2nd August eh, lol, get back to you on that one :)))) it's pretty chocked up with family now lol,
Thanks for your message as always, and very much appreciated that you like my up and down ramblings:)))
Great post from you about accepting certain things and moving OAUs, recovery sure is a work in progress lol, but every inch forward is a great milestone:)))
KKTF my friend and keep winning.
Suzanne xxx
Hey Oldham,
Thank you for your posts, means a lot.
I'm very happy for you finding the road in recovery which helps you massively. I can't believe i was anti rooms and all bites you in a back side as i learned myself lol..talking the talk but doing nothing about it!
I truly love my rooms now. They are magical & I'm not even digging deep to see what it is and it works for me!
Really good to see you moving on, one day at a time. Life can only get better & i only start truly believe it when witnessed the progress with my own eyes...Anything is possible if we put our minds and hearts to it!
High five you!!!
Keep on winning your life back, you deserve it ☺
S x
Just wanted to say Thanks for your positive post on my diary, really helps me to keep up the fight. I find the early days of recovery the hardest and these posts really do pick me up.
Enjoyed reading your diary, you've done amazing so far ! I got to around 450 days on my last attempt, complacency got the better of me.
Keep up the great work!
Sir Martin of Oldham , how yhe devil are you sire ? , thanks for the drop bye , haven't got the foggiest what it meant LOL!
Well I know about peeing in the wind , what with living so close to the sea and all , prob the first thing my dad taught me :))
But I don't think I've had a battle for a while , I'm a good boy now I am guvne'r and no mistake !!
Or am I missing summet ?
Oh yeah , Sorry bud I did wonder , yep felt myself going a bit but walked away , trying the new approach these day's :))
Keep an eye on me though Martin and jump in if you see my blood pressure rising !!
Take care my friend !
Good idea about the "like button "
Keep smiling xxx
I've not had a bet today or since my last post
Thank you Al, change, Deano, ADT, ODAAT, Suzanne, Bal, Sandra and James. You comments made my day and got me quite emotional last week. So much so I've been think about the following post all week
I think I said it on another post when I came to the this site back in September I was in a bad place. I read a few posts and thought why not give it a go. I'll be honest I was a bit sceptical but had nothing to lose I already done that. I need not of worried
I threw myself into it, went straight to the recovery diaries and posted mine. I didn't start in the new members I knew I was here to stay.
Not for one minute did I think I would get the support I did and even less likely I would be offering support and advice to others. Ive not met any of you but I feel like I'm part of your life's, I see people's struggles and I get them and feel the pain and in the same breath a share your successes with pride I never thought I would care like I do
I used to go on FB to see what my so called 300 friends where upto I stopped I just came here to check on my friends here, I hardly use FB other than to speak with a few people from here.
I have got obsessed with the place at times, especially early on pouring my heart out, up till stupid o'clock reading diaries. In time I felt brave another to pass on the words of wisdom I had been given that had helped me to abstain and maintain, it's all the same advice just rehashed. As my good pal Alan says it's not rocket science, it's challenging at times but if you look hard enough the solution is there.
I say that the GA rooms are a special place and I don't know why but I do today it's for the same reason as here, it's the people. Without people passing on the the baton from those that have gone before it would not work.
I often ask myself do I need to be here, the simple answer is yes i might be winning today but for me now the thing that keeps me going is the people on here, I feel the need to give back supporting others is key to my recovery
I used to post on the newbies thread but selfishly stopped I needed to, I'd see threads open up spend time giving support and then never hear from them again till the next time they had done their b******s in. I realise now that's shouldn't matter so my new aim is to post to a newbie a day and maybe some will stick around to see their is another choice.
Bit of a ramble but that's better than a gamble.
Hi you,
Thank you for the encouragement today. Made me very emotional because your words were sooo true. I shared my worry about "thinking of it still" today and was reminded how early stages i am at. I guess i just wanted to be like the others and don't even think of my addictions..again, it is work in progress and it will start fading away in time ☺..of course i need to keep my addictions at the arms lengh, so i am reminded what it does to us & change "wanting it" into "don't need it cause that's what it did to me in the past".
You give away huge support dear soldier. Sadly not many people is willing to take the advice on, i was one of them for far too long..actually i just didn't know which addiction to tackle first...i guess i am strong enough to do both, but only with the support i so kindly receive ☺
I think it's an amazing act of commitment and kindness to "pass the baton on"..i hopefully will get there one day also, give it 10years so i have proper understanding of recovery under my belt then heh...
You are huge asset to the forum and 3D meetings, it's very clear to see how much you want get better and actually putting steps down in getting there.
You are an inspiration ☺..thank you for being here and sharing your story with us
S x
Did I say that , really , wow thats pretty good for me mate ! LOL ! .
Seriously Martin , what a lovely genuine post my friend , weve walked together since the begining and although it's been full of our ups and downs weve come through together , still fighting each day and doing what we both need to do to stay gamble free .
Weve all felt each others pain on here bud , laughed cried and held cyber hands when weve needed to and somehow weve turned a corner onto a new path ,all of us together like a band of happy brothers and sisters .
You mirror my feelings about this place and all of it's wonderfull supportive people , all ready to hold out the hand that we all need now and again and for me youv'e always been way up there at the top of that support tree and as always it's an honour and a privilege to have walked and to continue walking alongside you every step of the way .
Best wishes for your continued success my friend !
AL x
Lovely post...totally relate to it all...
Your an asset to this place...along with the other boys...
Our own 3 musketers...: )
Can I adopt you all as big brothers I never had lol
Hi Oldham,
Definitely agree..these early stages requires double focus and reaching out. Since I'm off today i will probably head to another meeting! stopping me now lol...& who would of thought that my anxiety of society can lift the same as fog of my addictions ☺
Thank you again - keep up the good work!
I haven't had a bet today or since my last post.
Thanks all for the above comments I wasn't fishing for compliments but they are nice all the same.
Looking forward to pay day on Friday I've just got enough pennies to see me through, it's not been a struggle just spent my money on a few extra bits and pieces this month so that's a good thing.
I had a good month target wise last month which I will the benefit from this month a few extra pounds which I plan to start saving. Can't remember the last time I had savings and know I'm relatively debt free just mortgage and one loan that is being paid off under its terms.
It's time to start to get some money put away for my future and start making some plans I can't stay at my mum and dads for ever and realised that I want my own independence back while they was away the other week.
One thing that sadden my last night was a post I saw from a young lad but got not response for nearly 24 hours. I read it on my lunch yesterday but did not have time respond went to GA last night and came home looked for the diary and found it down at the bottom of page 2. Hopefully the young lad will still be around and get the support this site offers.
I've not had a bet today or since my last post.
Yesterday was payday treated my myself to a few beers after work then had my lad overnight a takeaway watched some c**P to and just chilled.
Taking him out to Oldahm Festival today loads of different science shows on. He loves science and all the shows that are on look lots of fun doing crazy stuff take him for a maccies and do the single dad thing or might just treat him to a proper sits own meal somewhere see how the day goes.
Off on a Leo Sayer tomorrow going watching my local cricket at a nice ground up the hills proper little village cricket place so will be staying off the beer today.
The ex has asked my to have my son again on Monday while she goes out with her friend (Elizabeth (code name for her new boyfriend) she think I don't know but I do she will tell me when she's ready. I'm not as upset about it as I thought I would be. I actually think she is enjoying the lying to me an covering it up after all that's what I did to her for years with my gambling.
So a fun packed bank holiday weekend planned with not a though of gambling.
Keep safe everyone
Hi Oldham
Love your shares and honesty. Picked up on your spotting the white lie your ex told. Glad your okay with it. Keep positive my GA Gamcare friend. Tri
Morning all not had a bet today or since my last post
Had a great weekend with my lad did loads and just spent quality time together.
Had a bonus of having him sleepover last night and watched the 80's classic film Stand by me he loved took me back to my youth.
Quiet weekend planned this week need to keep my powder dry for the Euro's not for gambling this time but to get out and enjoy a few games.
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