Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Well done I am reading your diary you have come a hell of a long way in what is a short period of time. Don't be afraid to give yourself a slap on the bag. Every and now we need a kick in the behind so take last night as that and kick on your doing brilliant an inspriation for all us newbies

Posted : 10th December 2015 12:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Oldham, How you doing? . Look my old friend , everything you have been through over the last few months and your still going strong , that tells me and shows you all the good quality's you have , certainly something to be very proud of.

Things in our life don't always go to plan as you well know but your changing that now , one day at a time your'e gonna make a huge difference to your future and also that of your son.

I'm a great believer in thing's happening for a reason and maybe thing's in your life weren't quite right at this time to go ahead with but you now control your own destiny and who knows where life will take us all now ?.

78 day's in is a huge achievement and you now know the warning sign's as you noticed the other night watching Tv, this time though your more ready and able to keep them in check !

Keep doing what your doing my friend , coz it's definately working !.


Posted : 10th December 2015 2:30 pm
Posts: 1701

Post #63 Oldham... that's what it's all about! You are superb pal. Really well done. I wish you the very best. Legend. Keep the faith.

Posted : 11th December 2015 12:12 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Day 79

Another gamble free day thanks for all your comments above it always nice to get a pat on the back.

The weeks got better and better after a tough start and tonight I have a nice bottle of wine to drink from a surprising source. Earlier today I got a text form the ex struggling to buy some concert tickets something I would of normally done as by her own admission she is not the best at I.T she was a bit wound up and in the end I ended up hanging up on her, I gave her a bit of time to cool off and called her again and talked her through it step by step and she got the tickets. This afternoon I got a text and apology for how demanding she was and asked if I could pop on on my way home always a bonus as i get to se my lad for a few minutes and left with a bottle of wine as a thank you.

Now I'm in no way reading anything into this were not getting back together but I'll certainly enjoy drinking the wine tonight in fact there's no time like the present.

Thanks for reading and stay strong in your battle.

Posted : 11th December 2015 7:05 pm
Posts: 0


Well done on 79 days and for a lovely post above. Only one thing to say - cheers.

Best wishes

Posted : 11th December 2015 7:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya good buddy ! Sometimes things work in mysterious ways, don't you think ?

Enjoy !!

Posted : 11th December 2015 8:17 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Cheers Balvaird,

They do Alan it was nice of her to admit her mistake and we are getting on reasonably well at the moment which is all I want don't want anymore grief I'm tired of it and it so much better for my son and that's the important person in all this mess atm

Posted : 11th December 2015 9:08 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Can anyone recommend any good box sets to watch since all this happened I have watch quite a few

Walking dead

Breaking bad

Peaky blinders

House of cards



Caught up on greys anatomy

Tried orange is the new black but gave up

Currently started blind spot but only 6 left so that will be done soon

Posted : 11th December 2015 9:21 pm
Posts: 0

true detective.


i liked both those

good work on the recovery

Posted : 11th December 2015 9:31 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Cheers bud done both true detectives will have a look into aquarius

Posted : 11th December 2015 10:02 pm
Posts: 0

Your right buddy , kid's are the one's that get caught up in the crossfire of our battlefields , just nice to see you have the time to see what you want and do them at a pace that suit's . No rush my friend eh ?

Have a good weekend and stay safe !

Regards ...........Alan

Posted : 11th December 2015 11:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you enjoyed your wine:))

80 days today is a great achievement. Well done you.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 12th December 2015 8:29 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Day 80

Thanks Suzanne who'd of thought it 80 whole day gamble free. Next target 90 days which will fall on my last GA meeting before Christmas then onto the century which falls on NYD.

Not sure what to do today might finish of Blackspot and find a new box set and I've got a black bin bag that's been in the corner of my room since I was kicked out 80 days ago think it might be time to tackle that.

Enjoy your weekend everyone

Posted : 12th December 2015 2:24 pm
Posts: 0

Imagine if you'd just lost £10 a day = £800 or £20 = £1600 , £30 = £2,400 ! Shiiiiit , that's some scary stuff My friend ?

Big well done on your 80 days of winning !

Respect and best wishes Alan

Posted : 12th December 2015 4:27 pm
Posts: 0

Now there's another coincidence , just posted on number 80 ! Spoooooky ! LOL

Posted : 12th December 2015 4:29 pm
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