Tis only me again..
Hope today went as well as these things can....and that your sat in a pub somewhere with lots of happy memories of those you've said your goodbyes to today...
Rite. ..so tommorrow is that day that as you said holds some painfull reminders of your past....and that's what it is KTF. ..the past....we can all always wonder what might have been...ifs....buts. .maybes...
The point is hun. ...today and the future is all that matters...is all that we can strive to make better ...for us....and those dear to us...and your doing that each and every day .....you've been doing it for the last 364 days....and for that I take my hat off to you sir !
your a brick on here...another of my big brothers who has made my journey a lot easier to travel...
Sooooo ...I'm off to open the bar now but just wanted to sayyyyy
Hey Martin,
Coming by with huge congratulations on your year g free tomorrow as well as Happy bday wishes to boot!
You did everything you could to change the situation you have been and remember how difficult it felt at the start. That mountain huh..scary tall wall. ..but you kept climbing it and never gave up. This alone deserve round of applause. Look how far you have come! ☺
You're doing fantasticly well and am sure will keep reaping the benefits recovery gifts every single day...simply because you choose life and have the determination and strength to get over any curveballs life dishes out.
Enjoy your day tommorow and soak in all the well wishes - you definitely deserve them!
Take care
S x
Your a genuinely good humble man Martin.
A pops and son, who's family and lad will be rightfully proud of.
I love it when I see in black and white people humbly evolve and become the person they are with out the crux of addiction.
Strength and honor
Just thought I would pop in early doors with a massive congrats and I shall raise a dram to share in your success.
I remember your first post and had to read it several times over as it reduced me to tears.
You showed such courage in those early days that i followed your story with interest willing you to go further in your journey.
And you have. Your posts, interaction on chat and FB are of encouragement to others and for that I salute you.
So happy and proud of your achievement and happy i have shared your journey.
Thank you for all the help and assistance you have given me.
I wish you well
Morning Martin , Firstly my condolences and I hope the day went as well as it could go given the circumstances , rejoice in life lived my friend and the fact that through our memories of those we lose will live on .x
Just had a catch up on your recent posts and have to say you don't do things by half do ya mate ! , lots of reflection of the good bad and downright ugly things we've done but also good to see all the positives shining through since like me you addresed your situation.
Recovery's not an easy ride for any of us buddy and we've had our struggles alongside one another since we first spoke a year ago , I sometimes can't believe it's a whole year since we first started posting to each other nervously taking our first steps towards a better future , people have come and gone but youv'e stuck to your guns and seen it through and it's made me so very proud to have been allowed to trot alongside you , your presence on the forum is second to none always helping others and passing it forward ,your a huge asset to GA and have been a wonderfull non biased spokesman that they and you should be truly proud of , youv'e picked me up when I've been down and for that I'll always be greatfull .
I know your not one for big celebrations and there's only ever going to be one Mary Berry Cake maker on here so I'll not even try going there but enjoy your milestone of one whole year of being gamble free and the joint bonus of it falling on yer birthday , you have my utmost respect and deepest gratitude for being you and being there when needed, niether of us know what our future holds but I'm glad to see your mum's got her son back and your son's got a much better version of his dad back and I'm sure theire both very proud of the way youv'e changed your life and of what youv'e become :))
So now I've finished blowing the well earned smoke up your backside , one question , Who's Bella ??? ( just something Deano mentioned along with having yer bags checked regularly ? ) It's not "Bell of the ball or ball's " is it ?? . LOL !
Take care Martin enjoy your moment and I'll raise a glass or two to you my friend .
Best wishes, love and respect Al xx
No longer ashamed New Diary name, new profile pic.
No long speeches...
Just a big hug (( ))
Happy Birthday as well
And a birthday kiss x
Ooh...love it !
Go ktf : )
I'm liking the new name and logo too ( wish I'd thought of it clever sod ) :))
A hard earned well deserved milestone... 365 days one day at a time!
Go you, it's your birfday 🙂
It has indeed been a pleasure to walk alongside you this last year Martin & your diary to my mind has filled a massive GamCare hole...Showing us the GA way from the start. No disrespect to you old timers (Dan, Duncs & Tri) who have been here unconditionally throughout my journey but this is the 1st 'new' diary that has embraced recovery from the start & it's great to see people following in your footsteps! Took me a long time to get that abstaining isn't recovery but you clicked on straight away & for your foresight & honesty, I am as grateful as I am to any of the others that stand shoulder to shoulder with me.
Hope the hangover doesn't spoil the double celebration today! & maybe give the scales a swerve for the next few weeks, I hear there's a run with your name on waiting for you after yesterday's episode of man versus food 😉
Huge well done KTF. Love the fact you have changed your name. You have no reason to be ashamed you should be extremely proud of yourself. As you know it is one day at a time but also important to celebrate milestones and look back at how far you have come. I've said this before but reading your diary is what inspired me to go to GA.
Have a good day today and happy birthday.
Well done! Love the new profile pic,very apt. Take the plaudits as they come and think to yourself that you did this. Not only have you came so far in your own journey but you have embraced the process and have given a lot back and always around with a friendly comment or a little advice. Enjoy your day 🙂
Happy Birthday Oldhamktf.
Chaddy the Owl's cool.
Massive well done!!!
Must compliment you on your decorum on the forum.
Every now and again I like to check in on how everyone is doing on the Challenge 2016 thread; no surprise to see you stepping up - something you've been doing now for a year - while Gary was away. Great job holding the fort Oldhamktf.
I see you have a lot of threads, all of which are aimed at helping others or to raise awareness about important issues.
All round excellent contribution to the forum and personal achievement.
Wishing you more of the same.
Understand the mixed feelings about today. We've all made mistakes on our way to finding the forum. All you can do is try to manage the regrets (check) and learn from the mistakes (check).
Fortunately, I have a Swedish proverb that always comes in handy for occasions of mixed emotions like today: "Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief."
That's a good one.
Gotta add that your Mum sounds lovely, you keep looking after her.
Looks like it's already been said above - so I'll just wish you a wonderful day and lots of happiness in the future.
I'm loving Glints Swedish proverb!
All good wishes x
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