Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Just got in now think k might feel it it the morning. We lost but nothing new there we always look good on paper but out on the pitch it never seems to come off. Ready to curl up and go to sleep 8 hours drinking had took it out if me. Can't do it anymore

Posted : 24th April 2016 6:58 pm
Posts: 0

Getting too old mate , the minds willing but the body aint !

I won't shout too loudly when I wake you up with the morning post !

Have a chilled night Martin all the best !

Posted : 24th April 2016 7:10 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 215

Well I've had a good weekend if anyone's interested had a great day out at the local cricket yesterday the sun shined intermittently but it was freezing but that didn't stop me sampling a few cold beers the way my head felt this morning might of been a few more beers than a couple.

Did a bit of thinking over the weekend about my thoughts on Saturday that no one would know if I had a cheeky bet on Saturday with no one around to keep an eye on me. They wouldn't know be certainly I would of and let's be honest I'm not doing this for other people I'm doing it for myself the effect it has on others is just a good byproduct of the positive effect it has on me.

Finding it strange being in the house on my own which has surprised me as most of the time even when my mum and dad are here I only say a passing hello as I try not to invade there space.

Off to GA tomorrow and my mum has pre planned by leaving me a beer with a post it on saying "don't drink till after you meeting on Tuesday" she's a special lady that one

Right off to catch up on a bit of drama I've recorded Game of Thrones.


Posted : 25th April 2016 9:39 pm
Posts: 0

Good for you, Martin, to thine own self be true.



Posted : 25th April 2016 9:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Martin , I'm interested in how your weekend went mate ! Glad you survived the drinks session watching the cricket , my son always played at school and sitting around the pavillion was always something the other dads and me used to enjoy especially on a beautifull summers day ! .

Enjoy your game of thrones but to be honest there's more drama on here of late !

Have a great day tommorow and the well deserved beer after GA !

All the best Bud

Posted : 25th April 2016 10:04 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 216

Cheers CW and Al

Another prescription picked up from GA tonight a good turn out one new guy all clean apart from one young lad who had only been coming a month or so had a couple of slips in that time but he keeps missing meetings which you can't do especially at the start. Fair play to him though he comes back and is honest about it. Hopefully he will get it in time.

Sat here now enjoying my tea as never had time after work or I would have been late for GA also enjoying the beer left by Mum before she went on her jollies

Pleased to see it appears to have calmed down on here. I was a bit disappointed with poor behaviour I saw on here last night it's been coming bubbling away for a while but that bubble burst last night. I'm not one for conflict and getting involved would not help me so selfishly I kept out of it and make no apologies for that. one of my favourite sayings is kill them with kindness. If you nothing nice to say don't bother and this goes for both sides

I do understand not everyone is wired that way it does upset me that a few people will be taking themselves away from the forum, I can't blame them if I didn't feel that I needed to be here to aid my recovery I would have been following them out of the door last night I just hope they change their mind after a few days away.

I hope it's not put off any new members if I had logged in for the first time last night I would of questioned if this was the place for me. Thankfully I know how supportive this place can be and along with GA this place has been instrumental in getting me to a point on my life where things are starting to improve for me. Never been a fan of the word hope but I do hope it can get back to that supportive place

KTF I lost it a bit last night I hope I people can move on for their own sake

Posted : 26th April 2016 10:20 pm
Posts: 1701

Agree with you totally Oldham. Good post.

On GA... that lad who relapsed and came back is a credit. It is incredibly difficult to go back and sit infront of everyone and say that you messed up. So many people go GA one week and that's it back to the fobts. Stay close to that lad and help him through it.

Thanks for posting.

Posted : 26th April 2016 10:39 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Martin :))

Have a great gambling free day.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 28th April 2016 8:17 am
Posts: 0

Just wondering Martin , Have you got a little book on txt pictures ? and if so where can I get a copy ?

Gamecare's very own Banks'y , send me one I'll keep it and it could be worth enough to pay my gambling debt's off in a few years and no rude one's coz it's me !

Have a good day Bud !

Posted : 28th April 2016 1:25 pm
Posts: 1789
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No sorry Al I just google and copy and paste it's a bit of nightmare to find one that fits. Just copy and paste mine if you like. If you want to look. Just google pictures using text and symbols

Posted : 28th April 2016 2:07 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 219

I'm sit here laughing to myself. I've been out for a beer tonight to catch up with the lads from my pool team. I've not played seriously for 3 years, I'm a good player but my money had other priorities.

I've not played but I fad a laugh I've come home a little tipsy and had a great night. I went out with £60 I used to take out way over a ton. I've drank lots had a great catch up but I've not played the machine I declined a game of killer pool and a game of cards and also said I don't gamble anymore when they came around with the name card.

On a few occasions I have come home with £30 in my pocket and thought I've had a good night lol but they was few and far between. Tonight I have come home with £31.80 had a great night played a few frames of pool beat a future ladies England captain ignored the machine passed on the name card, a game of cards and reluctantly said no to killer pool and yet I still have £30 left from. Half the money i used to take out with me

This is why I am laughing! What was the point? I always gambled to win to get a better life for my family. Sorry I'm laughing very much out loud. WHY? I had it there infront of me, it was a pointless, fruitily effort to better what I already had.

I've stopped laughing now as i write this it just proves how pointless this gambling malarky is.

KTF I saw a light tonight.

Posted : 28th April 2016 11:35 pm
Posts: 480

Hey Oldam, sounds like a great night. I used to play pool competitively when I lived in Edinburgh. Loved my Thursday's night pool league.

I ended up having to stop going cause I owed some of the pool team money. Silly times...hiding from friends cause I couldn't pay them back what I owed them.

What a life that was!!

Anyway enough ramble....glad you had a good night.


Posted : 29th April 2016 7:41 am
Posts: 0

Hey thanks Martin, very much appreciate your response:))

We can change a lot of stuff in different contexts and ways, to keep thst little one step ahead, Infact I have changed so msny things now, some very small, hardly noticeable,and some big, like taking redundancy and selling our house, but every little and big single change has definitely helped me to keep moving forwards in my own recovery, and I guess there will be plenty more to come, lol.

I know that if I could have got my hands on my OHs pension when in the grip I would have:(( that's how evil this addiction is,

I hope you are keeping strong and keeping just that little one step ahead, it's an ongoing rollercoaster ride my friend, but as long as we keep holding on tight we will continue to keep Mr G in the gutter where he belongs.:)))

Have a great gambling free evening, and thsnks again.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 30th April 2016 7:10 pm
Posts: 1789
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Day 221

I get that Dano I've lost some goo friends though gambling and begging for money over the years. Strangely enogh u saw someone I had nit seen for 6 months on Thursday and give them £20 I borrowed of them they had forgotten and said it doesn't matter but it did so they got it back with a pint for interest.

Git a text if my lad yesterday to see if he could come an see me, obviously not a problem that the first time he's come to me unprompted so that was nice did nothing exciting just chilled talked and laughed. Perfect.

Well I've been in a bit of pain over the last few days. I've got a intercostal muscle strain I've self diagnosed this as a grade 2 as painful as it is I don't think it's grade 3 as that would mean surgery is required. Obviously you guys don't know me and I'm not in the greatest of physical shape and over exerted myself by sneezing. Yes sneezing It's bloody killing me.

I'm out in a bit of an Leo Sayer today so I shall be self medicating with a few beers watching the football and spending some time with my mates.

I know it's not gambling related but nothing to report on that front. I sure the will be some drunken rambles to follow later tonight. As I always say better to ramble than gamble.

KTF and Have a good Sunday everyone

Posted : 1st May 2016 11:34 am
Posts: 0


Thanks for your message. I am going to give it my all. I hope that all is well with yourself.

Best wishes


Posted : 1st May 2016 11:47 am
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