Day 222
Had a nice chilled afternoon watching the snooker and recorded the legends game on C5 between Eng and Ger. Just sat down to watch it And have had to turn it of due to the England team being managed by Ray Winstone can't bear to look at him anymore. I suppose that says it all about my preferred betting site
Hey Martin, that's good news your son contacted you :))) that is progress my friend, and as for your continuing abstaining, that is progress on its own, well done my friend, Ray Winstone is a good actor, keep thinking that, he is a good acted:)) ACTER lol.
Well done , keep strong and keep winning, recovery has sooo much more to offer, keep letting it in.
Suzanne xxx
Hello Martin,
You inadvertently gave me a good nudge from your post to me. Thankyou.
I saw your post as I was sat having a coffee and thought what the hell. Got my sat nav on the mobey and after walking in circles, finally found the GA venue... Also found a open mic pub, friends have been telling me about and was in a completely direction than I had thought. So, you saved me a lost ramble through this new town.
Now, I have no clue, whether the GA is open this evening..Will, sit on a pint and venture down at 8.00... TBC
Day 223
Tuesday means GA night as im off today and have to cook my tea I've decided to treat myself to Steak and a pint night at weatherspoons.
Last of the big spenders but saves me the washing up. Just need to time it so I don't have to much time in the pub don't think it would go down to well turning up half cut.
All is good in my world.
Cheers Martin , catch up with you soon old buddy , stay safe and don't be hangin around that pub too long ?
Oldhamktf wrote:
Day 223
Tuesday means GA night as im off today and have to cook my tea I've decided to treat myself to Steak and a pint night at weatherspoons.
Last of the big spenders but saves me the washing up. Just need to time it so I don't have to much time in the pub don't think it would go down to well turning up half cut.
All is good in my world.
Good treat that 🙂 enjoy. tri
Hello Martin,
A smart friend who use to partake in this forum, copied and pasted that post you sent me and commented what a wise, thoughtful post It was. I agree. Bravo and thank you.
Enjoy your steak.
The steak was might fine pushed the boat out and paid the extra couple of quid to upgrade to the 14oz well worth it.
Sat next to a girl who is looking glummer by the minute as her other half keeps feeding the machine 40 mins and he has not spoke a word to her. I can see why the ex hardly ever wanted to go out for a night out. Anyway I can't help him look out for me and those who are interested in stopping.
Looking forward to GA tonight a new chairman who did his 90 days last week and put himself up to chair straight away. I can see a bit of me in him he's got it and is embracing his recovery
A really good meeting tonight a very busy one 2 newbies one returning from a few years away and last weeks new guy came back. All gamble free I never counted tonight but they must of been a good 20 there the bookies won't like that lol.
Even managed to nip for a quick pint after with a couple of the guys which was nice especially since I didn't have my mum here to have a beer chilling for me.
Yo Martin,
It was the post from yesterday avo (986), I was referring too, ie networking. Your post the previous day, also gave me a jolt, as was out and about and I about turned, when I read it, and like a homing pigeon, guided myself after a 45 min walk to a red building where they house the GA here. So, at least now at the threshold but an hour early... Progress, albeit S****e.
I would take up the offer on literature but co fident I will check it out, new town - possibly new buds. So, keep the commission on hold.
Have a good day.
Oldhamktf wrote:
A really good meeting tonight a very busy one 2 newbies one returning from a few years away and last weeks new guy came back. All gamble free I never counted tonight but they must of been a good 20 there the bookies won't like that lol.
Even managed to nip for a quick pint after with a couple of the guys which was nice especially since I didn't have my mum here to have a beer chilling for me.
Congrats on the steak and the meeting. Not sure in that order but both seem mighty fine 🙂
Just waited to say well done for your continued commitment to improving yourself... you're doing a fantastic job and you are a great role-model on here.
Martin. Just wanted to thank you for your posts on Tuesday. Your words were just what I needed to make me want to keep my diary.
I have spent some time reading yours this week and clearly you have been on a wild but heartbreaking ride. You seem to have hit rock bottom but picked yourself up nicely and I wish you every happiness that goes with it.
I have a lot of respect for what you have achieved and will enjoy following your ongoing success.
Hey Oldham,
Thank you for your post the other day. Yes, accepting that we need help is not easy..walking through the door is even harder but the magic behind it is unexplainable!'s amazing to see people from all walks in life reaching for the same goal - to get better!..together we stand and i am happy i finally admit that i need such help..nothing ventured nothing gained right.
I am sorry if my earlier antics on this site gave you discomfort...i have no right to judge or criticise anyone..i have learned my lesson.
Hope you're ok! The counter on ur pages shows me that you're winning every single day! Keep on keeping on, life is for will only get better if we commit and make the right choice daily.
All the best
Sandra x
Thank you Sandra hopefully this is the key for you it's the most positive I have seen you.
I have not had a bet today or since my last post
nothing much to report recently just get on with life
that the shortest update I have done but suppose that's not a bad thing
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