more like yours than those of a toddler 😉

It's good to see you have plans in place in case Mr Gamble tries to do the dirty (& I sincerely hope he realises he's wasting his time), he caught me a little off guard when I 1st got my card back but thankfully knowing I would get busted & my day count made me strong. You are much further into recovery than I was then so if I was able to shoo him away, there's no doubt in my mind that you won't put up with any nonsense!

Everytime I feel your heart breaking I want to tell your ex to give you another chance & I refuse to uncross my fingers on this score! I wish my mother had half the strength you are showing because I know for sure, even if you're not under the same roof, your little soldier knows he is loved!

KTF Martin, I know I am - ODAAT

Posted : 21st April 2016 6:48 am
Posts: 1831

Hey. ..enjoy the weekend with the place to yourself....I love having my place to myself your self somthibg nice...chill in front the tv...whatever you girlies would usually use the time to ...paint our toenails...shave our bits. ..have a face pack..etc. ...but maybe that's not for you lol...anyway...use the time wisely lovely man....and stay safe xxx

Posted : 21st April 2016 7:29 am
Posts: 0

Martin , your far too strong and focused to let time on your own and and dealing with your own finances bother you , supports everywhere for you whenever you need it buddy ! ( just got this picture of you trying to shave your bits in my mind now ) blame Loxxie for that one ! Stay strong fella and wishing you well .

Posted : 21st April 2016 9:26 am
Posts: 0

Ha ! Ha ! Thats made me laugh so much buddy " A marroon coloured bag of agony " about sums it up really !!

Best to stick with the Perm mate ?

Cheers Martin , its good to see there's nothin wrong with your sense of humor , gonna keep me laughting all day !

Posted : 21st April 2016 10:43 am
Posts: 0

Admin didn't like your link but I'm glad I got to see it before it was removed ! ( still laughing )

Posted : 21st April 2016 2:45 pm
Posts: 0

HA! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa...Me too! Best laugh I've had in, like forever 🙂

Posted : 21st April 2016 4:39 pm
Posts: 1789
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Thanks guys glad you liked the link shame it was a bit too much for admin but pleased it brightened your day.

No supply of dumplings but I think I will make my own one day this week.

Tead a few diaries today found this quote and it really stood out

Those who do not learn through history are bound to have to live through it again.

im learning everyday and will continue to do so I'm far from the finished article but can look at myself in the mirror now


Posted : 22nd April 2016 10:36 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 213

Wow mum an dad have gone on their hols today and been gone only 3 hours im sat in the garden catching up on a few diaries and I find myself looking into the distance thinking no one will know if I have a cheeky little accumulator its just a passing thought not even an urge

Just because my triangle has a few chinks in it I've got a few quid on me not a lot enough to get me to work next week and I've got a day out planned for tomorrow to watch my local cricket team start the season, I have some time on my hands with no one looking over me the opportunity is hard with the SE in place but I could travel if I wanted to

Anyway I dismissed it has quickly as it came just goes to show how valid the triangle is

I'm going to take my lad out to spend some of his birthday money In the past I would tell him to hang fire till he really needed something only so I knew he had some money about the house that I could borrow when I'd screwed up and gambled all the shopping money those days have gone

I think it will be a long few weeks so I I'll need to talk to my brother as I get paid next week give him my money,I will have to go my way to get some money but I can live with a bit of inconvenience.

Not sure who said it but this thought will be at the front of my mind "by failing to prepare is preparing to fail"


Posted : 23rd April 2016 9:43 am
Posts: 1789
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Cheers Dean I'm good but no where you are if needed. I think it was someone far more important than bear grylls but he will do for now.

I've not commented on your controlled gambling plan I think you know my thoughts just do me a favour if it does go t**s up don't be to embarrassed to admit it and come back with you tail between your legs. It's not that I'm not wanting it to work for you but it does worry me.

Posted : 23rd April 2016 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi both of you, I think you'll find Bear Grylls nicked that saying from David Brent, The Office. Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. I think both of you have absolutely no intention of having a sneaky one, you wouldn't be on here putting it in writing if you did. I know you both know this already, but it's not the 'little' sneaky one that's the issue, it's the ramifications of it and what it leads on to, so I enjoying the weekend with your boy shopping Martin, and your kids at the circus Deano is definitely the best bet.

Keeping the faith and high fives!

Twinks xx

Posted : 23rd April 2016 10:17 am
Posts: 0

I'd still go with the Royal marine's version " p*s's poor preparation preceeds poor performance " I think I've giot a way with word's ! LOL ! .

Behave yoursel'f Martin !!

Posted : 23rd April 2016 12:11 pm
Posts: 1831

Hey ktf....hope you have a cracking time with your son...good that you can push those thoughts away...maybe it's because it's new to be on your own that you thought like that...I don't know...what I do know is that your bigger and stronger than the vile chill and laugh in its face xxx

Posted : 23rd April 2016 3:34 pm
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